shar - phpMan

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File:,  Node: shar Invocation,  Next: unshar Invocation,  Up: Basic

2.1 Invoking shar

If no `file's are specified, the list of input files is read from
standard input.  Standard input must not be a terminal.  `shar' creates
"shell archives" (or shar files) which are in text format and can be
emailed.  These files may be unpacked later by executing them with
`/bin/sh'.  The resulting archive is sent to standard out unless the
`-o' option is given.  A wide range of features provide extensive
flexibility in manufacturing shars and in specifying `shar'
"smartness".  Archives may be fairly simple (`--vanilla-operation') or
essentially a mailable `tar' archive.

   Options may be specified in any order until a `file' argument is
recognized.  If the `--intermix-type' option has been specified, more
compression and encoding options will be recognized between the `file'

   Though this program supports `uuencode'-d files, they are
deprecated.  If you are emailing files, please consider mime-encoded
files.  If you do `uuencode', base64 is the preferred encoding method.

   This section was generated by *AutoGen*, using the `agtexi-cmd'
template and the option descriptions for the `shar' program.  This
software is released under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or

* Menu:

* shar usage::                  shar help/usage (`--help')
* shar compression::            compression options
* shar encoding::               encoding options
* shar in-out::                 in-out options
* shar headers::                headers options
* shar xmit-defenses::          xmit-defenses options
* shar shar-flavors::           shar-flavors options
* shar internationalization::   internationalization options
* shar feedback::               feedback options
* shar config::                 presetting/configuring shar
* shar exit status::            exit status
* shar Authors::                Authors
* shar Bugs::                   Bugs
* shar Examples::               Examples
* shar Warnings::               Warnings
* shar See Also::               See Also

File:,  Node: shar usage,  Next: shar compression,  Up: shar Invocation

2.1.1 shar help/usage (`--help')

This is the automatically generated usage text for shar.

   The text printed is the same whether selected with the `help' option
(`--help') or the `more-help' option (`--more-help').  `more-help' will
print the usage text by passing it through a pager program.
`more-help' is disabled on platforms without a working `fork(2)'
function.  The `PAGER' environment variable is used to select the
program, defaulting to `more'.  Both will exit with a status code of 0.

shar (GNU sharutils) - create a shell archive
Usage:  shar [ -<flag> [<val>] | --<name>[{=| }<val>] ]... [<file>...]

Specify compression:
   -p, --intermix-type        specify compression for input files
                                - prohibits the option 'vanilla-operation'
   -C, --compactor=PROG       specify compaction (compression) program PROG
                                - prohibits the option 'vanilla-operation'
                                - may appear multiple times
                                - it must be known to shar: xz gzip bzip2
   -g, --level-of-compression=LEVEL
                              pass LEVEL for compression
                                - it must be in the range: 1 to 9

Specify file encoding methodology:
   -M, --mixed-uuencode       decide uuencoding for each file
   -B, --uuencode             treat all files as binary
                                - an alternate for mixed-uuencode
   -T, --text-files           treat all files as text
                                - an alternate for mixed-uuencode

Specifying file selection and output modes:
   -o, --output-prefix=str    print output to file PREFIX.nn
   -l, --whole-size-limit=SIZE
                              split archive, not files, to SIZE
                                - requires the option 'output-prefix'
                                - is scalable with a suffix: k/K/m/M/g/G/t/T
                                - it must lie in one of the ranges:
                                  8 to 1023, or 8192 to 4194304
   -L, --split-size-limit=SIZE
                              split archive or files to SIZE
                                - requires the option 'output-prefix'
                                - is scalable with a suffix: k/K/m/M/g/G/t/T
                                - it must lie in one of the ranges:
                                  8 to 1023, or 8192 to 4194304
                                - an alternate for 'whole-size-limit'
   -I, --input-file-list=FILE read file list from FILE

Controlling the shar headers:
   -n, --archive-name=NAME    use NAME to document the archive
   -s, --submitter=NAME       override the submitter name with NAME
   -a, --net-headers          output Submitted-by: & Archive-name: headers
                                - requires the option 'archive-name'
   -c, --cut-mark             start the shar with a cut line
   -t, --translate            translate messages in the script

Protecting against transmission issues:
       --no-character-count   do not use `wc -c' to check size
   -D, --no-md5-digest        do not use md5sum digest to verify
   -F, --force-prefix         apply the prefix character on every line
   -d, --here-delimiter=DELIM use DELIM to delimit the files

Producing different kinds of shars:
   -V, --vanilla-operation    produce very simple shars
   -P, --no-piping            use temporary files between programs
   -x, --no-check-existing    blindly overwrite existing files
   -X, --query-user           ask user before overwriting files
                                - prohibits the option 'vanilla-operation'
   -m, --no-timestamp         do not restore modification times
   -Q, --quiet-unshar         avoid verbose messages at unshar time
   -f, --basename             restore in one directory, despite hierarchy

Internationalization options:
       --no-i18n              do not internationalize
       --print-text-domain-dir  print directory with shar messages

User feedback/entertainment:
   -q, --quiet                do not output verbose messages
       --silent               an alias for the 'quiet' option

Version, usage and configuration options:
   -v, --version[=MODE]       output version information and exit
   -h, --help                 display extended usage information and exit
   -!, --more-help            extended usage information passed thru pager
   -R, --save-opts[=FILE]     save the option state to a config file FILE
   -r, --load-opts=FILE       load options from the config file FILE
                                - disabled with '--no-load-opts'
                                - may appear multiple times

Options are specified by doubled hyphens and their name or by a single
hyphen and the flag character.
If no 'file's are specified, the list of input files is read from a
standard input.  Standard input must not be a terminal.

The following option preset mechanisms are supported:
 - reading file $HOME/.sharrc

'shar' creates "shell archives" (or shar files) which are in text format
and can be emailed.  These files may be unpacked later by executing them
with '/bin/sh'.  The resulting archive is sent to standard out unless the
'-o' option is given.  A wide range of features provide extensive
flexibility in manufacturing shars and in specifying 'shar' "smartness".
Archives may be fairly simple ('--vanilla-operation') or essentially a
mailable 'tar' archive.

Options may be specified in any order until a 'file' argument is
recognized.  If the '--intermix-type' option has been specified, more
compression and encoding options will be recognized between the 'file'

Though this program supports 'uuencode'-d files, they are deprecated.  If
you are emailing files, please consider mime-encoded files.  If you do
'uuencode', base64 is the preferred encoding method.

Please send bug reports to:  <bug-gnu-utils AT>

File:,  Node: shar compression,  Next: shar encoding,  Prev: shar usage,  Up: shar Invocation

2.1.2 compression options

Specifying compression.

intermix-type option (-p).

This is the "specify compression for input files" option.

This option has some usage constraints.  It:
   * must not appear in combination with any of the following options:

   Allow positional parameter options.  The compression method and
encoding method options may be intermixed with file names.  Files named
after these options will be processed in the specified way.

compactor option (-C).

This is the "specify compaction (compression) program" option.  This
option takes a string argument `PROGRAM'.

This option has some usage constraints.  It:
   * may appear an unlimited number of times.

   * must not appear in combination with any of the following options:

   The `gzip', `bzip2' and `compress' compactor commands may be
specified by the program name as the option name, e.g. `--gzip'.  Those
options, however, are being deprecated.  There is also the `xz'
compactor now.  Specify `xz' with `-C xz' or `--compactor=xz'.

   Specifying the compactor "`none'" will disable file compression.
Compressed files are never processed as plain text.  They are always
uuencoded and the recipient must have `uudecode' to unpack them.

   Specifying the compactor `compress' is deprecated.

level-of-compression option (-g).

This is the "pass `level' for compression" option.  This option takes a
number argument `LEVEL'.  Some compression programs allow for a level
of compression.  The default is `9', but this option allows you to
specify something else.  This value is used by `gzip', `bzip2' and
`xz', but not `compress'.

bzip2 option (-j).

This is the "`bzip2' and `uuencode' files" option.

This option has some usage constraints.  It:
   * may appear an unlimited number of times.

   `bzip2' compress and `uuencode' all files prior to packing.  The
recipient must have `uudecode' `bzip2' in order to unpack.


gzip option (-z).

This is the "`gzip' and `uuencode' files" option.

This option has some usage constraints.  It:
   * may appear an unlimited number of times.

   `gzip' compress and `uuencode' all files prior to packing.  The
recipient must have `uudecode' and `gzip' in order to unpack.


compress option (-Z).

This is the "`compress' and `uuencode' files" option.

This option has some usage constraints.  It:
   * may appear an unlimited number of times.

   * must be compiled in by defining `HAVE_COMPRESS' during the

   `compress' and `uuencode' all files prior to packing.  The recipient
must have `uudecode' and `compress' in order to unpack.


level-for-gzip option.

This is an alias for the `level-of-compression' option, *note the
level-of-compression option documentation: shar level-of-compression.

bits-per-code option (-b).

This is the "pass `bits' (default 12) to compress" option.  This option
takes a string argument `BITS'.

This option has some usage constraints.  It:
   * must be compiled in by defining `HAVE_COMPRESS' during the

   This is the compression factor used by the `compress' program.


File:,  Node: shar encoding,  Next: shar in-out,  Prev: shar compression,  Up: shar Invocation

2.1.3 encoding options

Specifying file encoding methodology.  Files may be stored in the shar
either as plain text or uuencoded.  By default, the program selects
which by examining the file.  You may force the selection for all
files.  In intermixed option/file mode, this setting may be changed
during processing.

mixed-uuencode option (-M).

This is the "decide uuencoding for each file" option.

This option has some usage constraints.  It:
   * is a member of the mixed-uuencode class of options.

   Automatically determine if the files are text or binary and archive
correctly.  Files found to be binary are uuencoded prior to packing.
This is the default behavior for `shar'.

   For a file to be considered a text file instead of a binary file,
all the following should be true:
  1. The file does not contain any ASCII control character besides <BS>
     (backspace), <HT> (horizontal tab), <LF> (new line) or <FF> (form

  2. The file contains no character with its eighth-bit set.

  3. The file contains no line beginning with the five letters "`from
     '", capitalized or not.  (Mail handling programs will often
     gratuitously insert a `>' character before it.)

  4. The file is either empty or ends with a <LF> (newline) byte.

  5. No line in the file contains more than 200 characters.  For
     counting purpose, lines are separated by a <LF> (newline).

uuencode option (-B).

This is the "treat all files as binary" option.

This option has some usage constraints.  It:
   * is a member of the mixed-uuencode class of options.

   Use `uuencode' prior to packing all files.  This increases the size
of the archive.  The recipient must have `uudecode' in order to unpack.
Compressed files are always encoded.

text-files option (-T).

This is the "treat all files as text" option.

This option has some usage constraints.  It:
   * is a member of the mixed-uuencode class of options.

   If you have files with non-ascii bytes or text that some mail
handling programs do not like, you may find difficulties.  However, if
you are using FTP or SSH/SCP, the non-conforming text files should be

File:,  Node: shar in-out,  Next: shar headers,  Prev: shar encoding,  Up: shar Invocation

2.1.4 in-out options

Specifying file selection and output modes.

output-prefix option (-o).

This is the "print output to file prefix.nn" option.  This option takes
a string argument `PREFIX'.  Save the archive to files `prefix.01' thru
`prefix.nn' instead of sending all output to standard out.  Must be
specified when the `--whole-size-limit' or `--split-size-limit' options
are specified.

   When PREFIX contains a `%' character, PREFIX is then interpreted as
a `sprintf' format, which should be able to display a single decimal
number.  When PREFIX does not contain such a `%' character, the string
`.%02d' is internally appended.

whole-size-limit option (-l).

This is the "split archive, not files, to size" option.  This option
takes a number argument `SIZE'.

This option has some usage constraints.  It:
   * is a member of the whole-size-limit class of options.

   * must appear in combination with the following options:

   Limit the output file size to `size' bytes, but don't split input
files.  If `size' is less than 1024, then it will be multiplied by
1024.  The value may also be specified with a k, K, m or M suffix.  The
number is then multiplied by 1000, 1024, 1000000, or 1048576,
respectively.  4M (4194304) is the maximum allowed.

   Unlike the `split-size-limit' option, this allows the recipient of
the shar files to unpack them in any order.

split-size-limit option (-L).

This is the "split archive or files to size" option.  This option takes
a number argument `SIZE'.

This option has some usage constraints.  It:
   * is a member of the whole-size-limit class of options.

   * must appear in combination with the following options:

   Limit output file size to `size' bytes, splitting files if
necessary.  The allowed values are specified as with the
`--whole-size-limit' option.

   The archive parts created with this option must be unpacked in the
correct order.  If the recipient of the shell archives wants to put all
of them in a single email folder (file), they will have to be saved in
the correct order for `unshar' to unpack them all at once (using one of
the split archive options).  *Note unshar Invocation::.

input-file-list option (-I).

This is the "read file list from a file" option.  This option takes a
string argument `FILE'.  This option causes `file' to be reopened as
standard input.  If no files are found on the input line, then standard
input is read for input file names.  Use of this option will prohibit
input files from being listed on the command line.

   Input must be in a form similar to that generated by `find', one
filename per line.  This switch is especially useful when the command
line will not hold the list of files to be archived.

   If the `--intermix-type' option is specified on the command line,
then the compression options may be included in the standard input on
lines by themselves and no file name may begin with a hyphen.

   For example:
    { echo --compact xz
       find . -type f -print | sort
    } | shar -S -p -L50K -o /somewhere/big

stdin-file-list option (-S).

This is the "read file list from standard input" option.  This option
is actually a no-op.  It is a wrapper for `--input-file-list=-'.


File:,  Node: shar headers,  Next: shar xmit-defenses,  Prev: shar in-out,  Up: shar Invocation

2.1.5 headers options

Controlling the shar headers.

archive-name option (-n).

This is the "use `name' to document the archive" option.  This option
takes a string argument `NAME'.  Name of archive to be included in the
subject header of the shar files.  See the `--net-headers' option.

submitter option (-s).

This is the "override the submitter name" option.  This option takes a
string argument `WHO@WHERE'.  `shar' will normally determine the
submitter name by querying the system.  Use this option if it is being
done on behalf of another.

net-headers option (-a).

This is the "output submitted-by: & archive-name: headers" option.

This option has some usage constraints.  It:
   * must appear in combination with the following options:

   Adds specialized email headers:
    Submitted-by: who@where
    Archive-name: name/part##
   The who@where is normally derived, but can be specified with the
`--submitter' option.  The name must be provided with the
`--archive-name' option.  If the archive name includes a slash (`/')
character, then the `/part##' is omitted.  Thus `-n xyzzy' produces:

while `-n xyzzy/patch' produces:

and `-n xyzzy/patch01.' produces:

cut-mark option (-c).

This is the "start the shar with a cut line" option.  A line saying
'Cut here' is placed at the start of each output file.

translate option (-t).

This is the "translate messages in the script" option.  Translate
messages in the script.  If you have set the `LANG' environment
variable, messages printed by `shar' will be in the specified language.
The produced script will still be emitted using messages in the lingua
franca of the computer world: English.  This option will cause the
script messages to appear in the languages specified by the `LANG'
environment variable set when the script is produced.

File:,  Node: shar xmit-defenses,  Next: shar shar-flavors,  Prev: shar headers,  Up: shar Invocation

2.1.6 xmit-defenses options

Protecting against transmission issues.

no-character-count option.

This is the "do not use `wc -c' to check size" option.  Do NOT check
each file with 'wc -c' after unpack.  The default is to check.

no-md5-digest option (-D).

This is the "do not use `md5sum' digest to verify" option.  Do _not_
use `md5sum' digest to verify the unpacked files.  The default is to

force-prefix option (-F).

This is the "apply the prefix character on every line" option.  Forces
the prefix character to be prepended to every line, even if not
required.  This option may slightly increase the size of the archive,
especially if `--uuencode' or a compression option is used.

here-delimiter option (-d).

This is the "use delim to delimit the files" option.  This option takes
a string argument `DELIM'.  Use DELIM to delimit the files in the shar
instead of SHAR_EOF.  This is for those who want to personalize their
shar files.  The delimiter will always be prefixed and suffixed with

File:,  Node: shar shar-flavors,  Next: shar internationalization,  Prev: shar xmit-defenses,  Up: shar Invocation

2.1.7 shar-flavors options

Producing different kinds of shars.

vanilla-operation option (-V).

This is the "produce very simple shars" option.  This option produces
`vanilla' shars which rely only upon the existence of `echo', `test'
and `sed' in the unpacking environment.

   It changes the default behavior from mixed mode (`--mixed-uuencode')
to text mode (`--text-files').  Warnings are produced if options are
specified that will require decompression or decoding in the unpacking

no-piping option (-P).

This is the "use temporary files between programs" option.  In the
`shar' file, use a temporary file to hold file contents between
unpacking stages instead of using pipes.  This option is mandatory when
you know the unpacking will happen on systems that do not support pipes.

no-check-existing option (-x).

This is the "blindly overwrite existing files" option.  Create the
archive so that when processed it will overwrite existing files without
checking first.  If neither this option nor the `--query-user' option
is specified, the unpack will not overwrite pre-existing files.  In all
cases, however, if `--cut-mark' is passed as a parameter to the script
when unpacking, then existing files will be overwritten unconditionally.

    sh shar-archive-file -c

query-user option (-X).

This is the "ask user before overwriting files" option.

This option has some usage constraints.  It:
   * must not appear in combination with any of the following options:

   When unpacking, interactively ask the user if files should be
overwritten.  Do not use for shars submitted to the net.

   Use of this option produces shars which _will_ cause problems with
some unshar-style procedures, particularly when used together with
vanilla mode (`--vanilla-operation').  Use this feature mainly for
archives to be passed among agreeable parties.  Certainly, `-X' is
_not_ for shell archives which are to be submitted to Usenet or other
public networks.

   The problem is that `unshar' programs or procedures often feed
`/bin/sh' from its standard input, thus putting `/bin/sh' and the shell
archive script in competition for input lines.  As an attempt to
alleviate this problem, `shar' will try to detect if `/dev/tty' exists
at the receiving site and will use it to read user replies.  But this
does not work in all cases, it may happen that the receiving user will
have to avoid using `unshar' programs or procedures, and call `/bin/sh'
directly.  In vanilla mode, using `/dev/tty' is not even attempted.

no-timestamp option (-m).

This is the "do not restore modification times" option.  Avoid
generating 'touch' commands to restore the file modification dates when
unpacking files from the archive.

   When file modification times are not preserved, project build
programs like "make" will see built files older than the files they get
built from.  This is why, when this option is not used, a special
effort is made to restore timestamps.

quiet-unshar option (-Q).

This is the "avoid verbose messages at unshar time" option.  Verbose
OFF.  Disables the inclusion of comments to be output when the archive
is unpacked.

basename option (-f).

This is the "restore in one directory, despite hierarchy" option.
Restore by the base file name only, rather than path.  This option
causes only file names to be used, which is useful when building a shar
from several directories, or another directory.  Note that if a
directory name is passed to shar, the substructure of that directory
will be restored whether this option is specified or not.

File:,  Node: shar internationalization,  Next: shar feedback,  Prev: shar shar-flavors,  Up: shar Invocation

2.1.8 internationalization options

Internationalization options.

no-i18n option.

This is the "do not internationalize" option.  Do not produce
internationalized shell archives, use default English messages.  By
default, shar produces archives that will try to output messages in the
unpackers preferred language (as determined by the LANG/LC_MESSAGES
environmental variables) when they are unpacked.  If no message file
for the unpackers language is found at unpack time, messages will be in

print-text-domain-dir option.

This is the "print directory with shar messages" option.  Prints the
directory shar looks in to find messages files for different languages,
then immediately exits.

File:,  Node: shar feedback,  Next: shar config,  Prev: shar internationalization,  Up: shar Invocation

2.1.9 feedback options

User feedback/entertainment.

quiet option (-q).

This is the "do not output verbose messages" option.  omit progress

silent option.

This is an alias for the `quiet' option, *note the quiet option
documentation: shar quiet.

File:,  Node: shar config,  Next: shar exit status,  Prev: shar feedback,  Up: shar Invocation

2.1.10 presetting/configuring shar

Any option that is not marked as not presettable may be preset by
loading values from configuration ("rc" or "ini") files.

`libopts' will search in `$HOME' for configuration (option) data.  The
environment variable `HOME, ' is expanded and replaced when the program
runs If this is a plain file, it is simply processed.  If it is a
directory, then a file named `.sharrc' is searched for within that

   Configuration files may be in a wide variety of formats.  The basic
format is an option name followed by a value (argument) on the same
line.  Values may be separated from the option name with a colon, equal
sign or simply white space.  Values may be continued across multiple
lines by escaping the newline with a backslash.

   Multiple programs may also share the same initialization file.
Common options are collected at the top, followed by program specific
segments.  The segments are separated by lines like:
   or by
    <?program shar>
   Do not mix these styles within one configuration file.

   Compound values and carefully constructed string values may also be
specified using XML syntax:
   yielding an `option-name.sub-opt' string value of
   `AutoOpts' does not track suboptions.  You simply note that it is a
hierarchicly valued option.  `AutoOpts' does provide a means for
searching the associated name/value pair list (see: optionFindValue).

   The command line options relating to configuration and/or usage help

version (-v)

Print the program version to standard out, optionally with licensing
information, then exit 0.  The optional argument specifies how much
licensing detail to provide.  The default is to print the license name
with the version.  The licensing infomation may be selected with an
option argument.  Only the first letter of the argument is examined:

     Only print the version.

     Name the copyright usage licensing terms.  This is the default.

     Print the full copyright usage licensing terms.

File:,  Node: shar exit status,  Next: shar Authors,  Prev: shar config,  Up: shar Invocation

2.1.11 shar exit status

One of the following exit values will be returned:
     Successful program execution.

     The command options were misconfigured.

     a specified input could not be found

     open/close of specified directory failed

     Resource limit/miscelleaneous shar command failure

`63 (EXIT_BUG)'
     There is a shar command bug.  Please report it.

     A specified configuration file could not be loaded.

     libopts had an internal operational error.  Please report it to
     autogen-users AT  Thank you.

File:,  Node: shar Authors,  Next: shar Bugs,  Prev: shar exit status,  Up: shar Invocation

2.1.12 shar Authors

The `shar' and `unshar' programs is the collective work of many
authors.  Many people contributed by reporting problems, suggesting
various improvements or submitting actual code.  A list of these people
is in the `THANKS' file in the sharutils distribution.

File:,  Node: shar Bugs,  Next: shar Examples,  Prev: shar Authors,  Up: shar Invocation

2.1.13 shar Bugs

Please put `sharutils' in the subject line for emailed bug reports.  It
helps to spot the message.

File:,  Node: shar Examples,  Next: shar Warnings,  Prev: shar Bugs,  Up: shar Invocation

2.1.14 shar Examples

The first shows how to make a shell archive out of all C program
sources.  The second produces a shell archive with all `.c' and `.h'
files, which unpacks silently.  The third gives a shell archive of all
uuencoded `.arc' files, into numbered files starting from `'.
The last example gives a shell archive which will use only the file
names at unpack time.

    shar *.c > cprog.shar
    shar -Q *.[ch] > cprog.shar
    shar -B -l28 *.arc
    shar -f /lcl/src/u*.c >

File:,  Node: shar Warnings,  Next: shar See Also,  Prev: shar Examples,  Up: shar Invocation

2.1.15 shar Warnings

No attempt is made to restore the protection and modification dates for
directories, even if this is done by default for files.  Thus, if a
directory is given to `shar', the protection and modification dates of
corresponding unpacked directory may not match those of the original.

   If a directory is passed to shar, it may be scanned more than once,
to conserve memory.  Therefore, do not change the directory contents
while shar is running.

   Be careful that the output file(s) are not included in the inputs or
shar may loop until the disk fills up.  Be particularly careful when a
directory is passed to shar that the output files are not in that
directory or a subdirectory of it.

   Use of the compression and encoding options will slow the archive
process, perhaps considerably.

   Use of the `--query-user' produces shars which _will_ cause problems
with many unshar procedures.  Use this feature only for archives to be
passed among agreeable parties.  Certainly, `query-user' is NOT for
shell archives which are to be distributed across the net.  The use of
compression in net shars will cause you to be flamed off the earth.
Not using the `--no-timestamp' or `--force-prefix' options may also get
you occasional complaints.  Put these options into your `~/.sharrc'

File:,  Node: shar See Also,  Prev: shar Warnings,  Up: shar Invocation

2.1.16 shar See Also


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