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BSON(3pm)                      User Contributed Perl Documentation                      BSON(3pm)

       BSON - BSON serialization and deserialization (EOL)

       version v1.12.2

       Version v1.12.0 was the final feature release of the MongoDB BSON library and version
       v1.12.2 is the final patch release.

       As of August 13, 2020, the MongoDB Perl driver and related libraries have reached end of
       life and are no longer supported by MongoDB. See the August 2019 deprecation notice
       <> for

       If members of the community wish to continue development, they are welcome to fork the
       code under the terms of the Apache 2 license and release it under a new namespace.
       Specifications and test files for MongoDB drivers and libraries are published in an open
       repository: mongodb/specifications

           use BSON;
           use BSON::Types ':all';
           use boolean;

           my $codec = BSON->new;

           my $document = {
               _id             => bson_oid(),
               creation_time   => bson_time(), # now
               zip_code        => bson_string("08544"),
               hidden          => false,

           my $bson = $codec->encode_one( $document );
           my $doc  = $codec->decode_one( $bson     );

       This class implements a BSON encoder/decoder ("codec").  It consumes "documents"
       (typically hash references) and emits BSON strings and vice versa in accordance with the
       BSON Specification <>.

       BSON is the primary data representation for MongoDB.  While this module has several
       features that support MongoDB-specific needs and conventions, it can be used as a
       standalone serialization format.

       The codec may be customized through attributes on the codec option as well as
       encode/decode specific options on methods:

           my $codec = BSON->new( \%global_attributes );

           my $bson = $codec->encode_one( $document, \%encode_options );
           my $doc  = $codec->decode_one( $bson    , \%decode_options );

       Because BSON is strongly-typed and Perl is not, this module supports a number of "type
       wrappers" - classes that wrap Perl data to indicate how they should serialize. The
       BSON::Types module describes these and provides associated helper functions.  See "PERL-
       BSON TYPE MAPPING" for more details.

       When decoding, type wrappers are used for any data that has no native Perl representation.
       Optionally, all data may be wrapped for precise control of round-trip encoding.

       Please read the configuration attributes carefully to understand more about how to control
       encoding and decoding.

       At compile time, this module will select an implementation backend.  It will prefer
       "BSON::XS" (released separately) if available, or will fall back to BSON::PP (bundled with
       this module).  See "ENVIRONMENT" for a way to control the selection of the backend.

       This attribute specifies a function reference that will be called with three positional

       o   an error string argument describing the error condition

       o   a reference to the problematic document or byte-string

       o   the method in which the error occurred (e.g. "encode_one" or "decode_one")

       Note: for decoding errors, the byte-string is passed as a reference to avoid copying
       possibly large strings.

       If not provided, errors messages will be thrown with "Carp::croak".

       A string containing ASCII characters that must not appear in keys.  The default is the
       empty string, meaning there are no invalid characters.

       This attribute defines the maximum document size. The default is 0, which disables any

       If set to a positive number, it applies to both encoding and decoding (the latter is
       necessary for prevention of resource consumption attacks).

       This is a single character to use for special MongoDB-specific query operators.  If a key
       starts with "op_char", the "op_char" character will be replaced with "$".

       The default is "$", meaning that no replacement is necessary.

       If set to a true value, then decoding will return a reference to a tied hash that
       preserves key order. Otherwise, a regular (unordered) hash reference will be returned.


       o   When 'ordered' is true, users must not rely on the return value being any particular
           tied hash implementation.  It may change in the future for efficiency.

       o   Turning this option on entails a significant speed penalty as tied hashes are slower
           than regular Perl hashes.

       The default is false.

       When false, scalar values will be encoded as a number if they were originally a number or
       were ever used in a numeric context.  However, a string that looks like a number but was
       never used in a numeric context (e.g. "42") will be encoded as a string.

       If "prefer_numeric" is set to true, the encoder will attempt to coerce strings that look
       like a number into a numeric value.  If the string doesn't look like a double or integer,
       it will be encoded as a string.

       IMPORTANT CAVEAT: the heuristics for determining whether something is a string or number
       are less accurate on older Perls.  See BSON::Types for wrapper classes that specify exact
       serialization types.

       The default is false.

       If set to true, during decoding, documents with the fields '$id' and '$ref' (literal
       dollar signs, not variables) will be wrapped as BSON::DBRef objects.  If false, they are
       decoded into ordinary hash references (or ordered hashes, if "ordered" is true).

       The default is true.

       If set to true, during decoding, numeric values will be wrapped into BSON type-wrappers:
       BSON::Double, BSON::Int64 or BSON::Int32.  While very slow, this can help ensure fields
       can round-trip if unmodified.

       The default is false.

       If set to true, during decoding, string values will be wrapped into a BSON type-wrappers,
       BSON::String.  While very slow, this can help ensure fields can round-trip if unmodified.

       The default is false.

   dt_type (Discouraged)
       Sets the type of object which is returned for BSON DateTime fields. The default is
       "undef", which returns objects of type BSON::Time.  This is overloaded to be the integer
       epoch value when used as a number or string, so is somewhat backwards compatible with
       "dt_type" in the MongoDB driver.

       Other acceptable values are BSON::Time (explicitly), DateTime, Time::Moment,
       DateTime::Tiny, Mango::BSON::Time.

       Because BSON::Time objects have methods to convert to DateTime, Time::Moment or
       DateTime::Tiny, use of this field is discouraged.  Users should use these methods on
       demand.  This option is provided for backwards compatibility only.

           $byte_string = $codec->encode_one( $doc );
           $byte_string = $codec->encode_one( $doc, \%options );

       Takes a "document", typically a hash reference, an array reference, or a Tie::IxHash
       object and returns a byte string with the BSON representation of the document.

       An optional hash reference of options may be provided.  Valid options include:

       o   first_key -if "first_key" is defined, it and "first_value" will be encoded first in
           the output BSON; any matching key found in the document will be ignored.

       o   first_value - value to assign to "first_key"; will encode as Null if omitted

       o   error_callback - overrides codec default

       o   invalid_chars - overrides codec default

       o   max_length - overrides codec default

       o   op_char - overrides codec default

       o   prefer_numeric - overrides codec default

           $doc = $codec->decode_one( $byte_string );
           $doc = $codec->decode_one( $byte_string, \%options );

       Takes a byte string with a BSON-encoded document and returns a hash reference representing
       the decoded document.

       An optional hash reference of options may be provided.  Valid options include:

       o   dt_type - overrides codec default

       o   error_callback - overrides codec default

       o   max_length - overrides codec default

       o   ordered - overrides codec default

       o   wrap_dbrefs - overrides codec default

       o   wrap_numbers - overrides codec default

       o   wrap_strings - overrides codec default

           $copy = $codec->clone( ordered => 1 );

       Constructs a copy of the original codec, but allows changing attributes in the copy.

           $oid = BSON->create_oid;

       This class method returns a new BSON::OID.  This abstracts OID generation away from any
       specific Object ID class and makes it an interface on a BSON codec.  Alternative BSON
       codecs should define a similar class method that returns an Object ID of whatever type is

   inflate_extjson (DEPRECATED)
       This legacy method does not follow the MongoDB Extended JSON

       Use "extjson_to_perl" instead.

           use JSON::MaybeXS;
           my $ext = BSON->perl_to_extjson($data, \%options);
           my $json = encode_json($ext);

       Takes a perl data structure (i.e. hashref) and turns it into an MongoDB Extended JSON
       structure. Note that the structure will still have to be serialized.

       Possible options are:

       o   "relaxed" A boolean indicating if "relaxed extended JSON" should

           be generated. If not set, the default value is taken from the "BSON_EXTJSON_RELAXED"
           environment variable.

           use JSON::MaybeXS;
           my $ext = decode_json($json);
           my $data = $bson->extjson_to_perl($ext);

       Takes an MongoDB Extended JSON
       <> data
       structure and inflates it into a Perl data structure. Note that you have to decode the
       JSON string manually beforehand.

       Canonically specified numerical values like "{"$numberInt":"23"}" will be inflated into
       their respective "BSON::*" wrapper types. Plain numeric values will be left as-is.

           my $bson = encode({ bar => 'foo' }, \%options);

       This is the legacy, functional interface and is only exported on demand.  It takes a
       hashref and returns a BSON string.  It uses an internal codec singleton with default

           my $hash = decode( $bson, \%options );

       This is the legacy, functional interface and is only exported on demand.  It takes a BSON
       string and returns a hashref.  It uses an internal codec singleton with default

       BSON has numerous data types and Perl does not.

       When decoding, each BSON type should result in a single, predictable Perl type.  Where no
       native Perl type is appropriate, BSON decodes to an object of a particular class (a "type

       When encoding, for historical reasons, there may be many Perl representations that should
       encode to a particular BSON type.  For example, all the popular "boolean" type modules on
       CPAN should encode to the BSON boolean type.  Likewise, as this module is intended to
       supersede the type wrappers that have shipped with the MongoDB module, those type wrapper
       are supported by this codec.

       The table below describes the BSON/Perl mapping for both encoding and decoding.

       On the left are all the Perl types or classes this BSON codec knows how to serialize to
       BSON.  The middle column is the BSON type for each class.  The right-most column is the
       Perl type or class that the BSON type deserializes to.  Footnotes indicate variations or
       special behaviors.

           Perl type/class ->          BSON type        -> Perl type/class
           float[1]                    0x01 DOUBLE         float[2]
           string[3]                   0x02 UTF8           string[2]
           hashref                     0x03 DOCUMENT       hashref[4][5]
           arrayref                    0x04 ARRAY          arrayref
           BSON::Bytes                 0x05 BINARY         BSON::Bytes
           n/a                         0x06 UNDEFINED[d]   undef
           BSON::OID                   0x07 OID            BSON::OID
           boolean                     0x08 BOOL           boolean
           BSON::Time                  0x09 DATE_TIME      BSON::Time
           undef                       0x0a NULL           undef
           BSON::Regex                 0x0b REGEX          BSON::Regex
           qr// reference
           n/a                         0x0c DBPOINTER[d]   BSON::DBRef
           BSON::Code[6]               0x0d CODE           BSON::Code
           n/a                         0x0e SYMBOL[d]      string
           BSON::Code[6]               0x0f CODEWSCOPE     BSON::Code
           integer[7][8]               0x10 INT32          integer[2]
           BSON::Timestamp             0x11 TIMESTAMP      BSON::Timestamp
           integer[7]                  0x12 INT64          integer[2][9]
           BSON::MaxKey                0x7F MAXKEY         BSON::MaxKey
           BSON::MinKey                0xFF MINKEY         BSON::MinKey

           [d] Deprecated or soon to be deprecated.
           [1] Scalar with "NV" internal representation or a string that looks
               like a float if the 'prefer_numeric' option is true.
           [2] If the 'wrap_numbers' option is true, numeric types will be wrapped
               as BSON::Double, BSON::Int32 or BSON::Int64 as appropriate to ensure
               round-tripping. If the 'wrap_strings' option is true, strings will
               be wrapped as BSON::String, likewise.
           [3] Scalar without "NV" or "IV" representation and not identified as a
               number by notes [1] or [7].
           [4] If 'ordered' option is set, will return a tied hash that preserves
               order (deprecated 'ixhash' option still works).
           [5] If the document appears to contain a DBRef and a 'dbref_callback'
               exists, that callback is executed with the deserialized document.
           [6] Code is serialized as CODE or CODEWSCOPE depending on whether a
               scope hashref exists in BSON::Code/MongoDB::Code.
           [7] Scalar with "IV" internal representation or a string that looks like
               an integer if the 'prefer_numeric' option is true.
           [8] Only if the integer fits in 32 bits.
           [9] On 32-bit platforms, 64-bit integers are deserialized to
               Math::BigInt objects (even if subsequently wrapped into
               BSON::Int64 if 'wrap_scalars' is true).

       Threads are never recommended in Perl, but this module is thread safe.

       o   PERL_BSON_BACKEND - if set at compile time, this will be treated as a module name.
           The module will be loaded and used as the BSON backend implementation.  It must
           implement the same API as "BSON::PP".

       o   BSON_EXTJSON - if set, serializing BSON type wrappers via "TO_JSON" will produce
           Extended JSON v2 output.

       o   BSON_EXTJSON_RELAXED - if producing Extended JSON output, if this is true, values will
           use the "Relaxed" form of Extended JSON, which sacrifices type round-tripping for
           improved human readability.

       Starting with BSON "v0.999.0", this module is using a "tick-tock" three-part version-tuple
       numbering scheme: "vX.Y.Z"

       o   In stable releases, "X" will be incremented for incompatible API changes.

       o   Even-value increments of "Y" indicate stable releases with new functionality.  "Z"
           will be incremented for bug fixes.

       o   Odd-value increments of "Y" indicate unstable ("development") releases that should not
           be used in production.  "Z" increments have no semantic meaning; they indicate only
           successive development releases.  Development releases may have API-breaking changes,
           usually indicated by "Y" equal to "999".

       This module was originally written by Stefan G.  In 2014, he graciously transferred
       ongoing maintenance to MongoDB, Inc.

       The "bson_xxxx" helper functions in BSON::Types were inspired by similar work in
       Mango::BSON by Sebastian Riedel.

       o   David Golden <david AT>

       o   Stefan G. <minimalist AT>

       o   Eric Daniels <eric.daniels AT>

       o   Finn <toyou1995 AT>

       o   Olivier Duclos <odc AT>

       o   Pat Gunn <pgunn AT>

       o   Petr Pisa <ppisar AT>

       o   Robert Sedlacek <rs AT>

       o   Thomas Bloor <tbsliver AT>

       o   Tobias Leich <email AT>

       o   Wallace Reis <wallace AT>

       o   Yury Zavarin <yury.zavarin AT>

       o   Oleg Kostyuk <cub AT>

       This software is Copyright (c) 2020 by Stefan G. and MongoDB, Inc.

       This is free software, licensed under:

         The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004

perl v5.30.3                                2020-08-14                                  BSON(3pm)

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