Socket (3perl) - networking constants and support functions ALTER_AGGREGATE (7) - change the definition of an aggregate function ALTER_FUNCTION (7) - change the definition of a function autodie (3perl) - Replace functions with ones that succeed or die with l... autodie::exception (3perl) - Exceptions from autodying functions. autouse (3perl) - postpone load of modules until a function is used B::Showlex (3perl) - Show lexical variables used in functions or files bpf-helpers (7) - list of eBPF helper functions BSON::Types (3pm) - Helper functions to wrap BSON type classes CGI::FormBuilder::Util (3pm) - Utility functions for FormBuilder CGI::HTML::Functions (3pm) - Documentation for Legacy HTML Functionality CGI::Simple::Standard (3pm) - a wrapper module for CGI::Simple that provides ... Class::Inspector::Functions (3pm) - Get information about a class and its str... CPAN::Version (3perl) - utility functions to compare CPAN versions CREATE_AGGREGATE (7) - define a new aggregate function CREATE_FUNCTION (7) - define a new function Crypt::Cipher (3pm) - Generic interface to cipher functions Crypt::Digest (3pm) - Generic interface to hash/digest functions Crypt::Digest::BLAKE2b_160 (3pm) - Hash function BLAKE2b [size: 160 bits] Crypt::Digest::BLAKE2b_256 (3pm) - Hash function BLAKE2b [size: 256 bits] Crypt::Digest::BLAKE2b_384 (3pm) - Hash function BLAKE2b [size: 384 bits] Crypt::Digest::BLAKE2b_512 (3pm) - Hash function BLAKE2b [size: 512 bits] Crypt::Digest::BLAKE2s_128 (3pm) - Hash function BLAKE2s [size: 128 bits] Crypt::Digest::BLAKE2s_160 (3pm) - Hash function BLAKE2s [size: 160 bits] Crypt::Digest::BLAKE2s_224 (3pm) - Hash function BLAKE2s [size: 224 bits] Crypt::Digest::BLAKE2s_256 (3pm) - Hash function BLAKE2s [size: 256 bits] Crypt::Digest::CHAES (3pm) - Hash function - CipherHash based on AES [size: 1... Crypt::Digest::Keccak224 (3pm) - Hash function Keccak-224 [size: 224 bits] Crypt::Digest::Keccak256 (3pm) - Hash function Keccak-256 [size: 256 bits] Crypt::Digest::Keccak384 (3pm) - Hash function Keccak-384 [size: 384 bits] Crypt::Digest::Keccak512 (3pm) - Hash function Keccak-512 [size: 512 bits] Crypt::Digest::MD2 (3pm) - Hash function MD2 [size: 128 bits] Crypt::Digest::MD4 (3pm) - Hash function MD4 [size: 128 bits] Crypt::Digest::MD5 (3pm) - Hash function MD5 [size: 128 bits] Crypt::Digest::RIPEMD128 (3pm) - Hash function RIPEMD-128 [size: 128 bits] Crypt::Digest::RIPEMD160 (3pm) - Hash function RIPEMD-160 [size: 160 bits] Crypt::Digest::RIPEMD256 (3pm) - Hash function RIPEMD-256 [size: 256 bits] Crypt::Digest::RIPEMD320 (3pm) - Hash function RIPEMD-320 [size: 320 bits] Crypt::Digest::SHA1 (3pm) - Hash function SHA-1 [size: 160 bits] Crypt::Digest::SHA224 (3pm) - Hash function SHA-224 [size: 224 bits] Crypt::Digest::SHA256 (3pm) - Hash function SHA-256 [size: 256 bits] Crypt::Digest::SHA384 (3pm) - Hash function SHA-384 [size: 384 bits] Crypt::Digest::SHA3_224 (3pm) - Hash function SHA3-224 [size: 224 bits] Crypt::Digest::SHA3_256 (3pm) - Hash function SHA3-256 [size: 256 bits] Crypt::Digest::SHA3_384 (3pm) - Hash function SHA3-384 [size: 384 bits] Crypt::Digest::SHA3_512 (3pm) - Hash function SHA3-512 [size: 512 bits] Crypt::Digest::SHA512 (3pm) - Hash function SHA-512 [size: 512 bits] Crypt::Digest::SHA512_224 (3pm) - Hash function SHA-512/224 [size: 224 bits] Crypt::Digest::SHA512_256 (3pm) - Hash function SHA-512/256 [size: 256 bits] Crypt::Digest::SHAKE (3pm) - Hash functions SHAKE128, SHAKE256 from SHA3 family Crypt::Digest::Tiger192 (3pm) - Hash function Tiger-192 [size: 192 bits] Crypt::Digest::Whirlpool (3pm) - Hash function Whirlpool [size: 512 bits] Crypt::DSA::Util (3pm) - DSA Utility functions Crypt::KeyDerivation (3pm) - PBKDF1, PBKDF2 and HKDF key derivation functions Crypt::Misc (3pm) - miscellaneous functions related to (or used by) CryptX Crypt::PasswdMD5 (3pm) - Provide interoperable MD5-based crypt() functions Crypt::UnixCrypt (3pm) - perl-only implementation of the "crypt" function. ctrlaltdel (8) - set the function of the Ctrl-Alt-Del combination Data::Stream::Bulk::Util (3pm) - Utility functions for Data::Stream::Bulk Date::Manip::Interfaces (3pm) - A description of functional and OO interfaces DBI::Const::GetInfoReturn (3pm) - Data and functions for describing GetInfo r... Devel::GlobalDestruction (3pm) - Provides function returning the equivalent o... dmmp_context_log_func_set (3) - Set log handler function. Dpkg::IPC (3perl) - helper functions for IPC Dpkg::Path (3perl) - some common path handling functions DROP_AGGREGATE (7) - remove an aggregate function DROP_FUNCTION (7) - remove a function DynaLoader::Functions (3pm) - deconstructed dynamic C library loading evp (7ssl) - high-level cryptographic functions Exporter::Lite (3pm) - lightweight exporting of functions and variables ExtUtils::Constant::Utils (3perl) - helper functions for ExtUtils::Constant Fatal (3perl) - Replace functions with equivalents which succeed or die ffi (3) - Foreign Function Interface ffi_call (3) - Invoke a foreign function. ffi_prep_cif_var (3) - Prepare a ffi_cif structure for use with ffi_call for ... File::Spec::Functions (3perl) - portably perform operations on file names File::stat (3perl) - by-name interface to Perl's built-in stat() functions filefuncs (3am) - provide some file related functionality to gawk Font::TTF::AATutils (3pm) - Utility functions for AAT tables Font::TTF::Utils (3pm) - Utility functions to save fingers HTML::AsSubs (3pm) - functions that construct a HTML syntax tree HTML::Mason::Escapes (3pm) - Functions to escape text for Mason HTML::Mason::Tools (3pm) - Function library used internally in Mason HTML::Mason::Utils (3pm) - Publicly available functions useful outside of Mason HTTP::Headers::Util (3pm) - Header value parsing utility functions I18N::LangTags (3perl) - functions for dealing with RFC3066-style language tags Image::ExifTool::CanonCustom (3pm) - Read and Write Canon custom functions Internals (3perl) - Reserved special namespace for internals related funct... intro (3) - introduction to library functions librrd (3) - RRD library functions link (1) - call the link function to create a link to a file List::MoreUtils::XS (3pm) - Provide compiled List::MoreUtils functions Locale::gettext (3pm) - message handling functions Log::Any::Adapter::Util (3pm) - Common utility functions for Log::Any Log::Log4perl::Util (3pm) - Internal utility functions Mail::Message::Body::Construct (3pm) - adds functionality to Mail::Message::Body Mail::Message::Construct (3pm) - extends the functionality of a Mail::Message Mail::Util (3pm) - mail utility functions Math::Complex (3perl) - complex numbers and associated mathematical functions Math::Trig (3perl) - trigonometric functions math_error (7) - detecting errors from mathematical functions Memoize (3perl) - Make functions faster by trading space for time MIDI::Opus (3pm) - - functions and methods for MIDI opuses MIDI::Track (3pm) - - functions and methods for MIDI tracks misc_conv (3) - text based conversation function Moose::Meta::Object::Trait (3pm) - Some overrides for Class::MOP::Object func... namespace::clean (3pm) - Keep imports and functions out of your namespace Net::hostent (3perl) - by-name interface to Perl's built-in gethost*() functions Net::LDAP::Util (3pm) - Utility functions Net::netent (3perl) - by-name interface to Perl's built-in getnet*() functions Net::protoent (3perl) - by-name interface to Perl's built-in getproto*() func... Net::servent (3perl) - by-name interface to Perl's built-in getserv*() functions NetAddr::IP::UtilPP (3pm) - - pure Perl functions for NetAddr::IP::Util netplan-dbus (8) - daemon to access netplan's functionality via a DBus API netplan-rebind (8) - rebind SR-IOV virtual functions to their driver openssl-core_dispatch.h (7ssl) - OpenSSL provider dispatch numbers and functi... openssl-kdf (1ssl) - perform Key Derivation Function operations ossl_store (7ssl) - Store retrieval functions pam_conv (3) - PAM conversation function pam_prompt (3) - interface to conversation function pam_sm_acct_mgmt (3) - PAM service function for account management pam_sm_authenticate (3) - PAM service function for user authentication pam_sm_chauthtok (3) - PAM service function for authentication token management pam_sm_close_session (3) - PAM service function to terminate session management pam_sm_open_session (3) - PAM service function to start session management pam_sm_setcred (3) - PAM service function to alter credentials pam_vprompt (3) - interface to conversation function Params::Util (3pm) - Simple, compact and correct param-checking functions Params::Validate (3pm) - Validate method/function parameters PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Utils (3pm) - Convenience functions for creating low-l... perlclib (1) - Internal replacements for standard C library functions perlfunc (1) - Perl builtin functions perlintern (1) - autogenerated documentation of purely internal Perl fu... perlsh (1p) - one-line perl evaluator with line editing function and... Plucene::Document::DateSerializer (3pm) - Utility functions for dealing with ... Plucene::TestCase (3pm) - Handy functions when testing Plucene provider-asym_cipher (7ssl) - The asym_cipher library <-> provider functions provider-base (7ssl) - The basic OpenSSL library <-> provider functions provider-cipher (7ssl) - The cipher library <-> provider functions provider-decoder (7ssl) - The OSSL_DECODER library <-> provider functions provider-digest (7ssl) - The digest library <-> provider functions provider-encoder (7ssl) - The OSSL_ENCODER library <-> provider functions provider-kdf (7ssl) - The KDF library <-> provider functions provider-kem (7ssl) - The kem library <-> provider functions provider-keyexch (7ssl) - The keyexch library <-> provider functions provider-keymgmt (7ssl) - The KEYMGMT library <-> provider functions provider-mac (7ssl) - The mac library <-> provider functions provider-rand (7ssl) - The random number generation library <-> provider func... provider-signature (7ssl) - The signature library <-> provider functions provider-storemgmt (7ssl) - The OSSL_STORE library <-> provider functions Regexp::Common::_support (3pm) - - Support functions for Regexp::Common. rrdgraph (1) - Round Robin Database tool graphing functions SelfLoader (3perl) - load functions only on demand sg_opcodes (8) - report supported SCSI commands or task management func... signal-safety (7) - async-signal-safe functions Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Utility (3pm) - Utility functions for Spreadsheet::P... Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Utility (3pm) - Helper functions for Spreadsheet::Wr... Spreadsheet::XLSX::Utility2007 (3pm) - Utility function for Spreadsheet::XLSX SQL::Statement::Function (3pm) - abstract base class for all function executi... SQL::Statement::Functions (3pm) - built-in & user-defined SQL functions Statistics::Descriptive (3pm) - Module of basic descriptive statistical funct... Statistics::Descriptive::Full (3pm) - Module of basic descriptive statistical... Statistics::Descriptive::Sparse (3pm) - Module of basic descriptive statistic... SVN::Client (3perl) - Subversion client functions SVN::Delta (3perl) - Subversion delta functions SVN::Fs (3perl) - Subversion filesystem functions SVN::Ra (3perl) - Subversion remote access functions SVN::Repos (3perl) - Subversion repository functions SVN::Wc (3perl) - Subversion working copy functions TAP::Base (3perl) - Base class that provides common functionality to TAP::... TAP::Object (3perl) - Base class that provides common functionality to all "... Template::Base (3pm) - Base class module implementing common functionality Template::Plugin::Format (3pm) - Plugin to create formatting functions Template::Plugin::Math (3pm) - Plugin providing mathematical functions Term::ReadLine (3perl) - Perl interface to various "readline" packages. If no... Test::Moose (3pm) - Test functions for Moose specific features Test::TypeTiny (3pm) - useful functions for testing the efficacy of type cons... Text::Iconv (3pm) - Perl interface to iconv() codeset conversion function time (3am) - time functions for gawk Time::gmtime (3perl) - by-name interface to Perl's built-in gmtime() function Time::localtime (3perl) - by-name interface to Perl's built-in localtime() fu... Type::Tiny::XS::Util (3pm) - support functions for Type::Tiny::XS Type::Utils (3pm) - utility functions to make defining and using type cons... Unicode::Stringprep::_Common (3pm) - Internal functions for "Unicode::Stringp... unlink (1) - call the unlink function to remove the specified file User::grent (3perl) - by-name interface to Perl's built-in getgr*() functions User::pwent (3perl) - by-name interface to Perl's built-in getpw*() functions warnings::register (3perl) - warnings import function XML::LibXML::Devel (3pm) - makes functions from LibXML.xs available XML::Stream::Node (3pm) - Functions to make building and parsing the tree eas... XML::Stream::Tree (3pm) - Functions to make building and parsing the tree eas... zshzftpsys (1) - zftp function front-end
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