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21:22 XtraDB storage engine release 1.0.3-4 codename Sakura » MySQL Performance Blog

Today we glad to announce release 1.0.3-4 of our XtraDB storage engine.

Here is a list of enhancements in this release:

Percona XtraDB 1.0.3-4 (Sakura) available in source and several binary packages.

XtraDB is compatible with existing InnoDB tables (unless you used innodb_extra_undoslots) and we are going to keep compatibility in further releases. We are open for features requests for new engine and ready to accept community patches. You can monitor Percona’s current tasks and further plans on the Percona XtraDB Launchpad project. You can also request features and report bugs there. Also we have setup two maillists for General discussions and for Development related questions.

Entry posted by Evgeniy Stepchenko | No comment

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14:24 April Seminars for Success - Boston, Orange County and Honolulu » Google Analytics Blog
We promised Hawaii when we first launch and now we can deliver! If that doesn't work, we will delivering seminars in Orange County and Boston! That's 3 cities to choose from in April.

It's your choice.. Pacific sun and surf in Orange County or Honolulu, flowers blooming in Boston. These seminars are brought to you by our Google Analytics and Google Website Optimizer experts.

Learn how to truly leverage the power of Google Analytics and Google Website Optimizer through Seminars for Success this spring in Orange County and Honolulu. These full day, interactive seminars are led in person by the experts and designed to give you the skills necessary for a competitive edge in today’s tough competitive landscape. Understanding the wealth of data provided by your website and your visitors, coupled with systematically rising conversion rates through landing page testing will put you one up over the competition!

Google Analytics – Introduction & User Training
Orange County - Wednesday, April 15
Honolulu – Tuesday, April 21
Boston - Monday, April 27

Day one offers an introduction to Google Analytics and then some. Learn how to turn the sea of web analytics data into information that you can use to make the decisions that drive your bottom line. Day one topics include:
Google Analytics – Advanced Technical Implementation
Orange County – Thursday, April 16
Honolulu – Wednesday, April 22
Boston- Tuesday, April 28

The second day will show you how to install and configure the advanced features and capabilities of Google Analytics. We'll show you how to use every ounce of this tool with tips and tricks, technical aspects, and how to avoid common problems. Day two topics include:
Landing Page Testing with Google Website Optimizer
Orange County – Friday, April 17
Honolulu – Thursday, April 23

Learn how to make the most of the visitors to your site with landing page testing and get hands-on experience in designing, setting up, running, and analyzing A/B and multivariate tests with Google Website Optimizer. The experts will show you how to improve your users’ experience and continually increase your conversion rates through testing. The Website Optimizer Seminar includes:
Seats are limited, so register today for the April seminars!
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