LVMREPORT(7) - phpMan

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LVMREPORT(7)                                                                         LVMREPORT(7)

       lvmreport -- LVM reporting and related features

       LVM uses single reporting infrastructure that sets standard on LVM command's output and it
       provides wide range of configuration settings and command line options to customize report
       and filter the report's output.

Categorization based on reporting facility
       Based  on  functionality,  commands which make use of the reporting infrastructure are di-
       vided in two groups:

              These commands inform about current LVM state and their primary role is to  display
              this  information  in compendious way. To make a distinction, we will name this re-
              port as main report. The set of report-only commands include: pvs, vgs, lvs, pvdis-
              play,  vgdisplay, lvdisplay, lvm devtypes, lvm fullreport.  For further information
              about main report, see main report specifics.

              These commands are responsible for changing LVM state and they do not  contain  any
              main report as identified for report-oriented commands, they only perform some kind
              of processing. The set of processing-oriented commands includes:  pvcreate,  vgcre-
              ate,  lvcreate,  pvchange,  vgchange, lvchange, pvremove, vgremove, lvremove, pvre-
              size, vgextend, vgreduce, lvextend, lvreduce, lvresize, lvrename,  pvscan,  vgscan,
              lvscan, pvmove, vgcfgbackup, vgck, vgconvert, vgexport, vgimport, vgmknodes.

       If  enabled, so called log report is either displayed solely (for processing-oriented com-
       mands) or in addition to main report (for report-oriented commands). The log  report  con-
       tains a log of operations, messages and per-object status with complete object identifica-
       tion collected during LVM command execution. See log report specifics for more information
       about this report type.

       When  describing  reporting functionality and features in this text, we will use terms row
       and column. By row we mean series of values reported for single entity (for example single
       PV,  VG or LV). Each value from the row then belongs to a column of certain type. The col-
       umns have column headings which are short descriptions for the columns.  The  columns  are
       referenced  by  column  names.  Please note that this text is also using term field inter-
       changeably with the term column. Most of the time the term columns is abbreviated  as  col
       in configuration.

Common report configuration settings and command line options
       There  are common configuration settings and command line options which apply to both main
       report and log report. Following lists contain all of them, separated into groups based on
       their use.

              Common configuration settings:

                     o  Changing report output format, composition and other output modifiers:

                        -  global/units

                        -  global/suffix

                        -  report/output_format

                        -  report/compact_output

                        -  report/compact_output_cols

                        -  report/aligned

                        -  report/headings

                        -  report/separator

                        -  report/list_item_separator

                        -  report/prefixes

                        -  report/quoted

                        -  report/columns_as_rows

                        -  report/binary_values_as_numeric

                        -  report/time_format

                        -  report/mark_hidden_devices

                        -  report/two_word_unknown_device

                     o  Special settings

                        -  report/buffered

       This  document  does not describe these settings in more detail - if you need detailed in-
       formation, including values which are accepted for  the  settings,  please  run  lvmconfig
       --type default --withcomments <setting>. There are more configuration settings in addition
       to the common set listed above, but they are specific to either main report or log report,
       see main report specifics and log report specifics for these settings. Besides configuring
       reports globally by using configuration settings, there are also command line options  you
       can use to extend, override or further specify the report configuration.

              Common command line options:

                     o  Definition of the set set of fields to use

                        -  --options|-o FieldSet
                           Field  set  to use. See main report specifics and log report specifics
                           for information about field sets configured with  global  configuratin
                           settings that this option overrides.

                        -  --options|-o+ FieldSet
                           Fields  to include to current field set. See main report specifics and
                           log report specifics for information about field sets configured  with
                           global configuration settings that this option extends.

                        -  --options|-o- FieldSet
                           Fields  to  exclude  from current field set. See main report specifics
                           and log report specifics for information about field  sets  configured
                           with global configuration settings that this option reduces.

                        -  --options|-o# FieldSet
                           Compaction of unused fields. Overrides report/compact_output_cols con-
                           figuration setting.

                     o  Sorting

                        -  --sort|-O+ FieldSet
                           Fields to sort by in ascending order. See main  report  specifics  and
                           log  report specifics for information about field sets configured with
                           global configuration settings that this option overrides.

                        -  --sort|-O- FieldSet
                           Fields to sort by in descending order. See main report  specifics  and
                           log report specifics for information about fields sets configured with
                           global configuration settings that this options overrides.

                     o  Selection

                        -  --select|-S Selection
                           Define selection criteria for report output. For log report, this also
                           overrides  log/command_log_selection  configuration  setting, see also
                           log report specifics.

                     o  Changing output format and composition

                        -  --reportformat
                           Overrides report/output_format configuration setting.

                        -  --aligned
                           Overrides report/aligned configuration setting.

                        -  --binary
                           Overrides report/binary_values_as_numeric configuration setting.

                        -  --nameprefixes
                           Overrides report/prefixes configuration setting.

                        -  --noheadings
                           Overrides report/noheadings configuration setting.

                        -  --nosuffix
                           Overrides global/suffix configuration setting.

                        -  --rows
                           Overrides report/columns_as_rows configuration setting.

                        -  --separator
                           Overrides report/separator configuration setting.

                        -  --units
                           Overrides global/units configuration setting.

                        -  --unquoted
                           Overrides report/quoted configuration setting.

                     o  Special options

                        -  --configreport ReportName
                           This defines the ReportName  for  which  any  subsequent  -o--columns,
                           -O--sort  or -S--select applies to. See also main report specifics and
                           log report specifics for possible ReportName values.

                        -  --logonly
                           When an LVM command contains both main report and log report, this op-
                           tion  suppresses  the  main report output and it causes the log report
                           output to be displayed only.

                        -  --unbuffered
                           Overrides report/bufffered configuration setting.

       The FieldSet mentioned in the lists above is a set of field names where each field name is
       delimited by "," character. Field set definition, sorting and selection may be repeated on
       command line (-o+/-o- includes/excludes fields to/from current list, for all the other re-
       peatable  options,  the  last value typed for the option on the command line is used). The
       Selection is a string with selection criteria, see also Selection paragraph below for more
       information about constructing these criteria.

Main report specifics
       The  main report currently encompasses these distinct subtypes, referenced by their name -
       ReportName as listed below. The command in parenthesis is representative command that uses
       the  main  report  subtype by default.  Each subtype has its own configuration setting for
       global field set definition as well as sort field definition (listed below each individual

              o  pv representing report about Physical Volumes (pvs)

                 -  report/pvs_cols

                 -  report/pvs_sort

              o  pvseg representing report about Physical Volume Segments (pvs --segments)

                 -  report/pvseg_cols

                 -  report/pvseg_sort

              o  vg representing report about Volume Groups (vgs)

                 -  report/vgs_cols

                 -  report/vgs_sort

              o  lv representing report about Logical Volumes (lvs)

                 -  report/lvs_cols

                 -  report/lvs_sort

              o  seg representing report about Logical Volume Segments (lvs --segments)

                 -  report/segs_cols

                 -  report/segs_sort

              o  full representing report combining all of the above as a whole (lvm fullreport)

                 -  report/pvs_cols_full

                 -  report/pvs_sort_full

                 -  report/pvsegs_cols_full

                 -  report/pvseg_sort_full

                 -  report/vgs_cols_full

                 -  report/vgs_sort_full

                 -  report/lvs_cols_full

                 -  report/lvs_sort_full

                 -  report/segs_cols_full

                 -  report/segs_sort_full

              o  devtype representing report about device types (lvm devtypes)

                 -  report/devtypes_cols

                 -  report/devtypes_sort

       Use  pvs, vgs, lvs -o help or lvm devtypes -o help to get complete list of fields that you
       can use for main report. The list of fields in the help  output  is  separated  in  groups
       based  on  which  report  type they belong to.  Note that LVM can change final report type
       used if fields from different groups are combined together. Some of these combinations are
       not allowed in which case LVM will issue an error.

       For all main report subtypes except full, it's not necessary to use --configreport Report-
       Name to denote which report any subsequent -o, -O or -S option applies to as  they  always
       apply  to  the single main report type. Currently, lvm fullreport is the only command that
       includes more than one main report subtype. Therefore, the --configreport is  particularly
       suitable  for the full report if you need to configure each of its subreports in a differ-
       ent way.

Log report specifics
       You can enable log report with log/report_command_log configuration setting -  this  func-
       tionality  is disabled by default. The log report contains a log collected during LVM com-
       mand execution and then the log is displayed just like any other report  known  from  main
       report. There is only one log report subtype as shown below together with related configu-
       ration settings for fields, sorting and selection:

              o  log representing log report

                 -  log/command_log_cols

                 -  log/command_log_sort

                 -  log/command_log_selection

       You always need to use --configreport log together with -o--options, -O--sort  or  -S--se-
       lection  to  override configuration settings directly on command line for log report. When
       compared to main report, in addition to usual configuration settings for report fields and
       sorting,  the  log  report  has  also  configuration  option  for  selection - report/com-
       mand_log_selection. This configuration setting is provided for  convenience  so  it's  not
       necessary  to  use  -S--select on command line each time an LVM command is executed and we
       need the same selection criteria to be applied for log report. Default selection  criteria
       used for log report are log/command_log_selection="!(log_type=status && message=success)".
       This means that, by default, log report doesn't display status messages  about  successful
       operation  and it displays only rows with error, warning, print-type messages and messages
       about failure states (for more information, see log report content below).

       Log report coverage
       Currently, when running LVM commands directly (not in LVM shell), the  log  report  covers
       command's  processing  stage  which  is the moment when LVM entities are iterated and pro-
       cessed one by one. It does not cover any command initialization nor  command  finalization
       stage.  If  there  is  any message issued out of log report's coverage range, such message
       goes directly to output, bypassing the log report. By default, that is standard error out-
       put for error and warning messages and standard output for common print-like messages.

       When running LVM commands in LVM shell, the log report covers the whole LVM command's exe-
       cution, including command's processing as well as initialization and  finalization  stage.
       So from this point of view, the log report coverage is complete for executed LVM commands.
       Note that there are still a few moments when LVM shell needs to initialize  itself  before
       it  even  enters  the main loop in which it executes LVM commands. Also, there is a moment
       when LVM shell needs to prepare log report properly for next command executed in the shell
       and  then, after the command's run, the shell needs to display the log report for that re-
       cently executed command. If there is a failure or any other  message  issued  during  this
       time, the LVM will bypass log report and display messages on output directly.

       For  these  reasons and for completeness, it's not possible to rely fully on log report as
       the only indicator of LVM command's status and the only place where  all  messages  issued
       during  LVM command execution are collected.  You always need to check whether the command
       has not failed out of log report's range by checking the non-report output too.

       To help with this, LVM can separate output which you can then redirect to any custom  file
       descriptor  that  you prepare before running an LVM command or LVM shell and then you make
       LVM to use these file descriptors for different kinds of output  by  defining  environment
       variables  with file descriptor numbers. See also LVM_OUT_FD, LVM_ERR_FD and LVM_REPORT_FD
       environment variable description in lvm(8) man page.

       Also note that, by default, reports use the same file descriptor as common print-like mes-
       sages,  which is standard output. If you plan to use log report in your scripts or any ex-
       ternal tool, you should use LVM_OUT_FD, LVM_ERR_FD and LVM_REPORT_FD to separate all  out-
       put types to different file descriptors. For example, with bash, that would be:

              LVM_OUT_FD=3 LVM_ERR_FD=4 LVM_REPORT_FD=5 <lvm command> 3>out_file 4>err_file 5>re-

       Where the <lvm_command> is either direct LVM command or LVM shell.  You  can  collect  all
       three types of output in particular files then.

       Log report content
       Each item in the log report consists of these set of fields providing various information:

              o  Basic information (mandatory):

                 -  log_seq_num
                    Item  sequence number. The sequence number is unique for each log item and it
                    increases in the order of the log items as they appeared during  LVM  command

                 -  log_type
                    Type of log for the item. Currently, these types are used:

                           status for any status information that is logged

                           print for any common message printed while the log is collected

                           error for any error message printed while the log is collected

                           warn for any warning message printed while the log is collected

                 -  log_context
                    Context of the log for the item. Currently, two contexts are identified:

                           shell for the log collected in the outermost code before and after ex-
                           ecuting concrete LVM commands

                           processing for the log collected while processing LVM entities  during
                           LVM command execution

              o  Message (mandatory):

                 -  log_message
                    Any  message  associated  with current item. For status log type, the message
                    contains either success or failure denoting current state. For  print,  error
                    and  warn log types, the message contains the exact message of that type that
                    got issued.

              o  Object information (used only if applicable):

                 -  log_object_type field
                    Type of the object processed. Currently, these object types are recognized:

                           cmd for command as a whole

                           orphan for processing group of PVs not in any VG yet

                           pv for PV processing

                           label for direct PV label processing (without VG metadata)

                           vg for VG processing

                           lv for LV processing

                 -  log_object_name
                    Name of the object processed.

                 -  log_object_id
                    ID of the object processed.

                 -  log_object_group
                    A group where the processed object belongs to.

                 -  log_object_group_id
                    An ID of a group where the processed object belongs to.

              o  Numeric status (used only if applicable)

                 -  log_errno
                    Error number associated with current item.

                 -  log_ret_code
                    Rreturn code associated with current item.

       You can also run <lvm_command> --configreport log -o help to to display complete  list  of
       fields that you may use for the log report.

       Selection  is  used  for  a report to display only rows that match selection criteria. All
       rows are displayed with the additional selected field (-o selected) displaying  1  if  the
       row  matches the Selection and 0 otherwise. The selection criteria are a set of statements
       combined by logical and grouping operators.  The statement consists of a  field  name  for
       which  a  set  of valid values is defined using comparison operators. For complete list of
       fields names that you can use in selection, see the output of <lvm_command> -S  help.  The
       help output also contains type of values that each field displays enclosed in brackets.

       List of operators recognized in selection criteria

              o  Comparison operators (cmp_op)

                        =~ matching regular expression.

                        !~ not matching regular expression.

                        =  equal to.

                        != not equal to.

                        >= greater than or equal to.

                        >  greater than

                        <= less than or equal to.

                        <  less than.

              o  Binary logical operators (cmp_log)

                        && all fields must match

                        ,  all fields must match

                        || at least one field must match

                        #  at least one field must match

              o  Unary logical operators

                        !  logical negation

              o  Grouping operators

                        (  left parenthesis

                        )  right parenthesis

                        [  list start

                        ]  list end

                        {  list subset start

                        }  list subset end

       Field types and selection operands
       Field  type restricts the set of operators and values that you may use with the field when
       defining selection criteria. You can see field type for each field if you  run  <lvm  com-
       mand> -S help where you can find the type name enclosed in square brackets. Currently, LVM
       recognizes these field types in reports:

              o  string for set of characters (for each string field type,  you  can  use  either
                 string or regular expression - regex for the value used in selection criteria)

              o  string list for set of strings

              o  number for integer value

              o  size for integer or floating point number with size unit suffix (see also lvcre-
                 ate(8) man page and description for "-L--size" option for the list of recognized

              o  percent for floating point number with or without "%" suffix (e.g. 50 or 50%)

              o  time for time values

       When  using  string  list  in selection criteria, there are several ways how LVM can match
       string list fields from report, depending on what list grouping operator is used and  what
       item  separator  is used within that set of items. Also, note that order of items does not
       matter here.

              o  matching the  set  strictly  where  all  items  must  match  -  use  [  ],  e.g.

              o  matching  a subset of the set - use { } with "," or "&&" as item delimiter, e.g.

              o  matching an intersection with the set - use { } with "#" or "||" as item  delim-
                 iter, e.g. {"a" || "b" || "c"}

       When  using  time in your selection criteria, LVM can recognize various time formats using
       standard, absolute or freeform expressions. For examples demonstrating time expressions in
       selection criteria, see EXAMPLES section.

              o  Standard time format

                 -  date


                           YYYY-MM, auto DD=1

                           YYYY, auto MM=01 and DD=01

                 -  time


                           hh:mm, auto ss=0

                           hh, auto mm=0, auto ss=0

                 -  timezone

                           +hh:mm or -hh:mm

                           +hh or -hh

                 The full date/time specification is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. Users are able to leave
                 date/time parts from right to left. Whenever these parts are left out,  a  range
                 is assumed automatically with second granularity. For example:

                           "2015-07-07  9:51"  means  range of "2015-07-07 9:51:00" - "2015-07-07

                           "2015-07" means range of "2015-07-01 0:00:00" - "2015-07-31 23:59:59"

                           "2015" means range of "2015-01-01 0:00:00" - "2015-12-31 23:59:59"

              o  Absolute time format

                 Absolute time is defined as number of seconds since the Epoch (1970:01:01  00:00

                 -  @seconds

              o  Freeform time format

                 -  weekday names ("Sunday" - "Saturday" or abbreviated as "Sun" - "Sat")

                 -  labels for points in time ("noon", "midnight")

                 -  labels for a day relative to current day ("today", "yesterday")

                 -  points back in time with relative offset from today (N is a number)

                           "N" "seconds" / "minutes" / "hours" / "days" / "weeks" / "years" "ago"

                           "N" "secs" / "mins" / "hrs" ... "ago"

                           "N" "s" / "m" / "h" ... "ago"

                 -  time specification either in hh:mm:ss format or with AM/PM suffixes

                 -  month names ("January" - "December" or abbreviated as "Jan" - "Dec")

       Informal grammar specification

                     STATEMENT = column cmp_op VALUE | STATEMENT log_op STATEMENT | (STATEMENT) |

                     VALUE = [VALUE log_op VALUE]
                     For list-based types: string list. Matches strictly.  The log_op must always
                     be of one type within the whole list value.

                     VALUE = {VALUE log_op VALUE}
                     For list-based types: string list. Matches a subset.  The log_op must always
                     be of one type within the whole list value.

                     VALUE = value
                     For scalar types: number, size, percent, string (or string regex).

   Basic usage
       We start our examples with default configuration - lvmconfig(8) is helpful command to dis-
       play  configuration settings which are currently used, including all configuration related
       to reporting. We will use it throughout examples below to display current configuration.

       # lvmconfig --type full global/units global/suffix \
          report/output_format  report/compact_output \
          report/compact_output_cols report/aligned \
          report/headings report/separator \
          report/list_item_separator report/prefixes \
          report/quoted report/columns_as_rows \
          report/binary_values_as_numeric report/time_format \
          report/mark_hidden_devices report/two_word_unknown_device \
       separator=" "
       time_format="%Y-%m-%d %T %z"

       Also, we start with simple LVM layout with two PVs (/dev/sda, /dev/sdb), VG (vg)  and  two
       LVs  (lvol0 and lvol1) in the VG. We display all possible reports as single commands here,
       see also pvs(8), vgs(8), lvs(8) man pages for more information. The field set for each re-
       port type is configured with configuration settings as we already mentioned in main report
       specifics section in this man page.

       # lvmconfig --type full report/pvs_cols report/pvs_sort \
          report/pvsegs_cols report/pvsegs_sort report/vgs_cols \
          report/vgs_sort report/lvs_cols report/lvs_sort \
          report/segs_cols report/segs_sort

       # pvs
         PV         VG Fmt  Attr PSize   PFree
         /dev/sda   vg lvm2 a--  100.00m 88.00m
         /dev/sdb   vg lvm2 a--  100.00m 92.00m

       # pvs --segments
         PV         VG Fmt  Attr PSize   PFree  Start SSize
         /dev/sda   vg lvm2 a--  100.00m 88.00m     0     1
         /dev/sda   vg lvm2 a--  100.00m 88.00m     1     1
         /dev/sda   vg lvm2 a--  100.00m 88.00m     2     1
         /dev/sda   vg lvm2 a--  100.00m 88.00m     3    22
         /dev/sdb   vg lvm2 a--  100.00m 92.00m     0     1
         /dev/sdb   vg lvm2 a--  100.00m 92.00m     1     1
         /dev/sdb   vg lvm2 a--  100.00m 92.00m     2    23

       # vgs
         VG #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize   VFree
         vg   2   2   0 wz--n- 200.00m 180.00m

       # lvs
         LV    VG Attr       LSize Pool Origin Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
         lvol0 vg -wi-a----- 4.00m
         lvol1 vg rwi-a-r--- 4.00m                      100.00

       # lvs --segments
         LV    VG Attr       #Str Type   SSize
         lvol0 vg -wi-a-----    1 linear 4.00m
         lvol1 vg rwi-a-r---    2 raid1  4.00m

       We will use report/lvs_cols and report/lvs_sort configuration settings to define  our  own
       list  of fields to use and to sort by that is different from defaults. You can do this for
       other reports in same  manner  with  report/{pvs,pvseg,vgs,seg}_{cols,sort}  configuration
       settings.   Also note that in the example below, we don't display the "lv_time" field even
       though we're using it for sorting - this is allowed.

       # lvmconfig --type full report/lvs_cols report/lvs_sort

       # lvs
         LV    LSize Origin Pool Cpy%Sync
         lvol1 4.00m             100.00
         lvol0 4.00m

       You can use -o--options command line option to override current configuration directly  on
       command line.

       # lvs -o lv_name,lv_size
         LV    LSize
         lvol1 4.00m
         lvol0 4.00m

       # lvs -o+lv_layout
         LV    LSize Origin Pool Cpy%Sync Layout
         lvol1 4.00m             100.00   raid,raid1
         lvol0 4.00m                      linear

       # lvs -o-origin
         LV    LSize Pool Cpy%Sync
         lvol1 4.00m      100.00
         lvol0 4.00m

       # lvs -o lv_name,lv_size,origin -o+lv_layout -o-origin -O lv_name
         LV    LSize Layout
         lvol0 4.00m linear
         lvol1 4.00m raid,raid1

       You  can  obtain  the same information with single command where all the information about
       PVs, PV segments, LVs and LV segments are obtained per VG under a single VG lock for  con-
       sistency, see also lvm-fullreport(8) man page for more information. The fullreport has its
       own configuration settings to define field sets to use, similar to individual  reports  as
       displayed  above, but configuration settings have "_full" suffix now.  This way, it's pos-
       sible to configure different sets of fields to display and to sort by for  individual  re-
       ports as well as the full report.

       # lvmconfig --type full report/pvs_cols_full \
          report/pvs_sort_full report/pvsegs_cols_full \
          report/pvsegs_sort_full report/vgs_cols_full \
          report/vgs_sort_full report/lvs_cols_full \
          report/lvs_sort_full report/segs_cols_full \

       # lvm fullreport
         PV         VG
         /dev/sda   vg
         /dev/sdb   vg
         LV    VG
         lvol0 vg
         lvol1 vg
         PV         Start SSize
         /dev/sda       0     1
         /dev/sda       1     1
         /dev/sda       2     1
         /dev/sda       3    22
         /dev/sdb       0     1
         /dev/sdb       1     1
         /dev/sdb       2    23
         LV    Start SSize
         lvol0    0  4.00m
         lvol1    0  4.00m

   Automatic output compaction
       If  you look at the lvs output above, you can see that the report also contains fields for
       which there is no information to display (e.g. the columns under "Origin" and "Pool" head-
       ing  -  the "origin" and "pool_lv" fields). LVM can automatically compact report output so
       such fields are not included in final output. To enable this feature and  to  compact  all
       fields, use report/compact_output=1 in your configuration.

       # lvmconfig --type full report/compact_output

       # lvs
         LV    LSize Cpy%Sync
         lvol1 4.00m 100.00
         lvol0 4.00m

       # lvs vg/lvol0
         LV    LSize
         lvol0 4.00m

       Alternatively,  you can define which fields should be compacted by configuring report/com-
       pact_output_cols configuration setting (or -o--options # command line option).

       # lvmconfig --type full report/compact_output report/compact_output_cols

       # lvs
         LV    LSize Pool Cpy%Sync
         lvol1 4.00m      100.00
         lvol0 4.00m

       # lvs vg/lvol0
         LV    LSize Pool
         lvol0 4.00m

       # lvs -o#pool_lv
         LV    LSize Origin Cpy%Sync
         lvol1 4.00m        100.00
         lvol0 4.00m

       We will use report/compact_output=1 for subsequent examples.

   Further formatting options
       By default, LVM displays sizes in reports in human-readable form which means that the most
       suitable unit is used so it's easy to read. You can use report/units configuration setting
       (or --units option directly on command line) and report/suffix configuration  setting  (or
       --nosuffix command line option) to change this.

       # lvs --units b --nosuffix
         LV    LSize   Cpy%Sync
         lvol1 4194304 100.00
         lvol0 4194304

       If you want to configure whether report headings are displayed or not, use report/headings
       configuration settings (or --noheadings command line option).

       # lvs --noheadings
         lvol1 4.00m 100.00
         lvol0 4.00m

       In some cases, it may be useful to display report content as  key=value  pairs  where  key
       here  is actually the field name. Use report/prefixes configuration setting (or --namepre-
       fixes command line option) to switch between standard output and the key=value output. The
       key=value  pair  is  the output that is suitable for use in scripts and for other tools to
       parse easily.  Usually, you also don't want to display headings with the output  that  has
       these key=value pairs.

       # lvs --noheadings --nameprefixes
         LVM2_LV_NAME='lvol1' LVM2_LV_SIZE='4.00m' LVM2_COPY_PERCENT='100.00'
         LVM2_LV_NAME='lvol0' LVM2_LV_SIZE='4.00m' LVM2_COPY_PERCENT=''

       To  define  whether  quotation  marks  in  key=value  pairs should be used or not, use re-
       port/quoted configuration setting (or --unquoted command line option).

       # lvs --noheadings --nameprefixes --unquoted
         LVM2_LV_NAME=lvol1 LVM2_LV_SIZE=4.00m LVM2_COPY_PERCENT=100.00
         LVM2_LV_NAME=lvol0 LVM2_LV_SIZE=4.00m LVM2_COPY_PERCENT=

       For easier parsing, you can even transpose the report so each column now becomes a row  in
       the  output. This is done with report/output_as_rows configuration setting (or --rows com-
       mand line option).

       # lvs --noheadings --nameprefixes --unquoted --rows
         LVM2_LV_NAME=lvol1 LVM2_LV_NAME=lvol0
         LVM2_LV_SIZE=4.00m LVM2_LV_SIZE=4.00m

       Use report/separator configuration setting (or --separator command line option) to  define
       your own field separator to use.

       # lvs --noheadings --nameprefixes --unquoted --separator " | "
         LVM2_LV_NAME=lvol1 | LVM2_LV_SIZE=4.00m | LVM2_COPY_PERCENT=100.00
         LVM2_LV_NAME=lvol0 | LVM2_LV_SIZE=4.00m | LVM2_COPY_PERCENT=

       If you are using your own separator, the columns in the output are not aligned by default.
       Use report/aligned configuration setting (or --aligned command line option) for LVM to add
       extra spaces in report to align the output properly.

       # lvs --separator " | "
         LV | LSize | Cpy%Sync
         lvol1 | 4.00m | 100.00
         lvol0 | 4.00m |

       # lvs --separator " | " --aligned
         LV    | LSize | Cpy%Sync
         lvol1 | 4.00m | 100.00
         lvol0 | 4.00m |

       Let's  display  one one more field in addition ("lv_tags" in this example) for the lvs re-
       port output.

       # lvs -o+lv_tags
         LV    LSize Cpy%Sync LV Tags
         lvol1 4.00m 100.00
         lvol0 4.00m          tagA,tagB

       The "LV Tags" column in the example above displays two list values, separated by "," char-
       acter  for LV lvol0. If you need different list item separator, use report/list_item_sepa-
       rator configuration setting its definition.

       # lvmconfig --type full report/list_item_separator

       # lvs -o+tags
         LV    LSize Cpy%Sync LV Tags
         lvol1 4.00m 100.00
         lvol0 4.00m          tagA;tagB

       But let's still use the original "," character for list_item_separator for subsequent  ex-

       Format for any of time values displayed in reports can be configured with report/time_for-
       mat configuretion setting. By default complete date and time is displayed, including time-

       # lvmconfig --type full report/time_format
       time_format="%Y-%m-%d %T %z"

       # lvs -o+time
         LV    LSize Cpy%Sync CTime
         lvol1 4.00m 100.00   2016-08-29 12:53:36 +0200
         lvol0 4.00m          2016-08-29 10:15:17 +0200

       We  can  change  time  format  in similar way as we do when using date(1) command or strf-
       time(3) function (lvmconfig --type default --withcomments report/time_format will give you
       complete list of available formatting options). In the example below, we decided to use %s
       for number of seconds since Epoch (1970-01-01 UTC).

       # lvmconfig --type full report/time_format

       # lvs
         LV    Attr       LSize Cpy%Sync LV Tags   CTime
         lvol1 rwi-a-r--- 4.00m 100.00             1472468016
         lvol0 -wi-a----- 4.00m          tagA,tagB 1472458517

       The lvs does not display hidden LVs by default - to include these LVs in the  output,  you
       need  to  use -a--all command line option. Names for these hidden LVs are displayed within
       square brackets.

       # lvs -a
         LV               LSize Cpy%Sync
         lvol1            4.00m 100.00
         [lvol1_rimage_0] 4.00m
         [lvol1_rmeta_0]  4.00m
         [lvol1_rimage_1] 4.00m
         [lvol1_rmeta_1]  4.00m
         lvol0            4.00m

       You can configure LVM to display the square brackets  for  hidden  LVs  or  not  with  re-
       port/mark_hidden_devices configuration setting.

       # lvmconfig --type full report/mark_hidden_devices

       # lvs -a
         LV             LSize Cpy%Sync
         lvol1          4.00m 100.00
         lvol1_rimage_0 4.00m
         lvol1_rmeta_0  4.00m
         lvol1_rimage_1 4.00m
         lvol1_rmeta_1  4.00m
         lvol0          4.00m

       It's  not  recommended  to use LV marks for hidden devices to decide whether the LV is the
       one to use by end users or not. Please, use  "lv_role"  field  instead  which  can  report
       whether  the  LV  is  "public" or "private". The private LVs are used by LVM only and they
       should not be accessed directly by end users.

       # lvs -a -o+lv_role
         LV             LSize Cpy%Sync Role
         lvol1          4.00m 100.00   public
         lvol1_rimage_0 4.00m          private,raid,image
         lvol1_rmeta_0  4.00m          private,raid,metadata
         lvol1_rimage_1 4.00m          private,raid,image
         lvol1_rmeta_1  4.00m          private,raid,metadata
         lvol0          4.00m          public

       Some of the reporting fields that LVM reports are of binary nature. For such fields,  it's
       either   possible to display word representation of the value (this is used by default) or
       numeric value (0/1 or -1 in case the value is undefined).

       # lvs -o+lv_active_locally
         LV    LSize Cpy%Sync ActLocal
         lvol1 4.00m 100.00   active locally
         lvol0 4.00m          active locally

       We can change the way how  these  binary  values  are  displayed  with  report/binary_val-
       ues_as_numeric configuration setting.

       # lvmconfig --type full report/binary_values_as_numeric

       # lvs -o+lv_active_locally
         LV    LSize Cpy%Sync ActLocal
         lvol1 4.00m 100.00            1
         lvol0 4.00m                   1

   Changing output format
       LVM  can output reports in different formats - use report/output_format configuration set-
       ting (or --reportformat command line option) to swith the report output format. Currently,
       LVM  supports  "basic" (all the examples we used above used this format) and "JSON" output

       # lvs -o lv_name,lv_size --reportformat json
             "report": [
                     "lv": [
                         {"lv_name":"lvol1", "lv_size":"4.00m"},
                         {"lv_name":"lvol0", "lv_size":"4.00m"}

       Note that some configuration settings and command line options have no effect with certain
       report  formats.  For  example,  with  JSON output, it doesn't have any meaning to use re-
       port/aligned   (--aligned),   report/noheadings   (--noheadings),   report/columns_as_rows
       (--rows)  or  report/buffered (--unbuffered). All these configuration settings and command
       line options are ignored if using the JSON report output format.

       If you need to select only specific rows from report, you can use LVM's  report  selection
       feature.  If  you call <lvm_command> -S help, you'll get quick help on selection. The help
       contains list of all fields that LVM can use in reports together with its type enclosed in
       square brackets.  The example below contains a line from lvs -S help.

       # lvs -S help
           lv_size                - Size of LV in current units. [size]

       This  line  tells  you  you that the "lv_size" field is of "size" type. If you look at the
       bottom of the help output, you can see section about "Selection operators" and  its  "Com-
       parison operators".

       # lvs -S help
       Selection operators
       Comparison operators:
          =~  - Matching regular expression. [regex]
          !~  - Not matching regular expression. [regex]
           =  - Equal to. [number, size, percent, string, string list, time]
          !=  - Not equal to. [number, size, percent, string, string_list, time]
          >=  - Greater than or equal to. [number, size, percent, time]
           >  - Greater than. [number, size, percent, time]
          <=  - Less than or equal to. [number, size, percent, time]
           <  - Less than. [number, size, percent, time]
       since  - Since specified time (same as '>='). [time]
       after  - After specified time (same as '>'). [time]
       until  - Until specified time (same as '<='). [time]
       before  - Before specified time (same as '<'). [time]

       Here you can match comparison operators that you may use with the "lv_size" field which is
       of type "size" - it's =, !=, >=, >, <= and <. You can find applicable comparison operators
       for other fields and other field types the same way.

       To demostrate selection functionality in LVM, we will create more LVs in addition to lvol0
       and lvol1 we used in our previous examples.

       # lvs -o name,size,origin,snap_percent,tags,time
         LV    LSize Origin Snap%  LV Tags        CTime
         lvol4 4.00m lvol2  24.61                 2016-09-09 16:57:44 +0200
         lvol3 4.00m lvol2  5.08                  2016-09-09 16:56:48 +0200
         lvol2 8.00m               tagA,tagC,tagD 2016-09-09 16:55:12 +0200
         lvol1 4.00m                              2016-08-29 12:53:36 +0200
         lvol0 4.00m               tagA,tagB      2016-08-29 10:15:17 +0200

       When selecting size and percent fields, we don't need to use units.   For  sizes,  default
       "m"  (for  MiB) is used - this is the same behaviour as already used for LVM commands when
       specifying sizes (e.g. lvcreate -L).  For percent fields, "%" is assumed automatically  if
       it's  not specified.  The example below also demonstrates how several criteria can be com-
       bined together.

       # lvs -o name,size,snap_percent -S 'size=8m'
         LV    LSize
         lvol2 8.00m

       # lvs -o name,size,snap_percent -S 'size=8'
         LV    LSize
         lvol2 8.00m

       # lvs -o name,size,snap_percent -S 'size < 5000k'
         LV    LSize Snap%
         lvol4 4.00m 24.61
         lvol3 4.00m 5.08
         lvol1 4.00m
         lvol0 4.00m

       # lvs -o name,size,snap_percent -S 'size < 5000k && snap_percent > 20'
         LV    LSize Snap%
         lvol4 4.00m 24.61

       # lvs -o name,size,snap_percent \
           -S '(size < 5000k && snap_percent > 20%) || name=lvol2'
         LV    LSize Snap%
         lvol4 4.00m 24.61
         lvol2 8.00m

       You can also use selection together with processing-oriented commands.

       # lvchange --addtag test -S 'size < 5000k'
         Logical volume vg/lvol1 changed.
         Logical volume vg/lvol0 changed.
         Logical volume vg/lvol3 changed.
         Logical volume vg/lvol4 changed.

       # lvchange --deltag test -S 'tags = test'
         Logical volume vg/lvol1 changed.
         Logical volume vg/lvol0 changed.
         Logical volume vg/lvol3 changed.
         Logical volume vg/lvol4 changed.

       LVM can recognize more complex values used in selection criteria for string list and  time
       field  types. For string lists, you can match whole list strictly, its subset or intersec-
       tion. Let's take "lv_tags" field as an example - we select only rows which contain  "tagA"
       within tags field. We're using { } to denote that we're interested in subset that matches.
       If the subset has only one item, we can leave out { }.

       # lvs -o name,tags -S 'tags={tagA}'
         LV    LV Tags
         lvol2 tagA,tagC,tagD
         lvol0 tagA,tagB

       # lvs -o name,tags -S 'tags=tagA'
         LV    LV Tags
         lvol2 tagA,tagC,tagD
         lvol0 tagA,tagB

       Depending on whether we use "&&" (or ",") or "||" ( or "#") as delimiter for items in  the
       set we define in selection criterion for string list, we either match subset ("&&" or ",")
       or even intersection ("||" or "#").

       # lvs -o name,tags -S 'tags={tagA,tagC,tagD}'
         LV    LV Tags
         lvol2 tagA,tagC,tagD

       # lvs -o name,tags -S 'tags={tagA || tagC || tagD}'
         LV    LV Tags
         lvol2 tagA,tagC,tagD
         lvol0 tagA,tagB

       To match the complete set, use [ ] with "&&" (or ",") as delimiter for items.   Also  note
       that the order in which we define items in the set is not relevant.

       # lvs -o name,tags -S 'tags=[tagA]'

       # lvs -o name,tags -S 'tags=[tagB,tagA]'
         LV    LV Tags
         lvol0 tagA,tagB

       If you use [ ] with "||" (or "#"), this is exactly the same as using { }.

       # lvs -o name,tags -S 'tags=[tagA || tagC || tagD]'
         LV    LV Tags
         lvol2 tagA,tagC,tagD
         lvol0 tagA,tagB

       To  match  a set with no items, use "" to denote this (note that we have output compaction
       enabled so the "LV Tags" column is not displayed in the example below because  it's  blank
       and so it gets compacted).

       # lvs -o name,tags -S 'tags=""'

       # lvs -o name,tags -S 'tags!=""'
         LV    LV Tags
         lvol2 tagA,tagC,tagD
         lvol0 tagA,tagB

       When  doing  selection  based  on  time  fields,  we  can use either standard, absolute or
       freeform time expressions in selection criteria. Examples below are using standard forms.

       # lvs -o name,time
         LV    CTime
         lvol4 2016-09-09 16:57:44 +0200
         lvol3 2016-09-09 16:56:48 +0200
         lvol2 2016-09-09 16:55:12 +0200
         lvol1 2016-08-29 12:53:36 +0200
         lvol0 2016-08-29 10:15:17 +0200

       # lvs -o name,time -S 'time since "2016-09-01"'
         LV    CTime
         lvol4 2016-09-09 16:57:44 +0200
         lvol3 2016-09-09 16:56:48 +0200
         lvol2 2016-09-09 16:55:12 +0200

       # lvs -o name,time -S 'time since "2016-09-09 16:56"'
         LV    CTime
         lvol4 2016-09-09 16:57:44 +0200
         lvol3 2016-09-09 16:56:48 +0200

       # lvs -o name,time -S 'time since "2016-09-09 16:57:30"'
         LV    CTime
         lvol4 2016-09-09 16:57:44 +0200

       # lvs -o name,time \
           -S 'time since "2016-08-29" && time until "2016-09-09 16:55:12"'
         LV    CTime
         lvol2 2016-09-09 16:55:12 +0200
         lvol1 2016-08-29 12:53:36 +0200
         lvol0 2016-08-29 10:15:17 +0200

       # lvs -o name,time \
           -S 'time since "2016-08-29" && time before "2016-09-09 16:55:12"'
         LV    CTime
         lvol1 2016-08-29 12:53:36 +0200
         lvol0 2016-08-29 10:15:17 +0200

       Time operators have synonyms: ">=" for since, "<=" for until, ">" for "after" and "<"  for

       # lvs -o name,time \
           -S 'time >= "2016-08-29" && time <= "2016-09-09 16:55:30"'
         LV    CTime
         lvol2 2016-09-09 16:55:12 +0200
         lvol1 2016-08-29 12:53:36 +0200
         lvol0 2016-08-29 10:15:17 +0200

       # lvs -o name,time \
           -S 'time since "2016-08-29" && time < "2016-09-09 16:55:12"'
         LV    CTime
         lvol1 2016-08-29 12:53:36 +0200
         lvol0 2016-08-29 10:15:17 +0200

       Example below demonstrates using absolute time expression.

       # lvs -o name,time --config report/time_format="%s"
         LV    CTime
         lvol4 1473433064
         lvol3 1473433008
         lvol2 1473432912
         lvol1 1472468016
         lvol0 1472458517

       # lvs -o name,time -S 'time since @1473433008'
         LV    CTime
         lvol4 2016-09-09 16:57:44 +0200
         lvol3 2016-09-09 16:56:48 +0200

       Examples below demonstrates using freeform time expressions.

       # lvs -o name,time -S 'time since "2 weeks ago"'
         LV    CTime
         lvol4 2016-09-09 16:57:44 +0200
         lvol3 2016-09-09 16:56:48 +0200
         lvol2 2016-09-09 16:55:12 +0200
         lvol1 2016-08-29 12:53:36 +0200
         lvol0 2016-08-29 10:15:17 +0200

       # lvs -o name,time -S 'time since "1 week ago"'
         LV    CTime
         lvol4 2016-09-09 16:57:44 +0200
         lvol3 2016-09-09 16:56:48 +0200
         lvol2 2016-09-09 16:55:12 +0200

       # lvs -o name,time -S 'time since "2 weeks ago"'
         LV    CTime
         lvol1 2016-08-29 12:53:36 +0200
         lvol0 2016-08-29 10:15:17 +0200

       # lvs -o name,time -S 'time before "1 week ago"'
         LV    CTime
         lvol1 2016-08-29 12:53:36 +0200
         lvol0 2016-08-29 10:15:17 +0200

       # lvs -o name,time -S 'time since "68 hours ago"'
         LV    CTime
         lvol4 2016-09-09 16:57:44 +0200
         lvol3 2016-09-09 16:56:48 +0200
         lvol2 2016-09-09 16:55:12 +0200

       # lvs -o name,time -S 'time since "1 year 3 months ago"'
         LV    CTime
         lvol4 2016-09-09 16:57:44 +0200
         lvol3 2016-09-09 16:56:48 +0200
         lvol2 2016-09-09 16:55:12 +0200
         lvol1 2016-08-29 12:53:36 +0200
         lvol0 2016-08-29 10:15:17 +0200

   Command log reporting
       As  described  in  categorization  based on reporting facility section at the beginning of
       this document, both report-oriented and processing-oriented LVM commands  can  report  the
       command  log  if  this is enabled with log/report_command_log configuration setting.  Just
       like any other report, we can set the set of fields to display (log/command_log_cols)  and
       to sort by (log/command_log_sort) for this report.

       # lvmconfig --type full log/report_command_log log/command_log_cols \
          log/command_log_sort log/command_log_selection
       command_log_selection="!(log_type=status && message=success)"

       # lvs
         Logical Volume
         LV    LSize Cpy%Sync
         lvol1 4.00m 100.00
         lvol0 4.00m

         Command Log
         Seq LogType Context ObjType ObjName ObjGrp  Msg     Errno RetCode

       As  you can see, the command log is empty (it contains only field names).  By default, LVM
       uses selection on the command log report and this case no row matched the selection crite-
       ria,  see  also  log report specifics section in this document for more information. We're
       displaying complete log report in the example below where we can see that both  LVs  lvol0
       and lvol1 were successfully processed as well as the VG vg they are part of.

       # lvmconfig --type full log/command_log_selection

       # lvs
         Logical Volume
         LV    LSize Cpy%Sync
         lvol1 4.00m 100.00
         lvol0 4.00m

         Command Log
         Seq LogType Context    ObjType ObjName ObjGrp  Msg     Errno RetCode
           1 status  processing lv      lvol0   vg      success     0       1
           2 status  processing lv      lvol1   vg      success     0       1
           3 status  processing vg      vg              success     0       1

       # lvchange -an vg/lvol1
         Command Log
         Seq LogType Context    ObjType ObjName ObjGrp  Msg     Errno RetCode
           1 status  processing lv      lvol1   vg      success     0       1
           2 status  processing vg      vg              success     0       1

   Handling multiple reports per single command
       To configure the log report directly on command line, we need to use --configreport option
       before we start any -o--options, -O--sort or -S--select that is targeted for log report.

       # lvs -o lv_name,lv_size --configreport log -o log_object_type, \
         Logical Volume
         LV    LSize
         lvol1 4.00m
         lvol0 4.00m

         Command Log
         ObjType ObjName Msg     RetCode
         lv      lvol0   success       1
         lv      lvol1   success       1
         vg      vg      success       1

       The lvm fullreport, with or without log report, consists of several reports - the --confi-
       greport is also used to target particular subreport here.

       Below  is an extended example with lvm fullreport to illustrate combination of various op-
       tions. The report output is in JSON format.  Also, we configure "vg", "pvseg",  "seg"  and
       "log"  subreport  to  contain  only specified fields. For the "pvseg" subreport, we're in-
       tested only in PV names having "sda" in their name. For the "log" subreport we're intested
       only  in  log  lines  related to either "lvol0" object or object having "sda" in its name.
       Also, for the log subreport we define ordering to be based on "log_object_type" field.

       # lvm fullreport --reportformat json \
          --configreport vg -o vg_name,vg_size \
          --configreport pvseg -o pv_name,pvseg_start \
                               -S 'pv_name=~sda' \
          --configreport seg -o lv_name,seg_start \
          --configreport log -o log_object_type,log_object_name \
                             -O log_object_type \
                             -S 'log_object_name=lvol0 || \
             "report": [
                     "vg": [
                         {"vg_name":"vg", "vg_size":"200.00m"}
                     "pv": [
                         {"pv_name":"/dev/sda", "vg_name":"vg"},
                         {"pv_name":"/dev/sdb", "vg_name":"vg"}
                     "lv": [
                         {"lv_name":"lvol0", "vg_name":"vg"},
                         {"lv_name":"lvol1", "vg_name":"vg"}
                     "pvseg": [
                         {"pv_name":"/dev/sda", "pvseg_start":"0"},
                         {"pv_name":"/dev/sda", "pvseg_start":"1"},
                         {"pv_name":"/dev/sda", "pvseg_start":"2"},
                         {"pv_name":"/dev/sda", "pvseg_start":"3"}
                     "seg": [
                         {"lv_name":"lvol0", "seg_start":"0 "},
                         {"lv_name":"lvol1", "seg_start":"0 "}
             "log": [
                 {"log_object_type":"lv", "log_object_name":"lvol0"},
                 {"log_object_type":"lv", "log_object_name":"lvol0"},
                 {"log_object_type":"pv", "log_object_name":"/dev/sda"},
                 {"log_object_type":"pv", "log_object_name":"/dev/sda"},

   Report extensions for LVM shell
       As already stated in log report coverage paragraph under log report specifics in this doc-
       umentation,  when  using  LVM shell the log report coverage is wider. There's also special
       command designed to query last command's log report in the LVM shell -  the  lastlog  com-

       The example below illustrates a situation where we called lvs command.  After that, we in-
       spected the log report with the lastlog, without any selection so all the  log  report  is
       displayed  on  output.  Then we called lastlog further, giving various selection criteria.
       Then we ran unknown LVM command "abc" for which the log report displays appropriate  fail-
       ure state.

       # lvm
       lvm> lvs
         Logical Volume
         LV    LSize Cpy%Sync
         lvol1 4.00m 100.00
         lvol0 4.00m

         Command Log
         Seq LogType Context    ObjType ObjName ObjGrp  Msg     Errno RetCode
           1 status  processing lv      lvol0   vg      success     0       1
           2 status  processing lv      lvol1   vg      success     0       1
           3 status  processing vg      vg              success     0       1
           4 status  shell      cmd     lvs             success     0       1

       lvm> lastlog
         Command Log
         Seq LogType Context    ObjType ObjName ObjGrp  Msg     Errno RetCode
           1 status  processing lv      lvol0   vg      success     0       1
           2 status  processing lv      lvol1   vg      success     0       1
           3 status  processing vg      vg              success     0       1
           4 status  shell      cmd     lvs             success     0       1

       lvm> lastlog -S log_object_type=lv
         Command Log
         Seq LogType Context    ObjType ObjName ObjGrp  Msg     Errno RetCode
           1 status  processing lv      lvol0   vg      success     0       1
           2 status  processing lv      lvol1   vg      success     0       1

       lvm> lastlog -S log_context=shell
         Command Log
         Seq LogType Context ObjType ObjName ObjGrp  Msg     Errno RetCode
           4 status  shell   cmd     lvs             success     0       1

       lvm> abc
         Command Log
         Seq LogType Context ObjType ObjName ObjGrp  Msg                                 Errno RetCode
           1 error   shell   cmd     abc             No such command 'abc'.  Try 'help'.    -1       0
           2 status  shell   cmd     abc             failure                                -1       2

       lvm (8), lvmconfig (8), lvm fullreport (8)

Red Hat, Inc                    LVM TOOLS 2.03.11(2) (2021-01-08)                    LVMREPORT(7)

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