mysql_config_editor(1) - phpMan

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MYSQL_CONFIG_EDITOR(1)                MySQL Database System                MYSQL_CONFIG_EDITOR(1)

       mysql_config_editor - configure authentication information for connecting to MySQL server

       mysql_config_editor options command

       The mysql_config_editor utility enables you to store authentication credentials in an
       obfuscated login path file named .mylogin.cnf. The file location is the %APPDATA%\MySQL
       directory on Windows and the current user's home directory on non-Windows systems. The
       file can be read later by MySQL client programs to obtain authentication credentials for
       connecting to MySQL Server.

       The unobfuscated format of the .mylogin.cnf login path file consists of option groups,
       similar to other option files. Each option group in .mylogin.cnf is called a "login path,"
       which is a group that permits only certain options: host, user, password, port and socket.
       Think of a login path option group as a set of options that specify which MySQL server to
       connect to and which account to authenticate as. Here is an unobfuscated example:

           user = mydefaultname
           password = mydefaultpass
           host =
           user = myothername
           password = myotherpass
           host = localhost

       When you invoke a client program to connect to the server, the client uses .mylogin.cnf in
       conjunction with other option files. Its precedence is higher than other option files, but
       less than options specified explicitly on the client command line. For information about
       the order in which option files are used, see Section, "Using Option Files".

       To specify an alternate login path file name, set the MYSQL_TEST_LOGIN_FILE environment
       variable. This variable is recognized by mysql_config_editor, by standard MySQL clients
       (mysql, mysqladmin, and so forth), and by the testing utility.

       Programs use groups in the login path file as follows:

       o   mysql_config_editor operates on the client login path by default if you specify no
           --login-path=name option to indicate explicitly which login path to use.

       o   Without a --login-path option, client programs read the same option groups from the
           login path file that they read from other option files. Consider this command:


           By default, the mysql client reads the [client] and [mysql] groups from other option
           files, so it reads them from the login path file as well.

       o   With a --login-path option, client programs additionally read the named login path
           from the login path file. The option groups read from other option files remain the
           same. Consider this command:

               mysql --login-path=mypath

           The mysql client reads [client] and [mysql] from other option files, and [client],
           [mysql], and [mypath] from the login path file.

       o   Client programs read the login path file even when the --no-defaults option is used.
           This permits passwords to be specified in a safer way than on the command line even if
           --no-defaults is present.

       mysql_config_editor obfuscates the .mylogin.cnf file so it cannot be read as cleartext,
       and its contents when unobfuscated by client programs are used only in memory. In this
       way, passwords can be stored in a file in non-cleartext format and used later without ever
       needing to be exposed on the command line or in an environment variable.
       mysql_config_editor provides a print command for displaying the login path file contents,
       but even in this case, password values are masked so as never to appear in a way that
       other users can see them.

       The obfuscation used by mysql_config_editor prevents passwords from appearing in
       .mylogin.cnf as cleartext and provides a measure of security by preventing inadvertent
       password exposure. For example, if you display a regular unobfuscated my.cnf option file
       on the screen, any passwords it contains are visible for anyone to see. With .mylogin.cnf,
       that is not true, but the obfuscation used is not likely to deter a determined attacker
       and you should not consider it unbreakable. A user who can gain system administration
       privileges on your machine to access your files could unobfuscate the .mylogin.cnf file
       with some effort.

       The login path file must be readable and writable to the current user, and inaccessible to
       other users. Otherwise, mysql_config_editor ignores it, and client programs do not use it,

       Invoke mysql_config_editor like this:

           mysql_config_editor [program_options] command [command_options]

       If the login path file does not exist, mysql_config_editor creates it.

       Command arguments are given as follows:

       o   program_options consists of general mysql_config_editor options.

       o   command indicates what action to perform on the .mylogin.cnf login path file. For
           example, set writes a login path to the file, remove removes a login path, and print
           displays login path contents.

       o   command_options indicates any additional options specific to the command, such as the
           login path name and the values to use in the login path.

       The position of the command name within the set of program arguments is significant. For
       example, these command lines have the same arguments, but produce different results:

           mysql_config_editor --help set
           mysql_config_editor set --help

       The first command line displays a general mysql_config_editor help message, and ignores
       the set command. The second command line displays a help message specific to the set

       Suppose that you want to establish a client login path that defines your default
       connection parameters, and an additional login path named remote for connecting to the
       MySQL server the host You want to log in as follows:

       o   By default, to the local server with a user name and password of localuser and

       o   To the remote server with a user name and password of remoteuser and remotepass

       To set up the login paths in the .mylogin.cnf file, use the following set commands. Enter
       each command on a single line, and enter the appropriate passwords when prompted:

           $> mysql_config_editor set --login-path=client
                    --host=localhost --user=localuser --password
           Enter password: enter password "localpass" here
           $> mysql_config_editor set --login-path=remote
           --user=remoteuser --password
           Enter password: enter password "remotepass" here

       mysql_config_editor uses the client login path by default, so the --login-path=client
       option can be omitted from the first command without changing its effect.

       To see what mysql_config_editor writes to the .mylogin.cnf file, use the print command:

           $> mysql_config_editor print --all
           user = localuser
           password = *****
           host = localhost
           user = remoteuser
           password = *****
           host =

       The print command displays each login path as a set of lines beginning with a group header
       indicating the login path name in square brackets, followed by the option values for the
       login path. Password values are masked and do not appear as cleartext.

       If you do not specify --all to display all login paths or --login-path=name to display a
       named login path, the print command displays the client login path by default, if there is

       As shown by the preceding example, the login path file can contain multiple login paths.
       In this way, mysql_config_editor makes it easy to set up multiple "personalities" for
       connecting to different MySQL servers, or for connecting to a given server using different
       accounts. Any of these can be selected by name later using the --login-path option when
       you invoke a client program. For example, to connect to the remote server, use this

           mysql --login-path=remote

       Here, mysql reads the [client] and [mysql] option groups from other option files, and the
       [client], [mysql], and [remote] groups from the login path file.

       To connect to the local server, use this command:

           mysql --login-path=client

       Because mysql reads the client and mysql login paths by default, the --login-path option
       does not add anything in this case. That command is equivalent to this one:


       Options read from the login path file take precedence over options read from other option
       files. Options read from login path groups appearing later in the login path file take
       precedence over options read from groups appearing earlier in the file.

       mysql_config_editor adds login paths to the login path file in the order you create them,
       so you should create more general login paths first and more specific paths later. If you
       need to move a login path within the file, you can remove it, then recreate it to add it
       to the end. For example, a client login path is more general because it is read by all
       client programs, whereas a mysqldump login path is read only by mysqldump. Options
       specified later override options specified earlier, so putting the login paths in the
       order client, mysqldump enables mysqldump-specific options to override client options.

       When you use the set command with mysql_config_editor to create a login path, you need not
       specify all possible option values (host name, user name, password, port, socket). Only
       those values given are written to the path. Any missing values required later can be
       specified when you invoke a client path to connect to the MySQL server, either in other
       option files or on the command line. Any options specified on the command line override
       those specified in the login path file or other option files. For example, if the
       credentials in the remote login path also apply for the host, connect
       to the server on that host like this:

           mysql --login-path=remote

       mysql_config_editor General Options

       mysql_config_editor supports the following general options, which may be used preceding
       any command named on the command line. For descriptions of command-specific options, see
       mysql_config_editor Commands and Command-Specific Options.

       o   --help, -?  Display a general help message and exit.

           To see a command-specific help message, invoke mysql_config_editor as follows, where
           command is a command other than help:

               mysql_config_editor command --help

       o   --debug[=debug_options], -# debug_options Write a debugging log. A typical
           debug_options string is d:t:o,file_name. The default is

           This option is available only if MySQL was built using WITH_DEBUG. MySQL release
           binaries provided by Oracle are not built using this option.

       o   --verbose, -v Verbose mode. Print more information about what the program does. This
           option may be helpful in diagnosing problems if an operation does not have the effect
           you expect.

       o   --version, -V Display version information and exit.
       mysql_config_editor Commands and Command-Specific Options

       This section describes the permitted mysql_config_editor commands, and, for each one, the
       command-specific options permitted following the command name on the command line.

       In addition, mysql_config_editor supports general options that can be used preceding any
       command. For descriptions of these options, see mysql_config_editor General Options.

       mysql_config_editor supports these commands:

       o   help

           Display a general help message and exit. This command takes no following options.

           To see a command-specific help message, invoke mysql_config_editor as follows, where
           command is a command other than help:

               mysql_config_editor command --help

       o   print [options]

           Print the contents of the login path file in unobfuscated form, with the exception
           that passwords are displayed as *****.

           The default login path name is client if no login path is named. If both --all and
           --login-path are given, --all takes precedence.

           The print command permits these options following the command name:

           o   --help, -?

               Display a help message for the print command and exit.

               To see a general help message, use mysql_config_editor --help.

           o   --all

               Print the contents of all login paths in the login path file.

           o   --login-path=name, -G name

               Print the contents of the named login path.

       o   remove [options]

           Remove a login path from the login path file, or modify a login path by removing
           options from it.

           This command removes from the login path only such options as are specified with the
           --host, --password, --port, --socket, and --user options. If none of those options are
           given, remove removes the entire login path. For example, this command removes only
           the user option from the mypath login path rather than the entire mypath login path:

               mysql_config_editor remove --login-path=mypath --user

           This command removes the entire mypath login path:

               mysql_config_editor remove --login-path=mypath

           The remove command permits these options following the command name:

           o   --help, -?

               Display a help message for the remove command and exit.

               To see a general help message, use mysql_config_editor --help.

           o   --host, -h

               Remove the host name from the login path.

           o   --login-path=name, -G name

               The login path to remove or modify. The default login path name is client if this
               option is not given.

           o   --password, -p

               Remove the password from the login path.

           o   --port, -P

               Remove the TCP/IP port number from the login path.

           o   --socket, -S

               Remove the Unix socket file name from the login path.

           o   --user, -u

               Remove the user name from the login path.

           o   --warn, -w

               Warn and prompt the user for confirmation if the command attempts to remove the
               default login path (client) and --login-path=client was not specified. This option
               is enabled by default; use --skip-warn to disable it.

       o   reset [options]

           Empty the contents of the login path file.

           The reset command permits these options following the command name:

           o   --help, -?

               Display a help message for the reset command and exit.

               To see a general help message, use mysql_config_editor --help.

       o   set [options]

           Write a login path to the login path file.

           This command writes to the login path only such options as are specified with the
           --host, --password, --port, --socket, and --user options. If none of those options are
           given, mysql_config_editor writes the login path as an empty group.

           The set command permits these options following the command name:

           o   --help, -?

               Display a help message for the set command and exit.

               To see a general help message, use mysql_config_editor --help.

           o   --host=host_name, -h host_name

               The host name to write to the login path.

           o   --login-path=name, -G name

               The login path to create. The default login path name is client if this option is
               not given.

           o   --password, -p

               Prompt for a password to write to the login path. After mysql_config_editor
               displays the prompt, type the password and press Enter. To prevent other users
               from seeing the password, mysql_config_editor does not echo it.

               To specify an empty password, press Enter at the password prompt. The resulting
               login path written to the login path file includes a line like this:

                   password =

           o   --port=port_num, -P port_num

               The TCP/IP port number to write to the login path.

           o   --socket=file_name, -S file_name

               The Unix socket file name to write to the login path.

           o   --user=user_name, -u user_name

               The user name to write to the login path.

           o   --warn, -w

               Warn and prompt the user for confirmation if the command attempts to overwrite an
               existing login path. This option is enabled by default; use --skip-warn to disable

       Copyright (C) 1997, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

       This documentation is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it only under
       the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
       version 2 of the License.

       This documentation is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
       WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
       PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the program;
       if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
       Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA or see

       For more information, please refer to the MySQL Reference Manual, which may already be
       installed locally and which is also available online at

       Oracle Corporation (

MySQL 8.0                                   06/04/2022                     MYSQL_CONFIG_EDITOR(1)

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