22:31 What CDN would you recommend? » High Scalability - Building bigger, faster, more reliable websites.

Update 10: The Value of CDNs by Mike Axelrod of Google. Google implements a distributed content cache from within large ISPs. This allows them to serve content from the edge of the network and save bandwidth on the ISPs backbone.
Update 9: Just Jump: Start using Clouds and CDNs. Bob Buffone gives a really nice and practical tutorial of how to use CloudFront as your CDN.

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20:00 单行网站链接 » 谷歌中文网站管理员博客
One-line sitelinks


以前,网站链接只出现在第一个搜索结果中,也就是说对某个特定查询词来说,只有一个网站可以拥有网站链接。现在我们启动了网站链接扩展:不在搜索结果第一位、以前不会显示网站链接的搜索结果,现在也有机会拥有单行的网站链接。这意味着对于某一特定查询词,现在有可能有多个结果拥有网站链接。在新的形式 下,最多四个网站链接可以成一单行出现在某一搜索结果URL之上,而不是只有第一个搜索结果拥有两列多行的网站链接。以下是一个示例,前三个搜索结果每个都拥有一行的网站链接。

这些单行的网站链接拥有很多完整版两列网站链接所具有的优越性,只不过是在一个更小的范围内:他们向用户展示一些该网站下的相关深层网页,让用户了 解这个网站的内容。比较各网站的网站链接还有助于区分网站间的差异。就像常规的网站链接一样,单行的网站链接也完全是由算法自动决定的,究竟何时展示及究竟展示哪几个链接都完全取决于是否会对用户带来益处的预期。


18:41 Summer of Code Students Announced » WordPress Development Blog

Google has announced the successful applicants for the 2009 Google Summer of Code, and WordPress is lucky enough to have eight students allotted to our open source project. It was a tough choice, since we had almost 60 applications to choose from. We’d like to thank all the students who applied, and we’re sorry we couldn’t take on more of you.

Developers, if you see these bright young things in the dev channel, please be your usual friendly, helpful selves. :) Everyone else, wish our students luck with their projects this summer, which promise to be challenging but awesome. Without further ado, I’m pleased to introduce the GSoC projects (in no particular order) and the students tackling them.

Justin Shreve, Extended WordPress Search Engine. Justin will be mentored by Andy Skelton. One of the complaints I hear over and over again is about the search engine, so this could have great benefit to WordPress core.

Rudolf Cheuk Sang Lai
, Adding Photo Grouping by Album Functionality. This project will wind up being a piece of a larger media redux project for 2.9/3.0. Mark Jaquith is mentoring, and Noel Jackson will be a backup mentor.

Daryl Koopersmith, WYSIWYG theme editor/generator. This will allow users to create and edit themes without touching any code. Beau Lebens is the mentor on this project.

Michael Benedict Arul will be working on a similar project. Michael will be mentored by Andrew Ozz, since this project will be using jQuery. It’s our hope that having two students working on this idea separately will foster competition and allow us to compare approaches.

Daniel Larkin, Modified Preorder Tree Transversal (MPTT). Lead Developer Ryan Boren will be his mentor. This is Daniel’s second GSoC working on WordPress.

Diego Caro, a student from Chile, will also work on an MPTT project. Diego will be mentored by Thorsten Ott.

César Rodas, social and text processing algorithms for BuddyPress and MU as related to recommendation engines. Alex Shiels and Andy Peatling will co-mentor this project.

Anthony Cole, Event management with WordPress. Co-organizer of WordCamp Australia and New Zealand, Anthony will be working on a suite of plugins (or maybe just one or two out of a planned set, scope TBD) for event management/attendee networking that will be built on BuddyPress/MU/bbPress. We’ll use wordcamp.org as a test case, and release the final product to the community. Jake Spurlock will be mentoring, with Andy Peatling as backup.

Congratulations, guys*!

*Seriously, we didn’t get applications from female student developers. Where are all the geek girls?

18:06 巧妙地处理内容重复 » Google AdSense 中文博客



重 复的内容一般是指在不同域名间存在大量的相同或相似的内容。很多时候,它并非故意或至少本无恶意。譬如说,有些论坛会生成一些专为手机屏幕的页面;商店物 品被显示在(有时甚至是链接到)多种不同的URL上,等等。但有些时候,一些网站为了操纵搜索引擎排名,获得更多流行或长尾查询的访问量,大量地从其他网 站复制内容。






Google 在抓取网页和获得搜索结果时,总是力图索引并显示内容不同的页面。这种过滤意味着,譬如说,如果你的网站有文章的正常版和打印版,并且你没有在 robots.txt里设定noindex标记,谷歌就只会选择一个版本显示给谷歌用户。对于企图利用复制内容来操控排名,欺骗谷歌用户的少数情况,我们 会在对相关页面的索引和排名作出适当调整。当然,我们更愿意把重点放在过滤而不是排名调整上... 因此,在绝大多数情况下,最坏的结果就是原创者看到了不愿看到的版本出现在我们的索引里。

总之, 如果你对内容复制问题有一个大体的认识,又能花上几分钟有见地地预防性维护一下你的网站,这将既帮助你们,也帮助我们为用户提供独特而相关的内容。
13:30 Anti-RDBMS: A list of distributed key-value stores » High Scalability - Building bigger, faster, more reliable websites.

Update: Some Notes on Distributed Key Stores by Leonard Lin. What's the best way to handle a fast growing system with 100M items that requires low latency and lots of inserts? Leanord takes a trip through several competing systems. The winner was: Tokyo Cabinet.

Richard Jones has put together a very nice list of various key-value stores around the internets. The list includes: Project Voldemort, Ringo, Scalaris, Kai, Dynomite, MemcacheDB, ThruDB, CouchDB, Cassandra, HBase, and Hypertable. Richard also includes some commentary and their basic components (language, fault tolerance, persistence, client protocol, data model, docs, community).

There's an excellent discussion in the comments of Paxos vs Vector Clock techniques for synchronizing writes in the face of network failures.

12:40 Attention Developers: Google Analytics API Launched! » Google Analytics Blog
A Google Analytics API has long been one of our most widely anticipated features. Today we're pleased to announce that the Google Analytics Data Export API beta is now publicly available to all Analytics users!

What's so exciting about an API? The API will allow developers to extend Google Analytics in new and creative ways that benefit developers, organizations and end users. Large organizations and agencies now have a standardized platform for integrating Analytics data with their own business data. Developers can integrate Google Analytics into their existing products and create standalone applications that they sell. Users could see snapshots of their Analytics data in developer created dashboards and gadgets. Individuals and business owners will have opportunities to access their Google Analytics information in a variety of new ways.

For example, how would you like to access Google Analytics from your phone? Now you can, with this Android application from Actual Metrics. How about accessing Analytics from your desktop? It's here from Desktop-Reporting.  

And if you're interested in seeing how integrating Google Analytics can enhance your own business take a look at these examples. MailChimp has integrated Google Analytics into their email marketing  platform and ShufflePoint® provides a service for adding Google Analytics data into PowerPoint® presentations. See how youcalc has created apps that allow you to mashup Google Analytics, AdWords, Salesforce.com and other enterprise data. 

Check out more customer examples on our developer site. These apps demonstrate only some of the creative possibilities and we know you'll discover other interesting ways to use the Analytics API.  

So, how does the API work?  

The Data Export API is easy to use and provides read-only access to all your Analytics data.  Any data that's available through the standard Analytics web interface is available through the API. The Analytics API is a Google Data API. This is the same API protocol for Google Calendar, Finance and Webmaster Tools.  If you've used any of these APIs, the Google Analytics Data Export API will look very familiar to you. 

For the JavaScript and Java programming languages, we've provided client libraries to abstract and simplify the process. We're also working on supporting more programming languages. In the meantime, for any programming language you want to use you can make requests directly to the API over HTTP and access the data in XML.  

How do I get started? 

There are three key resources you'll want to use when you start developing on top of the Google Analytics API.  First, all the documentation you need can be found on our Developer site at Google Code. Here you'll find example code, a developer guide, FAQ, and the complete API reference. 

Second, be sure to sign up for the Google Analytics API Notify email group so you get the key announcements on feature updates, code changes and other service related news that relate to the API. (Don't worry, this will be a low-traffic email list and we promise to only send emails when there is something important that affects developers.)  

Finally, you'll want to become a part of the Google Analytics developer community by joining the Google Analytics APIs Group. This user forum is a great way to share ideas and get feedback from other developers. We also check in on these forums so let us know what you think about the API there, and share your ideas and your applications with us. We look forward to seeing your creativity!

Posted by Nick Mihailovski and the Google Analytics API Team 

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