17:25 [转·招人] 数字出版 » laolu's blog: Blog
16:41 Gear6 Web cache - the hardware solution for working with Memcache » High Scalability - Building bigger, faster, more reliable websites.

The Gear6 Web Cache hybrid DRAM-flash memory architecture allows for 5-10 times more memcache memory per unit of rack space than DRAM-only configurations, and cuts memory costs by 50%. Other software enhancements include a slab allocator that is more efficient than traditional memcache implementations due to its fine-grained bucket sizing. Gear6 Web Cache also supports object sizes greater than 1 megabyte and manages evictions based on the cost of replacing objects, depending on the size and frequency of object access. It intelligently places cache instances across DRAM and flash, taking into account their different characteristics, while at the same time monitoring their health and detecting and de‐allocating faulty or failing memory.

Gear6 Web Cache is a Memcached protocol compliant solution that scales and accelerates web applications, reduces memory footprint, enhances availability and implements comprehensive Memcached management features. Designed to work with all popular memcache clients, Gear6 Web Cache integrates seamlessly into existing deployments and immediately provides a scalable, high density caching solution for your web application environment.

Some of the web services which are using Gear6 are Answers.com (wiki answers), Veoh.com (online video), myYearBook.com (social network).

Read more about Gear6 hardware and customer cases studies on Gear6 website

TOP 第一章 之 如何解决性能问题DBA notes » 车东's shared items in Google Reader
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作者:Fenng 发布在 dbanotes.net. BLOG 墙外订阅数量,点击则可进行订阅

Troubleshooting Oracle Performance 一书第一章《性能问题》的翻译稿的部分节录。排版有点差。请多提意见。翻译的过程得到了很多朋友的大力协助,最后我会单独一一致谢!




业务视角 vs. 系统视角



图 1-2. 不同的观察者有不同的角度

认识到两种视角之间的因果关系是重要的,虽然结果必须从业务视角来识别,其原因必须从系统视角来确定。所以,如果你不想去诊断不存在或不相干的问题(强迫调优失调症),理解从业务视角看问题就变得更重要 -- 即使这需要更多精细的工作。



从业务视角来确定问题 > 设定每个问题的优先级 > 设定每个问题的优化目标







时间花在哪里了? > 时间是如何耗费的? > 如何减少时间耗费? 



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10:05 Finding the Percona Performance Conference » MySQL Performance Blog

Having trouble finding the Percona Performance Conference? It’s upstairs near where the registration desk was (aka above the exhibition hall). Hope to see you there today & tomorrow!

Entry posted by morgan | No comment

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04:36 Thread Pool Engine in MS CLR 4, and Work-Stealing scheduling algorithm » High Scalability - Building bigger, faster, more reliable websites.

I just saw this article in HFadeel blog that spaek about Parallelism in .NET Framework 4, and how Thread Pool work, and the most faoums scheduling algorithm : Work-stealing algorithm. With preisnation to see it in action.

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