pro(1) - phpMan

Command: man perldoc info search(apropos)  

UBUNTU-PRO(1)                               Ubuntu Pro                              UBUNTU-PRO(1)

       pro - Manage Ubuntu Pro services from Canonical

       pro <command> [<args>]

       Ubuntu  Pro  is  a collection of services offered by Canonical to Ubuntu users. The Ubuntu
       Pro command line tool is used to attach a system to an Ubuntu Pro contract to then  enable
       and  disable services from Canonical. The available commands and services are described in
       more detail below.

       api <api-endpoint>
              Calls the Client API endpoints.

              For a list of all of the supported endpoints and their structure, please  refer  to
              the Pro client API reference guide:


       attach [--no-auto-enable] [--attach-config=/path/to/file.yaml] <token>
              Connect an Ubuntu Pro support contract to this machine.

              The --attach-config option can be used to provide a file with the token and option-
              ally,  a list of services to enable after attaching. The token parameter should not
              be used if this option is provided. An attach config file looks like the following:
                  token: YOUR_TOKEN_HERE  # required
                  enable_services:        # optional list of service names to auto-enable
                      - esm-infra
                      - esm-apps
                      - cis

              The optional --no-auto-enable flag will disable the automatic enablement of  recom-
              mended entitlements which usually happens immediately after a successful attach.

              The exit code can be:
                  0: on successful attach
                  1: in case of any error while trying to attach
                  2: if the machine is already attached

              Create a tarball with all relevant logs and debug data.

              The  --output  parameter defines the path to the tarball. If not provided, the file
              is saved as pro_logs.tar.gz in the current directory.

       config set/unset <config-name>

              Set/unset one of the available Pro configuration settings:

              http_proxy If set, pro will use the specified http proxy when making any  http  re-

              https_proxy  If  set,  pro will use the specified https proxy when making any https

              apt_http_proxy [DEPRECATED] If set, pro will configure apt  to  use  the  specified
              http  proxy by writing a apt config file to /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90ubuntu-advantage-
              aptproxy. (Please use global_apt_http_proxy)

              apt_https_proxy [DEPRECATED] If set, pro will configure apt to  use  the  specified
              https proxy by writing a apt config file to /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90ubuntu-advantage-
              aptproxy. (Please use global_apt_https_proxy)

              global_apt_http_proxy If set, pro will configure apt  to  use  the  specified  http
              proxy  by  writing a apt config file to /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90ubuntu-advantage-apt-
              proxy. Set this if you prefer a global proxy for all resources, not just  the  ones

              global_apt_https_proxy  If  set,  pro will configure apt to use the specified https
              proxy by writing a apt config file  to  /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90ubuntu-advantage-apt-
              proxy.  Set  this if you prefer a global proxy for all resources, not just the ones

              ua_apt_http_proxy If set, pro will configure apt to use the specified http proxy by
              writing  a apt config file to /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90ubuntu-advantage-aptproxy. This
              proxy is limited to accessing resources from

              ua_apt_https_proxy If set, pro will configure apt to use the specified https  proxy
              by  writing  a  apt config file to /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90ubuntu-advantage-aptproxy.
              This proxy is limited to accessing resources from

              <job_name>_timer Sets the timer running interval for a specific job.  Those  inter-
              vals are checked every time the systemd timer runs.

              apt_news  If  set to false, the Pro client will no longer display apt news messages
              on the output of apt upgrade.

              apt_news_url Sets the url where the Pro client will consume  apt  news  information

              If  needed, authentication to the proxy server can be performed by setting username
              and password in the URL itself, as in:
                http_proxy: http://<username>:<password>@<fqdn>:<port>

       config show <config-name>
              Show customizable configuration settings

              If no config is provided, this command will display all of  the  Pro  configuration

       detach Remove the Ubuntu Pro support contract from this machine.

       disable [anbox-cloud|cc-eal|cis|esm-apps|esm-infra|fips|fips-updates|

              Disable this machine's access to an Ubuntu Pro service.

       enable [anbox-cloud|cc-eal|cis|esm-apps|esm-infra|fips|fips-updates|

              Activate and configure this machine's access to an Ubuntu Pro service.

       fix [--dry-run] [--no-related] <security_issue>
              Fix a CVE or USN on the system by upgrading the appropriate package(s).

              The  optional  --dry-run flag will display everything that would be executed by the
              fix command without actually making any changes.

              The optional --no-related flag will modify how the fix command  behaves  when  han-
              dling  a USN.  With this flag, the command will not attempt to fix any USNs related
              to the target USN.

              <security_issue> can be any of  the  following  formats:  CVE-yyyy-nnnn,  CVE-yyyy-
              nnnnnnn, or USN-nnnn-dd.

              The exit code can be 0, 1, or 2.
                  0:  the  fix  was successfully applied or the security issue doesn't affect the
                  1: the fix cannot be applied
                  2: the fix was applied but requires a reboot before it takes effect

       refresh [contract|config|messages]
              Refresh three distinct Ubuntu Pro related artifacts in the system:

              contract: Update contract details from the server.

              config: Reload the config file.

              messages: Update APT and MOTD messages related to UA.

              You can individually target any of the three specific actions, by passing the  tar-
              get name to the command.  If no `target` is specified, all targets are refreshed.

       security-status [--thirdparty | --unavailable | --esm-infra | --esm-apps]

              Show  security updates for packages in the system, including all available Expanded
              Security Maintenance (ESM) related content.

              Shows counts of how many packages are supported for security updates in the system.

              The output contains basic information about Ubuntu Pro. For a  complete  status  on
              Ubuntu Pro services, run 'pro status'.

              The  optional  --thirdparty flag will only show information about third party pack-

              The optional --unavailable flag will only show information about unavailable  pack-

              The optional --esm-infra flag will only show information about esm-infra packages

              The optional --esm-apps flag will only show information about esm-apps packages

       status [--simulate-with-token TOKEN] [--all]
              Report current status of Ubuntu Pro services on system.

              This shows whether this machine is attached to an Ubuntu Pro support contract. When
              attached, the report includes the specific support contract details including  con-
              tract name, expiry dates, and the status of each service on this system.

              The attached status output has four columns:

              SERVICE: name of the service

              ENTITLED:  whether  the  contract to which this machine is attached entitles use of
              this service. Possible values are: yes or no

              STATUS: whether the service is enabled on this machine.  Possible values  are:  en-
              abled,  disabled,  n/a  (if your contract entitles you to the service, but it isn't
              available for this machine) or -- (if you aren't entitled to this service)

              DESCRIPTION: a brief description of the service

              The unattached status output instead has three columns. SERVICE and DESCRIPTION are
              the same as above, and there is the addition of:

              AVAILABLE:  whether  this service would be available if this machine were attached.
              The possible values are yes or no.

              If --simulate-with-token is used, then  the  output  has  five  columns.   SERVICE,
              AVAILABLE,  ENTITLED  and DESCRIPTION are the same as mentioned above, and AUTO_EN-
              ABLED shows whether the service is set to be enabled when that token is attached.

              If the --all flag is set, unavailable services are also listed in the output.

       system reboot-required
              Tells if the system needs to be rebooted

              Show version of the Ubuntu Pro package.

       Ubuntu Pro client sets up a daemon on supported platforms (currently on Azure and GCP)  to
       detect  if an Ubuntu Pro license is purchased for the machine. If an Ubuntu Pro license is
       detected, then the machine is automatically attached.  If you are uninterested  in  Ubuntu
       Pro services, you can safely stop and disable the daemon using systemctl:

       sudo  systemctl stop ubuntu-advantage.service sudo systemctl disable ubuntu-advantage.ser-

       Ubuntu Pro client sets up a systemd timer to run jobs that  need  to  be  executed  recur-
       rently.  The timer itself ticks every 5 minutes on average, and decides which jobs need to
       be executed based on their intervals.

       Jobs are executed by the timer script if the script has not yet run successfully, or their
       interval  since  last successful run is already exceeded.  There is a random delay applied
       to the timer, to desynchronize job execution time on machines spinned at  the  same  time,
       avoiding multiple synchronized calls to the same service.

       Current jobs being checked and executed are:

              Makes  sure  that the MOTD and APT messages match the available/enabled services on
              the system, showing information about available packages or security updates.

              If attached, this job will ping the Canonical servers telling  which  services  are
              enabled on the machine.

       Anbox Cloud (anbox-cloud)
              Anbox Cloud lets you stream mobile apps securely, at any scale, to any device, let-
              ting you focus on your apps. Run Android in system containers on public or  private
              clouds  with  ultra low streaming latency. When the anbox-cloud service is enabled,
              by default, the Appliance variant is enabled. Enabling this service allows  orches-
              tration  to  provision a PPA with the Anbox Cloud resources. This step also config-
              ures the Anbox Management Service (AMS) with the  necessary  image  server  creden-

              To learn more about Anbox Cloud, see

       Common Criteria EAL2 Provisioning (cc-eal)
              Common  Criteria is an Information Technology Security Evaluation standard (ISO/IEC
              IS 15408) for computer security certification. Ubuntu 16.04 has been  evaluated  to
              assurance  level  EAL2  through CSEC. The evaluation was performed on Intel x86_64,
              IBM Power8 and IBM Z hardware platforms.

       CIS Audit (cis)/Ubuntu Security Guide (usg)
              Ubuntu Security Guide is a tool for hardening and auditing, allowing  for  environ-
              ment-specific customizations. It enables compliance with profiles such as DISA-STIG
              and the CIS benchmarks.

              Find out more at

       Expanded Security Maintenance for Infrastructure (esm-infra)
              Expanded Security Maintenance for Infrastructure provides access to a  private  PPA
              which includes available high and critical CVE fixes for Ubuntu LTS packages in the
              Ubuntu Main repository between the end of the standard Ubuntu LTS security  mainte-
              nance and its end of life. It is enabled by default with Ubuntu Pro.

              You can find out more about the service at

       Expanded Security Maintenance for Applications (esm-apps)
              Expanded  Security  Maintenance  for Applications is enabled by default on entitled
              workloads. It provides access to a private PPA which includes  available  high  and
              critical  CVE  fixes for Ubuntu LTS packages in the Ubuntu Main and Ubuntu Universe
              repositories from the Ubuntu LTS release date until its end of life.

              You can find out more about the esm service at

       FIPS 140-2 certified modules (fips)
              Installs FIPS 140 crypto packages for FedRAMP,  FISMA  and  compliance  use  cases.
              Note  that  "fips"  does  not provide security patching. For FIPS certified modules
              with security patches please see "fips-updates". If you are unsure,  choose  "fips-
              updates" for maximum security.

              Find out more at

       FIPS 140-2 certified modules with updates (fips-updates)
              fips-updates  installs  FIPS 140 crypto packages including all security patches for
              those modules that have been provided since their certification date.

              You can find out more at

       Landscape (landscape)
              Landscape Client can be installed on this machine and enrolled in Canonical's Land-
              scape   SaaS:   or   a   self-hosted   Landscape:

              Landscape allows you to manage many machines as easily as one,  with  an  intuitive
              dashboard and API interface for automation, hardening, auditing, and more.

              Find out more about Landscape at

       Livepatch Service (livepatch)
              Livepatch  provides selected high and critical kernel CVE fixes and other non-secu-
              rity bug fixes as kernel livepatches. Livepatches are applied without  rebooting  a
              machine  which  drastically  limits the need for unscheduled system reboots. Due to
              the nature of fips compliance, livepatches cannot be enabled on  fips-enabled  sys-

              You    can   find   out   more   about   Ubuntu   Kernel   Livepatch   service   at

       ROS ESM Security Updates (ros)
              ros provides access to a private PPA which includes  security-related  updates  for
              available  high  and  critical CVE fixes for Robot Operating System (ROS) packages.
              For access to ROS ESM and security updates, both esm-infra  and  esm-apps  services
              will also be enabled. To get additional non-security updates, enable ros-updates.

              You can find out more about the ROS ESM service at

       ROS ESM All Updates (ros-updates)
              ros-updates provides access to a private PPA that includes non-security-related up-
              dates  for Robot Operating System (ROS) packages. For full access to ROS ESM, secu-
              rity and non-security updates, the esm-infra, esm-apps, and ros services will  also
              be enabled.

              You can find out more about the ROS ESM service at

       Please report bugs either by  running  `ubuntu-bug  ubuntu-advantage-tools`  or  login  to
       Launchpad   and  navigate  to

       Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Canonical Ltd.

Canonical Ltd.                           21 February 2020                           UBUNTU-PRO(1)

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