openssl-cmp(1) - phpMan

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OPENSSL-CMP(1SSL)                            OpenSSL                            OPENSSL-CMP(1SSL)

       openssl-cmp - Certificate Management Protocol (CMP, RFC 4210) application

       openssl cmp [-help] [-config filename] [-section names] [-verbosity level]

       Generic message options:

       [-cmd ir|cr|kur|p10cr|rr|genm] [-infotype name] [-geninfo OID:int:N]

       Certificate enrollment options:

       [-newkey filename|uri] [-newkeypass arg] [-subject name] [-issuer name] [-days number]
       [-reqexts name] [-sans spec] [-san_nodefault] [-policies name] [-policy_oids names]
       [-policy_oids_critical] [-popo number] [-csr filename] [-out_trusted filenames|uris]
       [-implicit_confirm] [-disable_confirm] [-certout filename] [-chainout filename]

       Certificate enrollment and revocation options:

       [-oldcert filename|uri] [-revreason number]

       Message transfer options:

       [-server [http[s]://][userinfo@]host[:port][/path][?query][#fragment]] [-proxy
       [http[s]://][userinfo@]host[:port][/path][?query][#fragment]] [-no_proxy addresses]
       [-recipient name] [-path remote_path] [-keep_alive value] [-msg_timeout seconds]
       [-total_timeout seconds]

       Server authentication options:

       [-trusted filenames|uris] [-untrusted filenames|uris] [-srvcert filename|uri]
       [-expect_sender name] [-ignore_keyusage] [-unprotected_errors] [-extracertsout filename]
       [-cacertsout filename]

       Client authentication and protection options:

       [-ref value] [-secret arg] [-cert filename|uri] [-own_trusted filenames|uris] [-key
       filename|uri] [-keypass arg] [-digest name] [-mac name] [-extracerts filenames|uris]

       Credentials format options:

       [-certform PEM|DER] [-keyform PEM|DER|P12|ENGINE] [-otherpass arg] [-engine id] [-provider
       name] [-provider-path path] [-propquery propq]

       Random state options:

       [-rand files] [-writerand file]

       TLS connection options:

       [-tls_used] [-tls_cert filename|uri] [-tls_key filename|uri] [-tls_keypass arg]
       [-tls_extra filenames|uris] [-tls_trusted filenames|uris] [-tls_host name]

       Client-side debugging options:

       [-batch] [-repeat number] [-reqin filenames] [-reqin_new_tid] [-reqout filenames] [-rspin
       filenames] [-rspout filenames] [-use_mock_srv]

       Mock server options:

       [-port number] [-max_msgs number] [-srv_ref value] [-srv_secret arg] [-srv_cert
       filename|uri] [-srv_key filename|uri] [-srv_keypass arg] [-srv_trusted filenames|uris]
       [-srv_untrusted filenames|uris] [-rsp_cert filename|uri] [-rsp_extracerts filenames|uris]
       [-rsp_capubs filenames|uris] [-poll_count number] [-check_after number]
       [-grant_implicitconf] [-pkistatus number] [-failure number] [-failurebits number]
       [-statusstring arg] [-send_error] [-send_unprotected] [-send_unprot_err]
       [-accept_unprotected] [-accept_unprot_err] [-accept_raverified]

       Certificate verification options, for both CMP and TLS:

       [-allow_proxy_certs] [-attime timestamp] [-no_check_time] [-check_ss_sig] [-crl_check]
       [-crl_check_all] [-explicit_policy] [-extended_crl] [-ignore_critical] [-inhibit_any]
       [-inhibit_map] [-partial_chain] [-policy arg] [-policy_check] [-policy_print] [-purpose
       purpose] [-suiteB_128] [-suiteB_128_only] [-suiteB_192] [-trusted_first] [-no_alt_chains]
       [-use_deltas] [-auth_level num] [-verify_depth num] [-verify_email email]
       [-verify_hostname hostname] [-verify_ip ip] [-verify_name name] [-x509_strict]

       The cmp command is a client implementation for the Certificate Management Protocol (CMP)
       as defined in RFC4210.  It can be used to request certificates from a CA server, update
       their certificates, request certificates to be revoked, and perform other types of CMP

           Display a summary of all options

       -config filename
           Configuration file to use.  An empty string "" means none.  Default filename is from
           the environment variable "OPENSSL_CONF".

       -section names
           Section(s) to use within config file defining CMP options.  An empty string "" means
           no specific section.  Default is "cmp".

           Multiple section names may be given, separated by commas and/or whitespace (where in
           the latter case the whole argument must be enclosed in "...").  Contents of sections
           named later may override contents of sections named before.  In any case, as usual,
           the "[default]" section and finally the unnamed section (as far as present) can
           provide per-option fallback values.

       -verbosity level
           Level of verbosity for logging, error output, etc.  0 = EMERG, 1 = ALERT, 2 = CRIT, 3
           = ERR, 4 = WARN, 5 = NOTE, 6 = INFO, 7 = DEBUG, 8 = TRACE.  Defaults to 6 = INFO.

   Generic message options
       -cmd ir|cr|kur|p10cr|rr|genm
           CMP command to execute.  Currently implemented commands are:

           ir    - Initialization Request
           cr    - Certificate Request
           p10cr - PKCS#10 Certification Request (for legacy support)
           kur   - Key Update Request
           rr    - Revocation Request
           genm  - General Message

           ir requests initialization of an end entity into a PKI hierarchy by issuing a first

           cr requests issuing an additional certificate for an end entity already initialized to
           the PKI hierarchy.

           p10cr requests issuing an additional certificate similarly to cr but using legacy
           PKCS#10 CSR format.

           kur requests a (key) update for an existing certificate.

           rr requests revocation of an existing certificate.

           genm requests information using a General Message, where optionally included
           InfoTypeAndValues may be used to state which info is of interest.  Upon receipt of the
           General Response, information about all received ITAV infoTypes is printed to stdout.

       -infotype name
           Set InfoType name to use for requesting specific info in genm, e.g.,

       -geninfo OID:int:N
           generalInfo integer values to place in request PKIHeader with given OID, e.g.,

   Certificate enrollment options
       -newkey filename|uri
           The source of the private or public key for the certificate requested in
           Initialization Request (IR), Certification Request(CR), or Key Update Request (KUR).
           Defaults to the public key in the PKCS#10 CSR given with the -csr option, the public
           key of the reference certificate, or the current client key.

       -newkeypass arg
           Pass phrase source for the key given with the -newkey option.  If not given here, the
           password will be prompted for if needed.

           For more information about the format of arg see openssl-passphrase-options(1).

       -subject name
           X509 Distinguished Name (DN) of subject to use in the requested certificate template.
           For KUR, it defaults to the public key in the PKCS#10 CSR given with the -csr option,
           if provided, or of the reference certificate (see -oldcert) if provided.  This default
           is used for IR and CR only if no SANs are set.  If the NULL-DN ("/") is given then no
           subject is placed in the template.

           If provided and neither -cert nor -oldcert is given, the subject DN is used as
           fallback sender of outgoing CMP messages.

           The argument must be formatted as /type0=value0/type1=value1/type2=....  Special
           characters may be escaped by "\" (backslash); whitespace is retained.  Empty values
           are permitted, but the corresponding type will not be included.  Giving a single "/"
           will lead to an empty sequence of RDNs (a NULL-DN).  Multi-valued RDNs can be formed
           by placing a "+" character instead of a "/" between the AttributeValueAssertions
           (AVAs) that specify the members of the set.  Example:

           "/DC=org/DC=OpenSSL/DC=users/UID=123456+CN=John Doe"

       -issuer name
           X509 issuer Distinguished Name (DN) of the CA server to place in the requested
           certificate template in IR/CR/KUR.  If the NULL-DN ("/") is given then no issuer is
           placed in the template.

           If provided and neither -recipient nor -srvcert is given, the issuer DN is used as
           fallback recipient of outgoing CMP messages.

           The argument must be formatted as /type0=value0/type1=value1/type2=....  For details
           see the description of the -subject option.

       -days number
           Number of days the new certificate is requested to be valid for, counting from the
           current time of the host.  Also triggers the explicit request that the validity period
           starts from the current time (as seen by the host).

       -reqexts name
           Name of section in OpenSSL config file defining certificate request extensions.  If
           the -csr option is present, these extensions augment the extensions contained the
           given PKCS#10 CSR, overriding any extensions with same OIDs.

       -sans spec
           One or more IP addresses, DNS names, or URIs separated by commas or whitespace (where
           in the latter case the whole argument must be enclosed in "...")  to add as Subject
           Alternative Name(s) (SAN) certificate request extension.  If the special element
           "critical" is given the SANs are flagged as critical.  Cannot be used if any Subject
           Alternative Name extension is set via -reqexts.

           When Subject Alternative Names are not given via -sans nor defined via -reqexts, they
           are copied by default from the reference certificate (see -oldcert).  This can be
           disabled by giving the -san_nodefault option.

       -policies name
           Name of section in OpenSSL config file defining policies to be set as certificate
           request extension.  This option cannot be used together with -policy_oids.

       -policy_oids names
           One or more OID(s), separated by commas and/or whitespace (where in the latter case
           the whole argument must be enclosed in "...")  to add as certificate policies request
           extension.  This option cannot be used together with -policies.

           Flag the policies given with -policy_oids as critical.

       -popo number
           Proof-of-Possession (POPO) method to use for IR/CR/KUR; values: "-1"..<2> where "-1" =
           NONE, 0 = RAVERIFIED, 1 = SIGNATURE (default), 2 = KEYENC.

           Note that a signature-based POPO can only be produced if a private key is provided via
           the -newkey or -key options.

       -csr filename
           PKCS#10 CSR in PEM or DER format containing a certificate request.  With -cmd p10cr it
           is used directly in a legacy P10CR message.  When used with -cmd ir, cr, or kur, it is
           transformed into the respective regular CMP request.  It may also be used with -cmd rr
           to specify the certificate to be revoked via the included subject name and public key.

       -out_trusted filenames|uris
           Trusted certificate(s) to use for validating the newly enrolled certificate.

           Multiple sources may be given, separated by commas and/or whitespace (where in the
           latter case the whole argument must be enclosed in "...").  Each source may contain
           multiple certificates.

           The certificate verification options -verify_hostname, -verify_ip, and -verify_email
           only affect the certificate verification enabled via this option.

           Request implicit confirmation of newly enrolled certificates.

           Do not send certificate confirmation message for newly enrolled certificate without
           requesting implicit confirmation to cope with broken servers not supporting implicit
           confirmation correctly.  WARNING: This leads to behavior violating RFC 4210.

       -certout filename
           The file where the newly enrolled certificate should be saved.

       -chainout filename
           The file where the chain of the newly enrolled certificate should be saved.

   Certificate enrollment and revocation options
       -oldcert filename|uri
           The certificate to be updated (i.e., renewed or re-keyed) in Key Update Request (KUR)
           messages or to be revoked in Revocation Request (RR) messages.  For KUR the
           certificate to be updated defaults to -cert, and the resulting certificate is called
           reference certificate.  For RR the certificate to be revoked can also be specified
           using -csr.

           The reference certificate, if any, is also used for deriving default subject DN and
           Subject Alternative Names and the default issuer entry in the requested certificate
           template of an IR/CR/KUR.  Its subject is used as sender of outgoing messages if -cert
           is not given.  Its issuer is used as default recipient in CMP message headers if
           neither -recipient, -srvcert, nor -issuer is given.

       -revreason number
           Set CRLReason to be included in revocation request (RR); values: 0..10 or "-1" for
           none (which is the default).

           Reason numbers defined in RFC 5280 are:

              CRLReason ::= ENUMERATED {
                   unspecified             (0),
                   keyCompromise           (1),
                   cACompromise            (2),
                   affiliationChanged      (3),
                   superseded              (4),
                   cessationOfOperation    (5),
                   certificateHold         (6),
                   -- value 7 is not used
                   removeFromCRL           (8),
                   privilegeWithdrawn      (9),
                   aACompromise           (10)

   Message transfer options
       -server [http[s]://][userinfo@]host[:port][/path][?query][#fragment]
           The DNS hostname or IP address and optionally port of the CMP server to connect to
           using HTTP(S).  This excludes -port and -use_mock_srv and is ignored with -rspin.

           The scheme "https" may be given only if the -tls_used option is used.  In this case
           the default port is 443, else 80.  The optional userinfo and fragment components are
           ignored.  Any given query component is handled as part of the path component.  If a
           path is included it provides the default value for the -path option.

       -proxy [http[s]://][userinfo@]host[:port][/path][?query][#fragment]
           The HTTP(S) proxy server to use for reaching the CMP server unless -no_proxy applies,
           see below.  The proxy port defaults to 80 or 443 if the scheme is "https"; apart from
           that the optional "http://" or "https://" prefix is ignored (note that TLS may be
           selected by -tls_used), as well as any path, userinfo, and query, and fragment
           components.  Defaults to the environment variable "http_proxy" if set, else
           "HTTP_PROXY" in case no TLS is used, otherwise "https_proxy" if set, else
           "HTTPS_PROXY".  This option is ignored if -server is not given.

       -no_proxy addresses
           List of IP addresses and/or DNS names of servers not to use an HTTP(S) proxy for,
           separated by commas and/or whitespace (where in the latter case the whole argument
           must be enclosed in "...").  Default is from the environment variable "no_proxy" if
           set, else "NO_PROXY".  This option is ignored if -server is not given.

       -recipient name
           Distinguished Name (DN) to use in the recipient field of CMP request message headers,
           i.e., the CMP server (usually the addressed CA).

           The recipient field in the header of a CMP message is mandatory.  If not given
           explicitly the recipient is determined in the following order: the subject of the CMP
           server certificate given with the -srvcert option, the -issuer option, the issuer of
           the certificate given with the -oldcert option, the issuer of the CMP client
           certificate (-cert option), as far as any of those is present, else the NULL-DN as
           last resort.

           The argument must be formatted as /type0=value0/type1=value1/type2=....  For details
           see the description of the -subject option.

       -path remote_path
           HTTP path at the CMP server (aka CMP alias) to use for POST requests.  Defaults to any
           path given with -server, else "/".

       -keep_alive value
           If the given value is 0 then HTTP connections are not kept open after receiving a
           response, which is the default behavior for HTTP 1.0.  If the value is 1 or 2 then
           persistent connections are requested.  If the value is 2 then persistent connections
           are required, i.e., in case the server does not grant them an error occurs.  The
           default value is 1, which means preferring to keep the connection open.

       -msg_timeout seconds
           Number of seconds (or 0 for infinite) a CMP request-response message round trip is
           allowed to take before a timeout error is returned.  Default is to use the
           -total_timeout setting.

       -total_timeout seconds
           Maximum number seconds an overall enrollment transaction may take, including attempts
           polling for certificates on "waiting" PKIStatus.  Default is 0 (infinite).

   Server authentication options
       -trusted filenames|uris
           When validating signature-based protection of CMP response messages, these are the CA
           certificate(s) to trust while checking certificate chains during CMP server
           authentication.  This option gives more flexibility than the -srvcert option because
           the server-side CMP signer certificate is not pinned but may be any certificate for
           which a chain to one of the given trusted certificates can be constructed.

           If no -trusted, -srvcert, and -secret option is given then protected response messages
           from the server are not authenticated.

           Multiple sources may be given, separated by commas and/or whitespace (where in the
           latter case the whole argument must be enclosed in "...").  Each source may contain
           multiple certificates.

           The certificate verification options -verify_hostname, -verify_ip, and -verify_email
           have no effect on the certificate verification enabled via this option.

       -untrusted filenames|uris
           Non-trusted intermediate CA certificate(s).  Any extra certificates given with the
           -cert option are appended to it.  All these certificates may be useful for cert path
           construction for the CMP client certificate (to include in the extraCerts field of
           outgoing messages) and for the TLS client certificate (if TLS is enabled) as well as
           for chain building when validating the CMP server certificate (checking signature-
           based CMP message protection) and when validating newly enrolled certificates.

           Multiple sources may be given, separated by commas and/or whitespace.  Each file may
           contain multiple certificates.

       -srvcert filename|uri
           The specific CMP server certificate to expect and directly trust (even if it is
           expired) when validating signature-based protection of CMP response messages.  May be
           set alternatively to the -trusted option to pin the accepted server.

           If set, the subject of the certificate is also used as default value for the recipient
           of CMP requests and as default value for the expected sender of incoming CMP messages.

       -expect_sender name
           Distinguished Name (DN) expected in the sender field of incoming CMP messages.
           Defaults to the subject DN of the pinned -srvcert, if any.

           This can be used to make sure that only a particular entity is accepted as CMP message
           signer, and attackers are not able to use arbitrary certificates of a trusted PKI
           hierarchy to fraudulently pose as a CMP server.  Note that this option gives slightly
           more freedom than setting the -srvcert, which pins the server to the holder of a
           particular certificate, while the expected sender name will continue to match after
           updates of the server cert.

           The argument must be formatted as /type0=value0/type1=value1/type2=....  For details
           see the description of the -subject option.

           Ignore key usage restrictions in CMP signer certificates when validating signature-
           based protection of incoming CMP messages, else "digitalSignature" must be allowed for
           signer certificate.

           Accept missing or invalid protection of negative responses from the server.  This
           applies to the following message types and contents:

           o   error messages

           o   negative certificate responses (IP/CP/KUP)

           o   negative revocation responses (RP)

           o   negative PKIConf messages

           WARNING: This setting leads to unspecified behavior and it is meant exclusively to
           allow interoperability with server implementations violating RFC 4210, e.g.:

           o   section allows exceptions from protecting only for special cases: "There
               MAY be cases in which the PKIProtection BIT STRING is deliberately not used to
               protect a message [...] because other protection, external to PKIX, will be
               applied instead."

           o   section 5.3.21 is clear on ErrMsgContent: "The CA MUST always sign it with a
               signature key."

           o   appendix D.4 shows PKIConf message having protection

       -extracertsout filename
           The file where to save all certificates contained in the extraCerts field of the last
           received response message (except for pollRep and PKIConf).

       -cacertsout filename
           The file where to save any CA certificates contained in the caPubs field of the last
           received certificate response (i.e., IP, CP, or KUP) message.

   Client authentication options
       -ref value
           Reference number/string/value to use as fallback senderKID; this is required if no
           sender name can be determined from the -cert or <-subject> options and is typically
           used when authenticating with pre-shared key (password-based MAC).

       -secret arg
           Prefer PBM-based message protection with given source of a secret value.  The secret
           is used for creating PBM-based protection of outgoing messages and (as far as needed)
           for validating PBM-based protection of incoming messages.  PBM stands for Password-
           Based Message Authentication Code.  This takes precedence over the -cert and -key

           For more information about the format of arg see openssl-passphrase-options(1).

       -cert filename|uri
           The client's current CMP signer certificate.  Requires the corresponding key to be
           given with -key.  The subject of this certificate will be used as sender of outgoing
           CMP messages, while the subject of -oldcert or -subjectName may provide fallback
           values.  The issuer of this certificate is used as one of the recipient fallback
           values and as fallback issuer entry in the certificate template of IR/CR/KUR.  When
           using signature-based message protection, this "protection certificate" will be
           included first in the extraCerts field of outgoing messages and the signature is done
           with the corresponding key.  In Initialization Request (IR) messages this can be used
           for authenticating using an external entity certificate as defined in appendix E.7 of
           RFC 4210.  For Key Update Request (KUR) messages this is also used as the certificate
           to be updated if the -oldcert option is not given.  If the file includes further
           certs, they are appended to the untrusted certs because they typically constitute the
           chain of the client certificate, which is included in the extraCerts field in
           signature-protected request messages.

       -own_trusted filenames|uris
           If this list of certificates is provided then the chain built for the client-side CMP
           signer certificate given with the -cert option is verified using the given
           certificates as trust anchors.

           Multiple sources may be given, separated by commas and/or whitespace (where in the
           latter case the whole argument must be enclosed in "...").  Each source may contain
           multiple certificates.

           The certificate verification options -verify_hostname, -verify_ip, and -verify_email
           have no effect on the certificate verification enabled via this option.

       -key filename|uri
           The corresponding private key file for the client's current certificate given in the
           -cert option.  This will be used for signature-based message protection unless the
           -secret option indicating PBM or -unprotected_requests is given.

       -keypass arg
           Pass phrase source for the private key given with the -key option.  Also used for
           -cert and -oldcert in case it is an encrypted PKCS#12 file.  If not given here, the
           password will be prompted for if needed.

           For more information about the format of arg see openssl-passphrase-options(1).

       -digest name
           Specifies name of supported digest to use in RFC 4210's MSG_SIG_ALG and as the one-way
           function (OWF) in MSG_MAC_ALG.  If applicable, this is used for message protection and
           Proof-of-Possession (POPO) signatures.  To see the list of supported digests, use
           "openssl list -digest-commands".  Defaults to "sha256".

       -mac name
           Specifies the name of the MAC algorithm in MSG_MAC_ALG.  To get the names of supported
           MAC algorithms use "openssl list -mac-algorithms" and possibly combine such a name
           with the name of a supported digest algorithm, e.g., hmacWithSHA256.  Defaults to
           "hmac-sha1" as per RFC 4210.

       -extracerts filenames|uris
           Certificates to append in the extraCerts field when sending messages.  They can be
           used as the default CMP signer certificate chain to include.

           Multiple sources may be given, separated by commas and/or whitespace (where in the
           latter case the whole argument must be enclosed in "...").  Each source may contain
           multiple certificates.

           Send messages without CMP-level protection.

   Credentials format options
       -certform PEM|DER
           File format to use when saving a certificate to a file.  Default value is PEM.

       -keyform PEM|DER|P12|ENGINE
           The format of the key input; unspecified by default.  See "Format Options" in
           openssl(1) for details.

       -otherpass arg
           Pass phrase source for certificate given with the -trusted, -untrusted, -own_trusted,
           -srvcert, -out_trusted, -extracerts, -srv_trusted, -srv_untrusted, -rsp_extracerts,
           -rsp_capubs, -tls_extra, and -tls_trusted options.  If not given here, the password
           will be prompted for if needed.

           For more information about the format of arg see openssl-passphrase-options(1).

       -engine id
           See "Engine Options" in openssl(1).  This option is deprecated.

           As an alternative to using this combination:

               -engine {engineid} -key {keyid} -keyform ENGINE

           ... it's also possible to just give the key ID in URI form to -key, like this:

               -key org.openssl.engine:{engineid}:{keyid}

           This applies to all options specifying keys: -key, -newkey, and -tls_key.

   Provider options
       -provider name
       -provider-path path
       -propquery propq
           See "Provider Options" in openssl(1), provider(7), and property(7).

   Random state options
       -rand files, -writerand file
           See "Random State Options" in openssl(1) for details.

   TLS connection options
           Enable using TLS (even when other TLS_related options are not set) when connecting to
           CMP server via HTTP.  This option is not supported with the -port option and is
           ignored with the -use_mock_srv and -rspin options or if the -server option is not

       -tls_cert filename|uri
           Client's TLS certificate.  If the source includes further certs they are used (along
           with -untrusted certs) for constructing the client cert chain provided to the TLS

       -tls_key filename|uri
           Private key for the client's TLS certificate.

       -tls_keypass arg
           Pass phrase source for client's private TLS key -tls_key.  Also used for -tls_cert in
           case it is an encrypted PKCS#12 file.  If not given here, the password will be
           prompted for if needed.

           For more information about the format of arg see openssl-passphrase-options(1).

       -tls_extra filenames|uris
           Extra certificates to provide to TLS server during TLS handshake

       -tls_trusted filenames|uris
           Trusted certificate(s) to use for validating the TLS server certificate.  This implies
           hostname validation.

           Multiple sources may be given, separated by commas and/or whitespace (where in the
           latter case the whole argument must be enclosed in "...").  Each source may contain
           multiple certificates.

           The certificate verification options -verify_hostname, -verify_ip, and -verify_email
           have no effect on the certificate verification enabled via this option.

       -tls_host name
           Address to be checked during hostname validation.  This may be a DNS name or an IP
           address.  If not given it defaults to the -server address.

   Client-side debugging options
           Do not interactively prompt for input, for instance when a password is needed.  This
           can be useful for batch processing and testing.

       -repeat number
           Invoke the command the given positive number of times with the same parameters.
           Default is one invocation.

       -reqin filenames
           Take sequence of CMP requests from file(s).

           Multiple filenames may be given, separated by commas and/or whitespace (where in the
           latter case the whole argument must be enclosed in "...").  As many files are read as
           needed for a complete transaction.

           Use a fresh transactionID for CMP request messages read using -reqin, which requires
           re-protecting them as far as they were protected before.  This may be needed in case
           the sequence of requests is reused and the CMP server complains that the transaction
           ID has already been used.

       -reqout filenames
           Save sequence of CMP requests to file(s).

           Multiple filenames may be given, separated by commas and/or whitespace.  As many files
           are written as needed to store the complete transaction.

       -rspin filenames
           Process sequence of CMP responses provided in file(s), skipping server.  This excludes
           -server, -port, and -use_mock_srv.

           Multiple filenames may be given, separated by commas and/or whitespace.  As many files
           are read as needed for the complete transaction.

       -rspout filenames
           Save sequence of CMP responses to file(s).

           Multiple filenames may be given, separated by commas and/or whitespace.  As many files
           are written as needed to store the complete transaction.

           Test the client using the internal CMP server mock-up at API level, bypassing socket-
           based transfer via HTTP.  This excludes -server, -port, and -rspin.

   Mock server options
       -port number
           Act as HTTP-based CMP server mock-up listening on the given port.  This excludes
           -server, -rspin, and -use_mock_srv.

       -max_msgs number
           Maximum number of CMP (request) messages the CMP HTTP server mock-up should handle,
           which must be nonnegative.  The default value is 0, which means that no limit is
           imposed.  In any case the server terminates on internal errors, but not when it
           detects a CMP-level error that it can successfully answer with an error message.

       -srv_ref value
           Reference value to use as senderKID of server in case no -srv_cert is given.

       -srv_secret arg
           Password source for server authentication with a pre-shared key (secret).

       -srv_cert filename|uri
           Certificate of the server.

       -srv_key filename|uri
           Private key used by the server for signing messages.

       -srv_keypass arg
           Server private key (and cert) file pass phrase source.

       -srv_trusted filenames|uris
           Trusted certificates for client authentication.

           The certificate verification options -verify_hostname, -verify_ip, and -verify_email
           have no effect on the certificate verification enabled via this option.

       -srv_untrusted filenames|uris
           Intermediate CA certs that may be useful when validating client certificates.

       -rsp_cert filename|uri
           Certificate to be returned as mock enrollment result.

       -rsp_extracerts filenames|uris
           Extra certificates to be included in mock certification responses.

       -rsp_capubs filenames|uris
           CA certificates to be included in mock Initialization Response (IP) message.

       -poll_count number
           Number of times the client must poll before receiving a certificate.

       -check_after number
           The checkAfter value (number of seconds to wait) to include in poll response.

           Grant implicit confirmation of newly enrolled certificate.

       -pkistatus number
           PKIStatus to be included in server response.  Valid range is 0 (accepted) .. 6

       -failure number
           A single failure info bit number to be included in server response.  Valid range is 0
           (badAlg) .. 26 (duplicateCertReq).

       -failurebits number Number representing failure bits to be included in server response.
       Valid range is 0 .. 2^27 - 1.
       -statusstring arg
           Text to be included as status string in server response.

           Force server to reply with error message.

           Send response messages without CMP-level protection.

           In case of negative responses, server shall send unprotected error messages,
           certificate responses (IP/CP/KUP), and revocation responses (RP).  WARNING: This
           setting leads to behavior violating RFC 4210.

           Accept missing or invalid protection of requests.

           Accept unprotected error messages from client.

           Accept RAVERIFED as proof-of-possession (POPO).

   Certificate verification options, for both CMP and TLS
       -allow_proxy_certs, -attime, -no_check_time, -check_ss_sig, -crl_check, -crl_check_all,
       -explicit_policy, -extended_crl, -ignore_critical, -inhibit_any, -inhibit_map,
       -no_alt_chains, -partial_chain, -policy, -policy_check, -policy_print, -purpose,
       -suiteB_128, -suiteB_128_only, -suiteB_192, -trusted_first, -use_deltas, -auth_level,
       -verify_depth, -verify_email, -verify_hostname, -verify_ip, -verify_name, -x509_strict
           Set various options of certificate chain verification.  See "Verification Options" in
           openssl-verification-options(1) for details.

           The certificate verification options -verify_hostname, -verify_ip, and -verify_email
           only affect the certificate verification enabled via the -out_trusted option.

       When setting up CMP configurations and experimenting with enrollment options typically
       various errors occur until the configuration is correct and complete.  When the CMP server
       reports an error the client will by default check the protection of the CMP response
       message.  Yet some CMP services tend not to protect negative responses.  In this case the
       client will reject them, and thus their contents are not shown although they usually
       contain hints that would be helpful for diagnostics.  For assisting in such cases the CMP
       client offers a workaround via the -unprotected_errors option, which allows accepting such
       negative messages.

   Simple examples using the default OpenSSL configuration file
       This CMP client implementation comes with demonstrative CMP sections in the example
       configuration file openssl/apps/openssl.cnf, which can be used to interact conveniently
       with the Insta Demo CA.

       In order to enroll an initial certificate from that CA it is sufficient to issue the
       following shell commands.

         export OPENSSL_CONF=/path/to/openssl/apps/openssl.cnf

         openssl genrsa -out insta.priv.pem
         openssl cmp -section insta

       This should produce the file insta.cert.pem containing a new certificate for the private
       key held in insta.priv.pem.  It can be viewed using, e.g.,

         openssl x509 -noout -text -in insta.cert.pem

       In case the network setup requires using an HTTP proxy it may be given as usual via the
       environment variable http_proxy or via the -proxy option in the configuration file or the
       CMP command-line argument -proxy, for example


       In the Insta Demo CA scenario both clients and the server may use the pre-shared secret
       insta and the reference value 3078 to authenticate to each other.

       Alternatively, CMP messages may be protected in signature-based manner, where the trust
       anchor in this case is and the client may use any certificate already
       obtained from that CA, as specified in the [signature] section of the example
       configuration.  This can be used in combination with the [insta] section simply by

         openssl cmp -section insta,signature

       By default the CMP IR message type is used, yet CR works equally here.  This may be
       specified directly at the command line:

         openssl cmp -section insta -cmd cr

       or by referencing in addition the [cr] section of the example configuration:

         openssl cmp -section insta,cr

       In order to update the enrolled certificate one may call

         openssl cmp -section insta,kur

       using with PBM-based protection or

         openssl cmp -section insta,kur,signature

       using signature-based protection.

       In a similar way any previously enrolled certificate may be revoked by

         openssl cmp -section insta,rr -trusted


         openssl cmp -section insta,rr,signature

       Many more options can be given in the configuration file and/or on the command line.  For
       instance, the -reqexts CLI option may refer to a section in the configuration file
       defining X.509 extensions to use in certificate requests, such as "v3_req" in

         openssl cmp -section insta,cr -reqexts v3_req

   Certificate enrollment
       The following examples do not make use of a configuration file at first.  They assume that
       a CMP server can be contacted on the local TCP port 80 and accepts requests under the
       alias /pkix/.

       For enrolling its very first certificate the client generates a client key and sends an
       initial request message to the local CMP server using a pre-shared secret key for mutual
       authentication.  In this example the client does not have the CA certificate yet, so we
       specify the name of the CA with the -recipient option and save any CA certificates that we
       may receive in the "capubs.pem" file.

       In below command line usage examples the "\" at line ends is used just for formatting;
       each of the command invocations should be on a single line.

         openssl genrsa -out cl_key.pem
         openssl cmp -cmd ir -server -recipient "/CN=CMPserver" \
           -ref 1234 -secret pass:1234-5678 \
           -newkey cl_key.pem -subject "/CN=MyName" \
           -cacertsout capubs.pem -certout cl_cert.pem

   Certificate update
       Then, when the client certificate and its related key pair needs to be updated, the client
       can send a key update request taking the certs in "capubs.pem" as trusted for
       authenticating the server and using the previous cert and key for its own authentication.
       Then it can start using the new cert and key.

         openssl genrsa -out cl_key_new.pem
         openssl cmp -cmd kur -server \
           -trusted capubs.pem \
           -cert cl_cert.pem -key cl_key.pem \
           -newkey cl_key_new.pem -certout cl_cert.pem
         cp cl_key_new.pem cl_key.pem

       This command sequence can be repated as often as needed.

   Requesting information from CMP server
       Requesting "all relevant information" with an empty General Message.  This prints
       information about all received ITAV infoTypes to stdout.

         openssl cmp -cmd genm -server -recipient "/CN=CMPserver" \
           -ref 1234 -secret pass:1234-5678

   Using a custom configuration file
       For CMP client invocations, in particular for certificate enrollment, usually many
       parameters need to be set, which is tedious and error-prone to do on the command line.
       Therefore, the client offers the possibility to read options from sections of the OpenSSL
       config file, usually called openssl.cnf.  The values found there can still be extended and
       even overridden by any subsequently loaded sections and on the command line.

       After including in the configuration file the following sections:

         server =
         path = pkix/
         trusted = capubs.pem
         cert = cl_cert.pem
         key = cl_key.pem
         newkey = cl_key.pem
         certout = cl_cert.pem

         recipient = "/CN=CMPserver"
         trusted =
         cert =
         key =
         ref = 1234
         secret = pass:1234-5678-1234-567
         subject = "/CN=MyName"
         cacertsout = capubs.pem

       the above enrollment transactions reduce to

         openssl cmp -section cmp,init
         openssl cmp -cmd kur -newkey cl_key_new.pem

       and the above transaction using a general message reduces to

         openssl cmp -section cmp,init -cmd genm

       openssl-genrsa(1), openssl-ecparam(1), openssl-list(1), openssl-req(1), openssl-x509(1),

       The cmp application was added in OpenSSL 3.0.

       The -engine option was deprecated in OpenSSL 3.0.

       Copyright 2007-2022 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.

       Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License").  You may not use this file except
       in compliance with the License.  You can obtain a copy in the file LICENSE in the source
       distribution or at <>.

3.0.2                                       2024-08-20                          OPENSSL-CMP(1SSL)

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