POE::Wheel::SocketFactory(3pm) - phpMan

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POE::Wheel::SocketFactory(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation POE::Wheel::SocketFactory(3pm)

       POE::Wheel::SocketFactory - non-blocking socket creation

       See "SYNOPSIS" in POE::Component::Server::TCP for a much simpler version of this program.


         use warnings;
         use strict;

         use IO::Socket;
         use POE qw(Wheel::SocketFactory Wheel::ReadWrite);

           inline_states => {
             _start => sub {
               # Start the server.
               $_[HEAP]{server} = POE::Wheel::SocketFactory->new(
                 BindPort => 12345,
                 SuccessEvent => "on_client_accept",
                 FailureEvent => "on_server_error",
             on_client_accept => sub {
               # Begin interacting with the client.
               my $client_socket = $_[ARG0];
               my $io_wheel = POE::Wheel::ReadWrite->new(
                 Handle => $client_socket,
                 InputEvent => "on_client_input",
                 ErrorEvent => "on_client_error",
               $_[HEAP]{client}{ $io_wheel->ID() } = $io_wheel;
             on_server_error => sub {
               # Shut down server.
               my ($operation, $errnum, $errstr) = @_[ARG0, ARG1, ARG2];
               warn "Server $operation error $errnum: $errstr\n";
               delete $_[HEAP]{server};
             on_client_input => sub {
               # Handle client input.
               my ($input, $wheel_id) = @_[ARG0, ARG1];
               $input =~ tr[a-zA-Z][n-za-mN-ZA-M]; # ASCII rot13
             on_client_error => sub {
               # Handle client error, including disconnect.
               my $wheel_id = $_[ARG3];
               delete $_[HEAP]{client}{$wheel_id};


       POE::Wheel::SocketFactory creates sockets upon demand.  It can create connectionless UDP
       sockets, but it really shines for client/server work where establishing connections
       normally would block.

       new() creates a new POE::Wheel::SocketFactory object.  For sockets which listen() for and
       accept() connections, the wheel will generate new sockets for each accepted client.
       Socket factories for one-shot sockets, such as UDP peers or clients established by
       connect() only emit a single socket and can be destroyed afterwards without ill effects.

       new() always returns a POE::Wheel::SocketFactory object even if it fails to establish the
       socket.  This allows the object to be queried after it has sent its session a

       new() accepts a healthy number of named parameters, each governing some aspect of socket

       Creating the Socket

       Socket creation is done with Perl's built-in socket() function.  The new() parameters
       beginning with "Socket" determine how socket() will be called.


       "SocketDomain" instructs the wheel to create a socket within a particular domain.
       Supported domains are "AF_UNIX", "AF_INET", "AF_INET6", "PF_UNIX", "PF_INET", and
       "PF_INET6".  If omitted, the socket will be created in the "AF_INET" domain.

       POE::Wheel::SocketFactory contains a table of supported domains and the instructions
       needed to create them.  Please send patches to support additional domains, as needed.

       Note: "AF_INET6" and "PF_INET6" are supplied by the Socket module included in Perl 5.8.0
       or later.  Perl versions before 5.8.0 should not attempt to use IPv6 until someone
       contributes a workaround.

       IPv6 support requires a Socket module that implements getaddrinfo() and
       unpack_sockaddr_in6().  There may be other modules that perform these functions, but most
       if not all of them have been deprecated with the advent of proper core Socket support for


       "SocketType" supplies the socket() call with a particular socket type, which may be
       "SOCK_STREAM" or "SOCK_DGRAM".  "SOCK_STREAM" is the default if "SocketType" is not


       "SocketProtocol" sets the socket() call's protocol.  Protocols may be specified by number
       or name.  "SocketProtocol" is ignored for UNIX domain sockets.

       The protocol defaults to "tcp" for INET domain sockets.  There is no default for other
       socket domains.

       Setting Socket Options

       POE::Wheel::SocketFactory uses ioctl(), fcntl() and setsockopt() to set socket options
       after the socket is created.  All sockets are set non-blocking, and bound sockets may be
       made reusable.


       When set, the "Reuse" parameter allows a bound port to be reused immediately.  "Reuse" is
       considered enabled if it contains "yes", "on", or a true numeric value.  All other values
       disable port reuse, as does omitting "Reuse" entirely.

       For security purposes, a port cannot be reused for a minute or more after a server has
       released it.  This gives clients time to realize the port has been abandoned.  Otherwise a
       malicious service may snatch up the port and spoof the legitimate service.

       It's also terribly annoying to wait a minute or more between server invocations,
       especially during development.

       Bind the Socket to an Address and Port

       A socket may optionally be bound to a specific interface and port.  The "INADDR_ANY"
       address may be used to bind to a specific port across all interfaces.

       Sockets are bound using bind().  POE::Wheel::SocketFactory parameters beginning with
       "Bind" control how bind() is called.


       "BindAddress" sets an address to bind the socket's local endpoint to.  "INADDR_ANY" will
       be used if "BindAddress" is not specified.

       "BindAddress" may contain either a string or a packed Internet address (for "INET" domain
       sockets).  The string parameter should be a dotted numeric address or a resolvable host
       name.  Note that the host name will be resolved with a blocking call.  If this is not
       desired, use POE::Component::Client::DNS to perform a non-blocking name resolution.

       When used to bind a "UNIX" domain socket, "BindAddress" should contain a path describing
       the socket's filename.  This is required for server sockets and datagram client sockets.
       "BindAddress" has no default value for UNIX sockets.


       "BindPort" is only meaningful for "INET" domain sockets.  It contains a port on the
       "BindAddress" interface where the socket will be bound.  It defaults to 0 if omitted,
       which will cause the bind() call to choose an indeterminate unallocated port.

       "BindPort" may be a port number or a name that can be looked up in the system's services
       (or equivalent) database.

       Connectionless Sockets

       Connectionless sockets may interact with remote endpoints without needing to listen() for
       connections or connect() to remote addresses.

       This class of sockets is complete after the bind() call.

       Connecting the Socket to a Remote Endpoint

       A socket may either listen for connections to arrive, initiate connections to a remote
       endpoint, or be connectionless (such as in the case of UDP sockets).

       POE::Wheel::SocketFactory will initiate a client connection when new() is capped with
       parameters that describe a remote endpoint.  In all other cases, the socket will either
       listen for connections or be connectionless depending on the socket type.

       The following parameters describe a socket's remote endpoint.  They determine how
       POE::Wheel::SocketFactory will call Perl's built-in connect() function.


       "RemoteAddress" specifies the remote address to which a socket should connect.  If
       present, POE::Wheel::SocketFactory will create a client socket that attempts to collect to
       the "RemoteAddress".  Otherwise, if the protocol warrants it, the wheel will create a
       listening socket and attempt to accept connections.

       As with the bind address, "RemoteAddress" may be a string containing a dotted quad or a
       resolvable host name.  It may also be a packed Internet address, or a UNIX socket path.
       It will be packed, with or without an accompanying "RemotePort", as necessary for the
       socket domain.


       "RemotePort" is the port to which the socket should connect.  It is required for "INET"
       client sockets, since the remote endpoint must contain both an address and a port.

       The remote port may be numeric, or it may be a symbolic name found in /etc/services or the
       equivalent for your operating system.

       Listening for Connections

       Streaming sockets that have no remote endpoint are considered to be server sockets.
       POE::Wheel::SocketFactory will listen() for connections to these sockets, accept() the new
       clients, and send the application events with the new client sockets.

       POE::Wheel::SocketFactory constructor parameters beginning with "Listen" control how the
       listen() function is called.


       "ListenQueue" specifies the length of the socket's listen() queue.  It defaults to
       "SOMAXCONN" if omitted.  "ListenQueue" values greater than "SOMAXCONN" will be clipped to
       "SOMAXCONN".  Excessively large "ListenQueue" values are not necessarily portable, and may
       cause errors in some rare cases.

       Emitting Events

       POE::Wheel::SocketFactory emits a small number of events depending on what happens during
       socket setup or while listening for new connections.

       See "PUBLIC EVENTS" for more details.


       "SuccessEvent" names the event that will be emitted whenever POE::Wheel::SocketFactory
       succeeds in creating a new socket.

       For connectionless sockets, "SuccessEvent" happens just after the socket is created.

       For client connections, "SuccessEvent" is fired when the connection has successfully been
       established with the remote endpoint.

       Server sockets emit a "SuccessEvent" for every successfully accepted client.


       "FailureEvent" names the event POE::Wheel::SocketFactory will emit whenever something goes
       wrong.  It usually represents some kind of built-in function call error.  See "PUBLIC
       EVENTS" for details, as some errors are handled internally by this wheel.

       event() allows a session to change the events emitted by a wheel without destroying and
       re-creating the wheel.  It accepts one or more of the events listed in "PUBLIC EVENTS".
       Undefined event names disable those events.

       event() is described in more depth in POE::Wheel.

       getsockname() behaves like the built-in function of the same name.  It returns the local
       endpoint information for POE::Wheel::SocketFactory's encapsulated listening socket.

       getsockname() allows applications to determine the address and port to which
       POE::Wheel::SocketFactory has bound its listening socket.

       Test applications may use getsockname() to find the server socket after
       POE::Wheel::SocketFactory has bound to INADDR_ANY port 0.

       Since there is no event fired immediately after a successful creation of a listening
       socket, applications can use getsockname() to verify this.

        use Socket 'unpack_sockaddr_in';

        my $listener = POE::Wheel::SocketFactory->new(
            BindPort     => 123,
            SuccessEvent => 'got_client',
            FailureEvent => 'listener_failed',
            Reuse        => 'on',

        my ($port, $addr) = unpack_sockaddr_in($listener->getsockname);
        print "Socket successfully bound\n" if $port;

       ID() returns the wheel's unique ID.  The ID will also be included in every event the wheel
       generates.  Applications can match events back to the objects that generated them.

       Applications may occasionally need to block incoming connections.  pause_accept() pauses
       the event watcher that triggers accept().  New inbound connections will stack up in the
       socket's listen() queue until the queue overflows or the application calls

       Pausing accept() can limit the amount of load a server generates.  It's also useful in
       pre-forking servers when the master process shouldn't accept connections at all.

       pause_accept() and resume_accept() is quicker and more reliable than dynamically
       destroying and re-creating a POE::Wheel::SocketFactory object.

       resume_accept() resumes the watcher that triggers accept().  See "pause_accept" for a more
       detailed discussion.

       POE::Wheel::SocketFactory emits two public events.

       "SuccessEvent" names an event that will be sent to the creating session whenever a
       POE::Wheel::SocketFactory has created a new socket.  For connectionless sockets, it's when
       the socket is created.  For connecting clients, it's after the connection has been
       established.  And for listening servers, "SuccessEvent" is fired after each new client is

       Common SuccessEvent Parameters

       In all cases, $_[ARG0] holds the new socket's filehandle, and $_[ARG3] contains the
       POE::Wheel::SocketFactory's ID.  Other parameters vary depending on the socket's domain
       and whether it's listening or connecting.  See below for the differences.

       INET SuccessEvent Parameters

       For INET sockets, $_[ARG1] and $_[ARG2] hold the socket's remote address and port,
       respectively.  The address is packed; see "inet_ntop" in Socket if a human-readable
       address is needed.

         sub handle_new_client {
           my $accepted_socket = $_[ARG0];

           my $peer_host = inet_ntop(
             ((length($_[ARG1]) == 4) ? AF_INET : AF_INET6),

             "Wheel $_[ARG3] accepted a connection from ",
             "$peer_host port $peer_port\n"


       UNIX Client SuccessEvent Parameters

       For UNIX client sockets, $_[ARG1] often (but not always) holds the server address.  Some
       systems cannot retrieve a UNIX socket's remote address.  $_[ARG2] is always undef for UNIX
       client sockets.

       UNIX Server SuccessEvent Parameters

       According to Perl Cookbook, the remote address returned by accept() on UNIX sockets is
       undefined, so $_[ARG1] and $_[ARG2] are also undefined in this case.

       "FailureEvent" names the event that will be emitted when a socket error occurs.
       POE::Wheel::SocketFactory handles "EAGAIN" internally, so it doesn't count as an error.

       "FailureEvent" events include the standard error event parameters:

       $_[ARG0] describes which part of socket creation failed.  It often holds a Perl built-in
       function name.

       $_[ARG1] and $_[ARG2] describe how the operation failed.  They contain the numeric and
       stringified versions of $!, respectively.  An application cannot merely check the global
       $! variable since it may change during event dispatch.

       Finally, $_[ARG3] contains the ID for the POE::Wheel::SocketFactory instance that
       generated the event.  See "ID" and "ID" in POE::Wheel for uses for wheel IDs.

       A sample FailureEvent handler:

         sub handle_failure {
           my ($operation, $errnum, $errstr, $wheel_id) = @_[ARG0..ARG3];
           warn "Wheel $wheel_id generated $operation error $errnum: $errstr\n";
           delete $_[HEAP]{wheels}{$wheel_id}; # shut down that wheel

       POE::Wheel describes the basic operations of all wheels in more depth.  You need to know

       Socket::GetAddrInfo is required for IPv6 work.  POE::Wheel::SocketFactory will load it
       automatically if it's installed.  SocketDomain => AF_INET6 is required to trigger IPv6
       behaviors.  AF_INET6 is exported by the Socket module on all but the oldest versions of
       Perl 5.  If your Socket doesn't provide AF_INET6, try installing Socket6 instead.

       The SEE ALSO section in POE contains a table of contents covering the entire POE

       Many (if not all) of the croak/carp/warn/die statements should fire back "FailureEvent"

       SocketFactory is only tested with UNIX streams and INET sockets using the UDP and TCP
       protocols.  Others should work after the module's internal configuration tables are
       updated.  Please send patches.

       Please see POE for more information about authors and contributors.

perl v5.30.0                                2020-02-07             POE::Wheel::SocketFactory(3pm)

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