18:02 Poem: Partly Cloudy » High Scalability - Building bigger, faster, more reliable websites.

As any reader of this site knows we're huge huge supporters of the arts. To continue that theme here's a visionary poem by Mason Hale. Few have reached for inspiration and found their muse in the emotional maelstrom that is cloud computing, but Mason has and the results speak for themselves:

Partly Cloudy

We have a dream
A vision
An aspiration
To compute in the cloud
To pay as we go
To drink by the sip
To add cores at our whim
To write to disks with no end
To scale up with demand
And scale down when it ends
Computing as a utility
This is our dream
Becoming reality

There’s a hitch.
There’s a bump in the road
There’s a twist in the path
There’s a detour ahead on the way to achieving our goal

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