发信人: rund (阿胖), 信区: Badminton
标 题: IBF 最新修订实验性比赛规则(转抄)
发信站: 网易虚拟社区北京站 (Wed Jul 14 23:43:52 1999), 站内信件
The present scoring system will be maintained.
由裁判强制休息90秒;女单每局11分中,有一方先达到6分时, 门写 施如上。
During a game, a 90-second interval will be enforced when the
score reaches 8 points in the MS,MD,LD and XD and 6 points in
the LS.
A maximum of 90 seconds' interval will be allowed between
1st and 2nd games.
A maximum of 5 minutes' interval will be allowed between
2nd and 3rd games.
In addition to Rule , each side will be allowed to claim
a 30-second interval anytime during the game.
The usual short breaks for drinking,towelling and floor-mopping
will be allowed with the permission of the umpire.
Coaching will be allowed during the intervals.
※ 来源:.网易虚拟社区北京站 http://bj.netease.com.[FROM:]