Types::Standard(3pm) - phpMan

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Types::Standard(3pm)           User Contributed Perl Documentation           Types::Standard(3pm)

       Types::Standard - bundled set of built-in types for Type::Tiny

        use v5.12;
        use strict;
        use warnings;

        package Horse {
          use Moo;
          use Types::Standard qw( Str Int Enum ArrayRef Object );
          use Type::Params qw( compile );
          use namespace::autoclean;

          has name => (
            is       => 'ro',
            isa      => Str,
            required => 1,
          has gender => (
            is       => 'ro',
            isa      => Enum[qw( f m )],
          has age => (
            is       => 'rw',
            isa      => Int->where( '$_ >= 0' ),
          has children => (
            is       => 'ro',
            isa      => ArrayRef[Object],
            default  => sub { return [] },

          sub add_child {
            state $check = compile( Object, Object );  # method signature

            my ($self, $child) = $check->(@_);         # unpack @_
            push @{ $self->children }, $child;

            return $self;

        package main;

        my $boldruler = Horse->new(
          name    => "Bold Ruler",
          gender  => 'm',
          age     => 16,

        my $secretariat = Horse->new(
          name    => "Secretariat",
          gender  => 'm',
          age     => 0,

        $boldruler->add_child( $secretariat );

        use Types::Standard qw( is_Object assert_Object );

        # is_Object($thing) returns a boolean
        my $is_it_an_object = is_Object($boldruler);

        # assert_Object($thing) returns $thing or dies
        say assert_Object($boldruler)->name;  # says "Bold Ruler"

       This module is covered by the Type-Tiny stability policy.

       This documents the details of the Types::Standard type library.  Type::Tiny::Manual is a
       better starting place if you're new.

       Type::Tiny bundles a few types which seem to be useful.

       The following types are similar to those described in Moose::Util::TypeConstraints.

       o   Any

           Absolutely any value passes this type constraint (even undef).

       o   Item

           Essentially the same as Any. All other type constraints in this library inherit
           directly or indirectly from Item.

       o   Bool

           Values that are reasonable booleans. Accepts 1, 0, the empty string and undef.

       o   Maybe[`a]

           Given another type constraint, also accepts undef. For example, Maybe[Int] accepts all
           integers plus undef.

       o   Undef

           Only undef passes this type constraint.

       o   Defined

           Only undef fails this type constraint.

       o   Value

           Any defined, non-reference value.

       o   Str

           Any string.

           (The only difference between Value and Str is that the former accepts typeglobs and

           Other customers also bought: StringLike from Types::TypeTiny.

       o   Num

           See LaxNum and StrictNum below.

       o   Int

           An integer; that is a string of digits 0 to 9, optionally prefixed with a hyphen-minus

           Expect inconsistent results for dualvars, and numbers too high (or negative numbers
           too low) for Perl to safely represent as an integer.

       o   ClassName

           The name of a loaded package. The package must have @ISA or $VERSION defined, or must
           define at least one sub to be considered a loaded package.

       o   RoleName

           Like ClassName, but the package must not define a method called "new". This is subtly
           different from Moose's type constraint of the same name; let me know if this causes
           you any problems. (I can't promise I'll change anything though.)

       o   Ref[`a]

           Any defined reference value, including blessed objects.

           Unlike Moose, Ref is a parameterized type, allowing Scalar::Util::reftype checks, a la

              Ref["HASH"]  # hashrefs, including blessed hashrefs

       o   ScalarRef[`a]

           A value where "ref($value) eq "SCALAR" or ref($value) eq "REF"".

           If parameterized, the referred value must pass the additional constraint.  For
           example, ScalarRef[Int] must be a reference to a scalar which holds an integer value.

       o   ArrayRef[`a]

           A value where "ref($value) eq "ARRAY"".

           If parameterized, the elements of the array must pass the additional constraint. For
           example, ArrayRef[Num] must be a reference to an array of numbers.

           As an extension to Moose's ArrayRef type, a minimum and maximum array length can be

              ArrayRef[CodeRef, 1]        # ArrayRef of at least one CodeRef
              ArrayRef[FileHandle, 0, 2]  # ArrayRef of up to two FileHandles
              ArrayRef[Any, 0, 100]       # ArrayRef of up to 100 elements

           Other customers also bought: ArrayLike from Types::TypeTiny.

       o   HashRef[`a]

           A value where "ref($value) eq "HASH"".

           If parameterized, the values of the hash must pass the additional constraint. For
           example, HashRef[Num] must be a reference to an hash where the values are numbers. The
           hash keys are not constrained, but Perl limits them to strings; see Map below if you
           need to further constrain the hash values.

           Other customers also bought: HashLike from Types::TypeTiny.

       o   CodeRef

           A value where "ref($value) eq "CODE"".

           Other customers also bought: CodeLike from Types::TypeTiny.

       o   RegexpRef

           A reference where "re::is_regexp($value)" is true, or a blessed reference where
           "$value->isa("Regexp")" is true.

       o   GlobRef

           A value where "ref($value) eq "GLOB"".

       o   FileHandle

           A file handle.

       o   Object

           A blessed object.

           (This also accepts regexp refs.)

       OK, so I stole some ideas from MooseX::Types::Structured.

       o   Map[`k, `v]

           Similar to HashRef but parameterized with type constraints for both the key and value.
           The constraint for keys would typically be a subtype of Str.

       o   Tuple[...]

           Subtype of ArrayRef, accepting a list of type constraints for each slot in the array.

           Tuple[Int, HashRef] would match "[1, {}]" but not "[{}, 1]".

       o   Dict[...]

           Subtype of HashRef, accepting a list of type constraints for each slot in the hash.

           For example Dict[name => Str, id => Int] allows "{ name => "Bob", id => 42 }".

       o   Optional[`a]

           Used in conjunction with Dict and Tuple to specify slots that are optional and may be
           omitted (but not necessarily set to an explicit undef).

           Dict[name => Str, id => Optional[Int]] allows "{ name => "Bob" }" but not "{ name =>
           "Bob", id => "BOB" }".

           Note that any use of Optional[`a] outside the context of parameterized Dict and Tuple
           type constraints makes little sense, and its behaviour is undefined. (An exception: it
           is used by Type::Params for a similar purpose to how it's used in Tuple.)

       This module also exports a "slurpy" function, which can be used as follows.

       It can cause additional trailing values in a Tuple to be slurped into a structure and
       validated. For example, slurping into an arrayref:

          my $type = Tuple[Str, slurpy ArrayRef[Int]];

          $type->( ["Hello"] );                # ok
          $type->( ["Hello", 1, 2, 3] );       # ok
          $type->( ["Hello", [1, 2, 3]] );     # not ok

       Or into a hashref:

          my $type2 = Tuple[Str, slurpy Map[Int, RegexpRef]];

          $type2->( ["Hello"] );                               # ok
          $type2->( ["Hello", 1, qr/one/i, 2, qr/two/] );      # ok

       It can cause additional values in a Dict to be slurped into a hashref and validated:

          my $type3 = Dict[ values => ArrayRef, slurpy HashRef[Str] ];

          $type3->( { values => [] } );                        # ok
          $type3->( { values => [], name => "Foo" } );         # ok
          $type3->( { values => [], name => [] } );            # not ok

       In either Tuple or Dict, slurpy Any can be used to indicate that additional values are
       acceptable, but should not be constrained in any way.

       slurpy Any is an optimized code path. Although the following are essentially equivalent
       checks, the former should run a lot faster:

          Tuple[Int, slurpy Any]
          Tuple[Int, slurpy ArrayRef]

       OK, so I stole some ideas from MooX::Types::MooseLike::Base.

       o   InstanceOf[`a]

           Shortcut for a union of Type::Tiny::Class constraints.

           InstanceOf["Foo", "Bar"] allows objects blessed into the "Foo" or "Bar" classes, or
           subclasses of those.

           Given no parameters, just equivalent to Object.

       o   ConsumerOf[`a]

           Shortcut for an intersection of Type::Tiny::Role constraints.

           ConsumerOf["Foo", "Bar"] allows objects where "$o->DOES("Foo")" and "$o->DOES("Bar")"
           both return true.

           Given no parameters, just equivalent to Object.

       o   HasMethods[`a]

           Shortcut for a Type::Tiny::Duck constraint.

           HasMethods["foo", "bar"] allows objects where "$o->can("foo")" and "$o->can("bar")"
           both return true.

           Given no parameters, just equivalent to Object.

       There are a few other types exported by this module:

       o   Overload[`a]

           With no parameters, checks that the value is an overloaded object. Can be given one or
           more string parameters, which are specific operations to check are overloaded. For
           example, the following checks for objects which overload addition and subtraction.

              Overload["+", "-"]

       o   Tied[`a]

           A reference to a tied scalar, array or hash.

           Can be parameterized with a type constraint which will be applied to the object
           returned by the "tied()" function. As a convenience, can also be parameterized with a
           string, which will be inflated to a Type::Tiny::Class.

              use Types::Standard qw(Tied);
              use Type::Utils qw(class_type);

              my $My_Package = class_type { class => "My::Package" };

              tie my %h, "My::Package";
              \%h ~~ Tied;                   # true
              \%h ~~ Tied[ $My_Package ];    # true
              \%h ~~ Tied["My::Package"];    # true

              tie my $s, "Other::Package";
              \$s ~~ Tied;                   # true
              $s  ~~ Tied;                   # false !!

           If you need to check that something is specifically a reference to a tied hash, use an

              use Types::Standard qw( Tied HashRef );

              my $TiedHash = (Tied) & (HashRef);

              tie my %h, "My::Package";
              tie my $s, "Other::Package";

              \%h ~~ $TiedHash;     # true
              \$s ~~ $TiedHash;     # false

       o   StrMatch[`a]

           A string that matches a regular expression:

              declare "Distance",
                 as StrMatch[ qr{^([0-9]+)\s*(mm|cm|m|km)$} ];

           You can optionally provide a type constraint for the array of subexpressions:

              declare "Distance",
                 as StrMatch[
                       enum(DistanceUnit => [qw/ mm cm m km /]),

           Here's an example using Regexp::Common:

              package Local::Host {
                 use Moose;
                 use Regexp::Common;
                 has ip_address => (
                    is         => 'ro',
                    required   => 1,
                    isa        => StrMatch[qr/^$RE{net}{IPv4}$/],
                    default    => '',

           On certain versions of Perl, type constraints of the forms StrMatch[qr/../ and
           StrMatch[qr/\A..\z/ with any number of intervening dots can be optimized to simple
           length checks.

       o   Enum[`a]

           As per MooX::Types::MooseLike::Base:

              has size => (
                 is     => "ro",
                 isa    => Enum[qw( S M L XL XXL )],

           You can enable coercion by passing "\1" before the list of values.

              has size => (
                 is     => "ro",
                 isa    => Enum[ \1, qw( S M L XL XXL ) ],
                 coerce => 1,

           This will use the "closest_match" method in Type::Tiny::Enum to coerce closely
           matching strings.

       o   OptList

           An arrayref of arrayrefs in the style of Data::OptList output.

       o   LaxNum, StrictNum

           In Moose 2.09, the Num type constraint implementation was changed from being a wrapper
           around Scalar::Util's "looks_like_number" function to a stricter regexp (which
           disallows things like "-Inf" and "Nan").

           Types::Standard provides both implementations. LaxNum is measurably faster.

           The Num type constraint is currently an alias for LaxNum unless you set the
           "PERL_TYPES_STANDARD_STRICTNUM" environment variable to true before loading
           Types::Standard, in which case it becomes an alias for StrictNum.  The constant
           "Types::Standard::STRICTNUM" can be used to check if Num is being strict.

           Most people should probably use Num or StrictNum. Don't explicitly use LaxNum unless
           you specifically need an attribute which will accept things like "Inf".

       o   CycleTuple[`a]

           Similar to Tuple, but cyclical.

              CycleTuple[Int, HashRef]

           will allow "[1,{}]" and "[1,{},2,{}]" but disallow "[1,{},2]" and "[1,{},2,[]]".

           I think you understand CycleTuple already.

           Currently Optional and "slurpy" parameters are forbidden. There are fairly limited use
           cases for them, and it's not exactly clear what they should mean.

           The following is an efficient way of checking for an even-sized arrayref:

              CycleTuple[Any, Any]

           The following is an arrayref which would be suitable for coercing to a hashref:

              CycleTuple[Str, Any]

           All the examples so far have used two parameters, but the following is also a possible

              CycleTuple[Str, Int, HashRef]

           This will be an arrayref where the 0th, 3rd, 6th, etc values are strings, the 1st,
           4th, 7th, etc values are integers, and the 2nd, 5th, 8th, etc values are hashrefs.

       Most of the types in this type library have no coercions by default.  The exception is
       Bool as of Types::Standard 1.003_003, which coerces from Any via "!!$_".

       Some standalone coercions may be exported. These can be combined with type constraints
       using the "plus_coercions" method.

       o   MkOpt

           A coercion from ArrayRef, HashRef or Undef to OptList. Example usage in a Moose

              use Types::Standard qw( OptList MkOpt );

              has options => (
                 is     => "ro",
                 isa    => OptList->plus_coercions( MkOpt ),
                 coerce => 1,

       o   Split[`a]

           Split a string on a regexp.

              use Types::Standard qw( ArrayRef Str Split );

              has name => (
                 is     => "ro",
                 isa    => ArrayRef->of(Str)->plus_coercions(Split[qr/\s/]),
                 coerce => 1,

       o   Join[`a]

           Join an array of strings with a delimiter.

              use Types::Standard qw( Str Join );

              my $FileLines = Str->plus_coercions(Join["\n"]);

              has file_contents => (
                 is     => "ro",
                 isa    => $FileLines,
                 coerce => 1,

           Indicates whether Num is an alias for StrictNum. (It is usually an alias for LaxNum.)

           Switches to more strict regexp-based number checking instead of using

           If set to false, can be used to suppress the loading of XS implementions of some type

           If "PERL_TYPE_TINY_XS" does not exist, can be set to true to suppress XS usage
           similarly. (Several other CPAN distributions also pay attention to this environment

       Please report any bugs to <https://github.com/tobyink/p5-type-tiny/issues>.

       The Type::Tiny homepage <https://typetiny.toby.ink/>.


       Type::Tiny, Type::Library, Type::Utils, Type::Coercion.

       Moose::Util::TypeConstraints, Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints, MooseX::Types::Structured.

       Types::XSD provides some type constraints based on XML Schema's data types; this includes
       constraints for ISO8601-formatted datetimes, integer ranges (e.g.
       PositiveInteger[maxInclusive=>10] and so on.

       Types::Encodings provides Bytes and Chars type constraints that were formerly found in

       Types::Common::Numeric and Types::Common::String provide replacements for

       Toby Inkster <tobyink AT cpan.org>.

       This software is copyright (c) 2013-2014, 2017-2021 by Toby Inkster.

       This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as
       the Perl 5 programming language system itself.


perl v5.32.1                                2021-08-31                       Types::Standard(3pm)

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