cleanup(8) - phpMan

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CLEANUP(8postfix)                                                               CLEANUP(8postfix)

       cleanup - canonicalize and enqueue Postfix message

       cleanup [generic Postfix daemon options]

       The cleanup(8) daemon processes inbound mail, inserts it into the incoming mail queue, and
       informs the queue manager of its arrival.

       The cleanup(8) daemon performs the following transformations:

       o      Insert missing message headers: (Resent-) From:, To:, Message-Id:, and Date:.
              This is enabled with the local_header_rewrite_clients and  always_add_missing_head-
              ers parameter settings.

       o      Transform envelope and header addresses to the standard user@fully-qualified-domain
              form that is expected by other Postfix programs.  This task depends  on  the  triv-
              ial-rewrite(8) daemon.
              The  header transformation is enabled with the local_header_rewrite_clients parame-
              ter setting.

       o      Eliminate duplicate envelope recipient addresses.
              This is enabled with the duplicate_filter_limit parameter setting.

       o      Remove message headers: Bcc, Content-Length, Resent-Bcc, Return-Path.
              This is enabled with the message_drop_headers parameter setting.

       o      Optionally, rewrite all envelope and header addresses  according  to  the  mappings
              specified in the canonical(5) lookup tables.
              The  header transformation is enabled with the local_header_rewrite_clients parame-
              ter setting.

       o      Optionally, masquerade envelope sender addresses and message header addresses (i.e.
              strip host or domain information below all domains listed in the masquerade_domains
              parameter, except for user names listed in masquerade_exceptions).  By default, ad-
              dress masquerading does not affect envelope recipients.
              The  header transformation is enabled with the local_header_rewrite_clients parame-
              ter setting.

       o      Optionally, expand envelope recipients according to information found in  the  vir-
              tual_alias_maps lookup tables.

       The cleanup(8) daemon performs sanity checks on the content of each message. When it finds
       a problem, by default it returns a diagnostic status to the cleanup  service  client,  and
       leaves it up to the client to deal with the problem. Alternatively, the client can request
       the cleanup(8) daemon to bounce the message back to the sender in case of trouble.

       RFC 822 (ARPA Internet Text Messages)
       RFC 2045 (MIME: Format of Internet Message Bodies)
       RFC 2046 (MIME: Media Types)
       RFC 2822 (Internet Message Format)
       RFC 3463 (Enhanced Status Codes)
       RFC 3464 (Delivery status notifications)
       RFC 5322 (Internet Message Format)

       Problems and transactions are logged to syslogd(8) or postlogd(8).

       Table-driven rewriting rules make it hard to express if then else and other logical  rela-

       Changes  to  are  picked up automatically, as cleanup(8) processes run for only a
       limited amount of time. Use the command "postfix reload" to speed up a change.

       The text below provides only a parameter summary. See postconf(5) for more details includ-
       ing examples.

       undisclosed_recipients_header (see 'postconf -d' output)
              Message  header  that the Postfix cleanup(8) server inserts when a message contains
              no To: or Cc: message header.

       Available in Postfix version 2.1 only:

       enable_errors_to (no)
              Report mail delivery errors to the address  specified  with  the  non-standard  Er-
              rors-To:  message  header,  instead of the envelope sender address (this feature is
              removed with Postfix version 2.2, is turned off by  default  with  Postfix  version
              2.1, and is always turned on with older Postfix versions).

       Available in Postfix version 2.6 and later:

       always_add_missing_headers (no)
              Always add (Resent-) From:, To:, Date: or Message-ID: headers when not present.

       Available in Postfix version 2.9 and later:

       enable_long_queue_ids (no)
              Enable long, non-repeating, queue IDs (queue file names).

       Available in Postfix version 3.0 and later:

       message_drop_headers (bcc, content-length, resent-bcc, return-path)
              Names  of  message  headers  that  the cleanup(8) daemon will remove after applying
              header_checks(5) and before invoking Milter applications.

       Postfix built-in content filtering is meant to stop a flood of worms or viruses. It is not
       a general content filter.

       body_checks (empty)
              Optional  lookup  tables  for content inspection as specified in the body_checks(5)
              manual page.

       header_checks (empty)
              Optional lookup tables for content inspection of primary non-MIME message  headers,
              as specified in the header_checks(5) manual page.

       Available in Postfix version 2.0 and later:

       body_checks_size_limit (51200)
              How  much  text in a message body segment (or attachment, if you prefer to use that
              term) is subjected to body_checks inspection.

       mime_header_checks ($header_checks)
              Optional lookup tables for content inspection of MIME related message  headers,  as
              described in the header_checks(5) manual page.

       nested_header_checks ($header_checks)
              Optional  lookup  tables  for content inspection of non-MIME message headers in at-
              tached messages, as described in the header_checks(5) manual page.

       Available in Postfix version 2.3 and later:

       message_reject_characters (empty)
              The set of characters that Postfix will reject in message content.

       message_strip_characters (empty)
              The set of characters that Postfix will remove from message content.

       Available in Postfix version 3.9, 3.8.5, 3.7.10, 3.6.14, 3.5.24, and later:

       cleanup_replace_stray_cr_lf (yes)
              Replace each stray <CR> or <LF> character in message content with a  space  charac-
              ter,  to  prevent  outbound  SMTP  smuggling,  and  to make the evaluation of Post-
              fix-added DKIM or other signatures independent from how a remote mail  server  han-
              dles such characters.

       As  of version 2.3, Postfix supports the Sendmail version 8 Milter (mail filter) protocol.
       When mail is not received via the smtpd(8) server, the  cleanup(8)  server  will  simulate
       SMTP  events  to the extent that this is possible. For details see the MILTER_README docu-

       non_smtpd_milters (empty)
              A list of Milter (mail filter) applications for new mail that does not  arrive  via
              the Postfix smtpd(8) server.

       milter_protocol (6)
              The mail filter protocol version and optional protocol extensions for communication
              with a Milter application; prior to Postfix 2.6 the default protocol is 2.

       milter_default_action (tempfail)
              The default action when a Milter (mail filter) response is unavailable  (for  exam-
              ple, bad Postfix configuration or Milter failure).

       milter_macro_daemon_name ($myhostname)
              The {daemon_name} macro value for Milter (mail filter) applications.

       milter_macro_v ($mail_name $mail_version)
              The {v} macro value for Milter (mail filter) applications.

       milter_connect_timeout (30s)
              The  time limit for connecting to a Milter (mail filter) application, and for nego-
              tiating protocol options.

       milter_command_timeout (30s)
              The time limit for sending an SMTP command to a Milter (mail  filter)  application,
              and for receiving the response.

       milter_content_timeout (300s)
              The  time  limit for sending message content to a Milter (mail filter) application,
              and for receiving the response.

       milter_connect_macros (see 'postconf -d' output)
              The macros that are sent to Milter (mail filter) applications after  completion  of
              an SMTP connection.

       milter_helo_macros (see 'postconf -d' output)
              The  macros  that are sent to Milter (mail filter) applications after the SMTP HELO
              or EHLO command.

       milter_mail_macros (see 'postconf -d' output)
              The macros that are sent to Milter (mail filter) applications after the  SMTP  MAIL
              FROM command.

       milter_rcpt_macros (see 'postconf -d' output)
              The  macros  that are sent to Milter (mail filter) applications after the SMTP RCPT
              TO command.

       milter_data_macros (see 'postconf -d' output)
              The macros that are sent to version 4 or higher Milter (mail  filter)  applications
              after the SMTP DATA command.

       milter_unknown_command_macros (see 'postconf -d' output)
              The  macros  that are sent to version 3 or higher Milter (mail filter) applications
              after an unknown SMTP command.

       milter_end_of_data_macros (see 'postconf -d' output)
              The macros that are sent to Milter (mail filter)  applications  after  the  message

       Available in Postfix version 2.5 and later:

       milter_end_of_header_macros (see 'postconf -d' output)
              The  macros that are sent to Milter (mail filter) applications after the end of the
              message header.

       Available in Postfix version 2.7 and later:

       milter_header_checks (empty)
              Optional lookup tables for content inspection of message headers that are  produced
              by Milter applications.

       Available in Postfix version 3.1 and later:

       milter_macro_defaults (empty)
              Optional  list of name=value pairs that specify default values for arbitrary macros
              that Postfix may send to Milter applications.

       Available in Postfix version 2.0 and later:

       disable_mime_input_processing (no)
              Turn off MIME processing while receiving mail.

       mime_boundary_length_limit (2048)
              The maximal length of MIME multipart boundary strings.

       mime_nesting_limit (100)
              The maximal recursion level that the MIME processor will handle.

       strict_8bitmime (no)
              Enable both strict_7bit_headers and strict_8bitmime_body.

       strict_7bit_headers (no)
              Reject mail with 8-bit text in message headers.

       strict_8bitmime_body (no)
              Reject 8-bit message body text without 8-bit MIME content encoding information.

       strict_mime_encoding_domain (no)
              Reject mail with invalid Content-Transfer-Encoding: information for  the  message/*
              or multipart/* MIME content types.

       Available in Postfix version 2.5 and later:

       detect_8bit_encoding_header (yes)
              Automatically detect 8BITMIME body content by looking at Content-Transfer-Encoding:
              message headers; historically, this behavior was hard-coded to be "always on".

       Postfix can automatically add BCC (blind carbon copy) when mail enters the mail system:

       always_bcc (empty)
              Optional address that receives a "blind carbon copy" of each message  that  is  re-
              ceived by the Postfix mail system.

       Available in Postfix version 2.1 and later:

       sender_bcc_maps (empty)
              Optional BCC (blind carbon-copy) address lookup tables, indexed by sender address.

       recipient_bcc_maps (empty)
              Optional  BCC  (blind  carbon-copy) address lookup tables, indexed by recipient ad-

       Address rewriting is delegated to the trivial-rewrite(8) daemon.   The  cleanup(8)  server
       implements table driven address mapping.

       empty_address_recipient (MAILER-DAEMON)
              The recipient of mail addressed to the null address.

       canonical_maps (empty)
              Optional address mapping lookup tables for message headers and envelopes.

       recipient_canonical_maps (empty)
              Optional address mapping lookup tables for envelope and header recipient addresses.

       sender_canonical_maps (empty)
              Optional address mapping lookup tables for envelope and header sender addresses.

       masquerade_classes (envelope_sender, header_sender, header_recipient)
              What addresses are subject to address masquerading.

       masquerade_domains (empty)
              Optional  list  of  domains whose subdomain structure will be stripped off in email

       masquerade_exceptions (empty)
              Optional list of user names that are not subjected to  address  masquerading,  even
              when their addresses match $masquerade_domains.

       propagate_unmatched_extensions (canonical, virtual)
              What  address  lookup  tables  copy an address extension from the lookup key to the
              lookup result.

       Available before Postfix version 2.0:

       virtual_maps (empty)
              Optional lookup tables with a) names of domains for which all addresses are aliased
              to addresses in other local or remote domains, and b) addresses that are aliased to
              addresses in other local or remote domains.

       Available in Postfix version 2.0 and later:

       virtual_alias_maps ($virtual_maps)
              Optional lookup tables that alias specific mail addresses or domains to other local
              or remote address.

       Available in Postfix version 2.2 and later:

       canonical_classes (envelope_sender, envelope_recipient, header_sender, header_recipient)
              What addresses are subject to canonical_maps address mapping.

       recipient_canonical_classes (envelope_recipient, header_recipient)
              What addresses are subject to recipient_canonical_maps address mapping.

       sender_canonical_classes (envelope_sender, header_sender)
              What addresses are subject to sender_canonical_maps address mapping.

       remote_header_rewrite_domain (empty)
              Don't  rewrite  message  headers  from remote clients at all when this parameter is
              empty; otherwise, rewrite message headers and append the specified domain  name  to
              incomplete addresses.

       duplicate_filter_limit (1000)
              The  maximal  number  of  addresses  remembered by the address duplicate filter for
              aliases(5) or virtual(5) alias expansion, or for showq(8) queue displays.

       header_size_limit (102400)
              The maximal amount of memory in bytes for storing a message header.

       hopcount_limit (50)
              The maximal number of Received:  message headers that is  allowed  in  the  primary
              message headers.

       in_flow_delay (1s)
              Time to pause before accepting a new message, when the message arrival rate exceeds
              the message delivery rate.

       message_size_limit (10240000)
              The maximal size in bytes of a message, including envelope information.

       Available in Postfix version 2.0 and later:

       header_address_token_limit (10240)
              The maximal number of address tokens are allowed in an address message header.

       mime_boundary_length_limit (2048)
              The maximal length of MIME multipart boundary strings.

       mime_nesting_limit (100)
              The maximal recursion level that the MIME processor will handle.

       queue_file_attribute_count_limit (100)
              The maximal number of (name=value) attributes that may be stored in a Postfix queue

       Available in Postfix version 2.1 and later:

       virtual_alias_expansion_limit (1000)
              The  maximal  number  of  addresses that virtual alias expansion produces from each
              original recipient.

       virtual_alias_recursion_limit (1000)
              The maximal nesting depth of virtual alias expansion.

       Available in Postfix version 3.0 and later:

       virtual_alias_address_length_limit (1000)
              The maximal length of an email address after virtual alias expansion.

       Preliminary SMTPUTF8 support is introduced with Postfix 3.0.

       smtputf8_enable (yes)
              Enable preliminary SMTPUTF8 support for the protocols described in RFC 6531..6533.

       smtputf8_autodetect_classes (sendmail, verify)
              Detect that a message requires SMTPUTF8  support  for  the  specified  mail  origin

       Available in Postfix version 3.2 and later:

       enable_idna2003_compatibility (no)
              Enable  'transitional' compatibility between IDNA2003 and IDNA2008, when converting
              UTF-8 domain names to/from the ASCII form that is used for DNS lookups.

       config_directory (see 'postconf -d' output)
              The default location of the Postfix and configuration files.

       daemon_timeout (18000s)
              How much time a Postfix daemon process may take to handle a request  before  it  is
              terminated by a built-in watchdog timer.

       delay_logging_resolution_limit (2)
              The  maximal number of digits after the decimal point when logging sub-second delay

       delay_warning_time (0h)
              The time after which the sender receives a copy of the message headers of mail that
              is still queued.

       ipc_timeout (3600s)
              The  time limit for sending or receiving information over an internal communication

       max_idle (100s)
              The maximum amount of time that an idle Postfix daemon process waits for an  incom-
              ing connection before terminating voluntarily.

       max_use (100)
              The  maximal number of incoming connections that a Postfix daemon process will ser-
              vice before terminating voluntarily.

       myhostname (see 'postconf -d' output)
              The internet hostname of this mail system.

       myorigin ($myhostname)
              The domain name that locally-posted mail appears to come  from,  and  that  locally
              posted mail is delivered to.

       process_id (read-only)
              The process ID of a Postfix command or daemon process.

       process_name (read-only)
              The process name of a Postfix command or daemon process.

       queue_directory (see 'postconf -d' output)
              The location of the Postfix top-level queue directory.

       soft_bounce (no)
              Safety net to keep mail queued that would otherwise be returned to the sender.

       syslog_facility (mail)
              The syslog facility of Postfix logging.

       syslog_name (see 'postconf -d' output)
              A  prefix that is prepended to the process name in syslog records, so that, for ex-
              ample, "smtpd" becomes "prefix/smtpd".

       Available in Postfix version 2.1 and later:

       enable_original_recipient (yes)
              Enable support for the original recipient address after an address is rewritten  to
              a different address (for example with aliasing or with canonical mapping).

       Available in Postfix 3.3 and later:

       service_name (read-only)
              The service name of a Postfix daemon process.

       Available in Postfix 3.5 and later:

       info_log_address_format (external)
              The  email  address  form  that  will  be used in non-debug logging (info, warning,

       /etc/postfix/canonical*, canonical mapping table
       /etc/postfix/virtual*, virtual mapping table

       trivial-rewrite(8), address rewriting
       qmgr(8), queue manager
       header_checks(5), message header content inspection
       body_checks(5), body parts content inspection
       canonical(5), canonical address lookup table format
       virtual(5), virtual alias lookup table format
       postconf(5), configuration parameters
       master(5), generic daemon options
       master(8), process manager
       postlogd(8), Postfix logging
       syslogd(8), system logging

       Use "postconf readme_directory" or "postconf html_directory" to locate this information.
       ADDRESS_REWRITING_README Postfix address manipulation
       CONTENT_INSPECTION_README content inspection

       The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software.

       Wietse Venema
       IBM T.J. Watson Research
       P.O. Box 704
       Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA

       Wietse Venema
       Google, Inc.
       111 8th Avenue
       New York, NY 10011, USA


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