I am happy to announce next build of our backup tool. This version contains several bugfixes and introduces initial implementation of incremental backup.
Incremental backup works in next way. When you do regular backup, at the end of procedure you can see output:
which gives start point 1319:813219999 for further incremental backup. This point is LSN of last checkpoint operations. Now next time when you want only copy changed pages you can do:
and only changed pages (ones with LSN greater than given) will be copied to specified dir. You may have several incremental dir, and apply them one-by-one.
Current version does not allow to copy incremental changes to remote box or to stream, it is only local copy for now, but we are going to change it in next release. Beside putting last checkpoint LSN to output we also store it in xtrabackup_checkpoint file to use it in scripts.
More about incremental you can read on our draft page http://www.percona.com/docs/wiki/percona-xtrabackup:spec:incremental
You can download current binaries RPM for RHEL4 and RHEL5 (compatible with CentOS also), DEB for Debian/Ubuntu and tar.gz for Mac OS / Intel 64bit there:
By the same link you can find general .tar.gz with binaries which can be run on any modern Linux distribution.
By the same link you can download source code if you do not want to deal with bazaar and Launchpad.
The project lives on Launchpad : https://launchpad.net/percona-xtrabackup and you can report bug to Launchpad bug system:
https://launchpad.net/percona-xtrabackup/+filebug. The documentation is available on our Wiki
For general questions use our Pecona-discussions group, and for development question Percona-dev group.
For support, commercial and sponsorship inquiries contact Percona
Entry posted by Vadim | No comment
Sphinx 0.9.9 branch is officially feature-frozen and we are making 0.9.9-rc2 available. As those who've been following 0.9.x releases should be accustomed to, despite a modest rc1 to rc2 tag change it adds about 30 new features once again. (Wonder if we'll be able to break the spell in 1.x and be less greedy about the version increments.)
The ultimate new feature couple is MySQL binary protocol and SphinxQL query language. Meaning that searchd can now pretend it's mysqld. Meaning that you can use ye good olde mysql command-line client to connect to searchd and fire your queries using regular SELECT syntax! More details are available via that link above.
But wait, there's more. We added ODBC support both on Windows and Linux (through UnixODBC) so you now can connect directly to that Oracle or MS SQL database. We added a bunch of performance counters, IMO they look especially nice when viewed using SHOW STATUS via mysql client program. Strict order operator (aaa << bbb) and field-start and field-end keyword modifiers (^hello world$) were added to full-text query language. GROUP BY now supports aggregate functions (AVG, MAX, MIN, and SUM), accessible both through newly added SphinxQL interface and SetSelect() API call.
Other 20+ features are smaller and these 7 most major ones should be enough to encourage you to get and try it anyway. For the curious, 0.9.9-rc2 change log lists them all along with the bug fixes.
How safe is it to upgrade? Generally, both API and indexes are backwards compatible (for about 2 years now); early adopters roll out intermediate non-public releases on production systems on a rather regular basis; and we never publish releases with known major general issues. And 0.9.9-rc2 is no exception. Of course nobody (except Donald Knuth) can guarantee that his software is absolutely bug free. But what we can guarantee to our customers is that we'll priority fix all bugs that you can repeat. (The keyword here is "priority" as we're gradually fixing all the bugs reports we receive.) So if you're looking for safer production deployment of all the shiny new features, consider support packages. They perfectly cover 0.9.9-rc2.
What's next? We will be fixing issues discovered in rc2 for about 1-2 months from now on before announcing stable release - depending on your feedback. Do send us some! In the meantime, the work on real time updates is progressing, we'll be showing those at MySQL UC 2009. That said, next two planned releases are 0.9.9-release and 1.10.1-alpha, with the one which is the le... the bigger of two goods coming out first.
Lessons learned from OpenX's large-scale deployment to Amazon EC2:
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