ATD(8) System Manager's Manual ATD(8) NAME atd - run jobs queued for later execution SYNOPSIS atd [-l load_avg] [-b batch_interval] [-d] [-f] [-s] DESCRIPTION atd runs jobs queued by at(1). OPTIONS -l Specifies a limiting load factor, over which batch jobs should not be run, instead of the compile-time choice of 1.5. For an SMP system with n CPUs, you will proba- bly want to set this higher than n-1. -b Specify the minimum interval in seconds between the start of two batch jobs (60 default). -d Debug; print error messages to standard error instead of using syslog(3). This option also implies -f. -f Run atd in the foreground. -s Process the at/batch queue only once. This is primarily of use for compatibility with old versions of at; atd -s is equivalent to the old atrun command. WARNING atd won't work if its spool directory is mounted via NFS even if no_root_squash is set. FILES /var/spool/cron/atjobs The directory for storing jobs; this should be mode 700, owner dae- mon. /var/spool/cron/atspool The directory for storing output; this should be mode 700, owner daemon. /etc/at.allow, /etc/at.deny determine who can use the at system. SEE ALSO at(1), at.deny(5), at.allow(5), cron(8), crontab(1), syslog(3). BUGS The functionality of atd should be merged into cron(8). 2009-11-14 ATD(8)
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