18:37 关于 PIN码触发问题的解答 » Google AdSense 中文博客



所以,如果您的收入已经达到了10美元,但是还没有看到发出 PIN 码,请不要着急,两周之内您的PIN码就会发出,届时您也可以选择付款方式了:)

感谢向我们反馈这个问题的所有发布商,也感谢大家对 AdSense的理解和支持!
11:15 Urchin Search Referral URL Update » Google Analytics Blog
A brief update to yesterday's post about Google.com search referrals. We initially reported that Urchin Software might require a patch to handle the new URL structure, but after some additional testing, it turns out no patch is needed. Urchin can handle both the current and new URLs. The latest release (Urchin 6.5) has a bunch of new features, including the ability to tap into the AdWords API, so we suggest everyone upgrade regardless!

08:21 How to decrease InnoDB shutdown times » MySQL Performance Blog

Sometimes a MySQL server running InnoDB takes a long time to shut down. The usual culprit is flushing dirty pages from the buffer pool. These are pages that have been modified in memory, but not on disk.

If you kill the server before it finishes this process, it will just go through the recovery phase on startup, which can be even slower in stock InnoDB than the shutdown process, for a variety of reasons.

One way to decrease the shutdown time is to pre-flush the dirty pages, like this:

  1. mysql> set global innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct = 0;

Now run the following command:

  1. $ mysqladmin ext -i10 | grep dirty
  2. | Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty    | 1823484        |
  3. | Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty    | 1821293        |
  4. | Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty    | 1818938        |

And wait until it approaches zero. (If the server is being actively used, it won't get to zero.)

Once it's pretty low, you can perform the shutdown and there'll be a lot less unfinished work to do, so the server should shut down more quickly.

Entry posted by Baron Schwartz | One comment

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01:34 Scalability resources » High Scalability - Building bigger, faster, more reliable websites.

I found this resources:

High Scalable Architecture:
- YouTube Architecture
- Facebook Chat Architecture
- Amazon Architecture

- Scalability Guidelines for building scalable software system (part 1)
- Scalability Guidelines for building scalable software system (part 2)
- Scalability Guidelines for building scalable software system (part 3)
- Scalability Worst Practices
- how to minimize load time for fast user experiences
- Scalability principles
- Challanges for Developing Enterprise Application on the Cloud
- high-performance web page real-world examples netflix case study
- Intro to Caching,Caching algorithms and caching frameworks part 1
- Amdahl’s low
- How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Using a Lot of Disk Space to Scale
- Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Mistakes

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